The Perfect Lie Detector


Chaos Product
Registered Senior Member
One day very soon I believe we will have the technology to tell if a person is lying or telling the truth with 100 percent accuracy. I also believe that the person being questioned would not even have to answer.

What happens to a society that can't lie anymore? Not even a little white lie could escape.

I believe that at some point in the near future governments are going to give the people a chance to tell all without punishment or at least minimal punishment. I believe at that point we will move past the age of lies and into a pure state of truth. A purely open source form of government.

What are your thoughts?
I think that if 100% accurate lie-detectors are everywhere, I and many others would deliberately lie at every opportnuity, especially in the presence of lie detectors. Why? Coz fuck them. If enough people lie often enough, they will be rendered obsolete.
In the US we still have 5th amendment rights against self-incrimination. Even if hooked to a polygraph, you have no obligation to answer a question.
No, but I'd think it'd be obvious now that I have no intention of cooperating with authorities of any sort. :p
I dont like the idea of "pure truth". Some things are better left how they are. Not that Im hiding anything, but there are things that I do that I dont want my daughter to know about. Also, and this may sound petty, but there are certain truths that I just cannot bear to tell someone. Example: "Do I look fat?", "Am I ugly?", etc. I mean seriously, if your kid isnt the nicest looking kid and they come and ask "Is so and so prettier than me?" Would you have the heart to tell the truth and would you want a device that would let them no your lying?
Interesting concept though. Sounds like a good debate.

Take care
There are actually ways to beat a polygraph test if you do answer the questions. If you take deep breaths before answering it is supposed to work. Some senior member of the CIA was forced to take a polygraph and he passed it but he was observed to be taking deep breaths and was asked to stop and he failed it the second time.
Either way, currently polygraph testing is not admissible evidence in court.

Taking deep breaths is probably the way of controling one's heart-rate and muscle tension. You can also beat it by exciting your body to the point where the graph is unreadable.

And your quote was originally Abraham Lincoln, not Bob Marley.