The Passion Plays Led to Anti-semitic Violence


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
This is a continuation from the formal debate proposal thread.

I suggest that the Catholic Passion Plays, such as the Oberammergau (not far from Dachau) Passion Play performed since 1634, served to incite hatred against Jews. The play is based on the New Testament, which Christians feel is devinely inspired. Thus the anti-semitism and the violence that accompanied it, is a direct result of the Christian religion.

Here is some historical backround.

Here is an essay by a Rabbi who observed the play in 1901.

...There was no escape for him from the Roman cross,—but he might save his disciples, he might save his followers. They had deluded him, but it was he who had been the cause of their delusion and deluding. He must speedily retreat from Jerusalem, give them his last message and the signal for their flight and dispersion. And then he must surrender himself to the Roman, so that, by his voluntary surrender and subsequent death, his disciples and followers, they who had so intensely believed in him, might be saved from the Roman's sword of vengeance.

But not so is the truth told in the Passion Play, nor in the New Testament, whence This historic fact blurred by falsifications against Jews.the Passion Play of Oberammergau derives its text and theme. There is introduced, and realistically enacted, a mass of falsehoods, of base inventions against the Jews, that obviously never happened, never could have happened, that are flagrantly self-contradictory, that violently outrage the history and law and religion and constitution of the Jew, that had their origin, and that were forced into the gospel stories, at the time when early Christianity had established itself and had become polemical and vindictive, when the theological differences between the monotheistic Jew and the trinitarian Christian had become intense, when the Roman empire was recognized as the most fertile field for the propagation of the new faith, and when, therefore, on the theory that "the end justifies the means," it was deemed politic not only to mingle Pagan myths with Jewish history, blend Grecian gods with a Jewish martyr, but also exculpate the Roman from having crucified Jesus, and lay the guilt upon the Roman-conquered, Roman-persecuted, Roman-despised Jew.

But of this incrimination of the Jew and exculpation of the Roman, of this blackening Which will be analyzed in our next discourse.of the Sanhedrin and whitewashing of Pontius Pilate, which follows in the Passion Play close upon Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, I must speak in my next discourse...

...The further the story of Christ from the life-time of Jesus the more bitter its spirit toward the Jew. In the gospel of John— latest of the four—the Jews are contemptuously spoken of as an alien, outcast people, as offspring of the Evil One. This growing hostility was due partly to the poor success of the missionaries among the Jews, and partly to their desire to escape being classed as Jews, as they had hitherto been, since the Emperor Hadrian had, after the Bar Cochban revolution, decreed the stamping out of all the Jews and their religion...
I have never seen anything specific about these insignificant plays from 1633 in some tiny Bavarian town you keep harping on. Could there have been groups of people with their own version of events? Probably. Have you ever heard of David Koresh?

Your animosity is misguided, Christians did fight when they had to and helped when they also had to. The RCC was an ally of the Jews during WW2 and not fixated with Nazi desires for expansion but the persecution of innocent people.

Most of the priests were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

I really dont know what you were taught, but Christians are not taught anything like your statements claim.
I have never seen anything specific about these insignificant plays from 1633 in some tiny Bavarian town you keep harping on. Could there have been groups of people with their own version of events? Probably. Have you ever heard of David Koresh?

Your animosity is misguided, Christians did fight when they had to and helped when they also had to. The RCC was an ally of the Jews during WW2 and not fixated with Nazi desires for expansion but the persecution of innocent people.

I really dont know what you were taught, but Christians are not taught anything like your statements claim.
M*W: John, I was a staunch Roman Catholic for a long time, and I've always known that the Nazi regime and the pope during WWII were in cahoots. Why do you think JPII apologized for RCC's involvement in war crimes?
M*W: John, I was a staunch Roman Catholic for a long time, and I've always known that the Nazi regime and the pope during WWII were in cahoots. Why do you think JPII apologized for RCC's involvement in war crimes?


You were never, NEVER a Roman Catholic.

What war crimes are you referring to?

Soon afterwards, when deportations from Italy were imminent, 477 Jews were hidden in the Vatican itself and another 4,238 were protected in Roman monasteries and convents

You push the issue M*W.
You do realize that Mussolini was in charge? The guy who was hung from a street lamp. Or was he shot by firing squad?

Edit: here it is- On April 29, the bodies of Mussolini and his mistress were taken to the Piazzale Loreto (in Milan) and hung upside down on meat hooks.

The must have loved him.:rolleyes:
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