Ron Paul is a doctor, a gynecologist, who, I think has delivered about 1000 babies. He surely knows more than what I post below, extracted from wiki. Although he says “life begins at conception” I have not read his definition of “conception.” As he is so knowledgeable in this area he must mean something like “a viable, fertilized egg implanted in the uterine wall.”
On the market is the anti-conception drug (originally developed by Barr) cleverly called “Plan B.” It can prevent conception even up to two days after intercourse. It does so by interfering with the uterine wall implantation of the fertilized egg. Sexually active fertile women typically have this attachment naturally fail several times for every time they successfully become pregnant.
Only after the egg has attached and can it trigger the hormonal changes of pregnancy in the woman. I.e. most fertilized eggs are flushed down the toilet at home with little knowledge by the woman that she could have become pregnant. I.e. for me (and I think, RP), pregnancy only begins with fertilized egg implantation and then is when life begins also. If there is not yet any pregnancy how can there be any abortion?
Conception is a process that begins with a sperm penetrating the egg wall and ends with the successful implantation of the fertilized egg in the placenta, not an instant in time as many ignorant of the complex PROCESS of conception tend to believe.
Any other POV means “Plan B” drug and doctors providing in-vitro –fertilization service are murdering many dozens of “yet to be born babies” for every live birth that occurs. Thus RP has no inconsistent as suggest by Morgan in his interview of RP.
“… Egg retrieval & Fertilization
“…The eggs are retrieved from the patient using a trans-vaginal technique called transvaginal oocyte retrieval, involving an ultrasound-guided needle piercing the vaginal wall to reach the ovaries. Through this needle follicles can be aspirated, and the follicular fluid is handed to the IVF laboratory to identify ova.
It is common to remove between ten and thirty eggs. The retrieval procedure takes about 20 minutes and is usually done under conscious sedation or general anaesthesia. … The sperm and the egg are incubated together at a ratio of about 75,000:1 in the culture media for about 18 hours.
Embryo culture
… The fertilised egg is passed to a special growth medium and left for about 48 hours until the egg consists of six to eight cells. … In many Canadian, American and Australian programmes, however, embryos are placed into an extended culture system with a transfer done at the blastocyst stage at around five days after retrieval,
especially if many good-quality embryos are still available on day 3. Blastocyst stage transfers have been shown to result in higher pregnancy rates.
Embryo selection
Laboratories have developed grading methods to judge oocyte and embryo quality. In order to optimise pregnancy rates, there is significant evidence that a morphological scoring system is the best strategy for the selection of embryos.[10] However, presence of soluble HLA-G might be considered as a second parameter if a choice has to be made between embryos of morphologically equal quality. Embryos are failed {trash canned} by the embryologist based on the amount of cells, evenness of growth and degree of fragmentation.
{Billy T insert: (1) “morphological selection” is just fancy way to say trash can the obviously mal-formed embryos. At the Balastocyst stage of development there are many cells forming a hollow ball. Soon one linear section of one side will fold inward to form the “neural tube” one end of which will become the brain and most of the length the spinal cord.}
Quotes from:
“Spina bifida (Latin: "split spine") is a developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. – more at:
Summary: For every birth by in vitro fertilization, on average more than 10 fertilized eggs are trash canned. Is that "murder" especially the "morphologically defective" fertilized eggs / embryos which had zero chance to become babies? If not, what is wrong with helping a rapped girl not get pregnant or even a woman chooising not to with "Plan B"?