the paranormal and the 6 senses


Registered Member
when i was in 3rd grade i remember being taugh the 5 senses
everyone who can and is able to uses these senses ALL the time you don't even think of it but you use them all the time. But what of the sixth sense, do we use it all the time and don't even know it? And what is the sixth sense, really? The movie "The Sixth Sense" portrays the sixth sense as the ability to see and speak to the dead, can there really be people out there that can do something I can't? IS it possible to learn, or to identify this ability??

What do u think?
Maybe through hypnosis can we find out how to activate this ability in everyone?

Please anyone or anybody repond

In relation to your questions pertaining to these special abilities, I must say, that they are encoded in everones DNA!

It just so happens that some of the "switches" wich are responsible to activate them lie dormant in most of the population, thus explaining as to why only a small portion of us humans have been able to "Tap-In" and use something we all have!

Perhaps the following websites & information I provide bellow, will help in some way to explain this further...
Adrian Gilbert Website : Throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world there exists a brotherhood, "Masters of Wisdom", secretly guiding the destiny of mankind. Who were these "MAGI's" as spoken about in the Bible as the three wisemen whom visited Jesus as an infant?... Adrian Gilbert has devoted his life, searching for these masters. He was convinced that the secret school, if it really existed, was in some way connected with the story of the visiting Magi at the start of St. Matthew's Gospel.

"Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy
Has the Philosopher's Stone Been Found?
White Powder Gold."

Transcript of a February 1995 introductory lecture and workshop by David Hudson in Dallas Texas. Transcribed from the video tapes which were recorded by The Eclectic Viewpoint on February 10 and 11, 1995. The video tapes are available from:
The Eclectic Viewpoint
P.O. Box 802735
Dallas, Texas 75380
Contact hot line (214) 601-7687

BTW..."The Anunnaki were not Sumerian. They were the descendants of the Nefilim And "Visited" the Sumerians & bread with their female inhabitants. The name refers to a race who came down from heaven to the earth. They were considered the Gods in the old world, the overlords, keepers, masters etc.etc.etc. The Nefilim are the ones the Bibles and ancients texts called the gaints. In both or either case they were not originaly from here and had/have a bad attitude. Anunnaki means just that Anunnki, and Sumerian is another race."
A friend of mine told me she was visited by the father of a boyfriend. She was laying in her bed and he was standing in her room.
She asked him if he was dead because he appeared out of nowhere and he said yes.
The next day she heard that he had really died.
She thinks this was his way of saying goodbye to her.
I am sure that my friend was telling me the truth when she told me this. But after this event she was afraid to sleep alone, for years.
So there I suppose that some people can see and talk to the dead.
Maybe we all can but are simply unawair of it when it happens. The information from a dead person will then come to you in a subconsious way.....for example in a dream. This is for a good reason. Your mind simply protects you from things you cannot handle. You might go crasy or have a nervous breakdown.
This is why you should never force your mind to having contact with someone who died.
Actually, the sixth sense is your vestibular apparatus (your inner ear) -- which helps you maintain your sense of orientation and balance. :D

Oh, there's a seventh sense too -- satiety (are you hungry?). And an eighth similar one, having to do with thirst. And actually, if you think about it, vision is made up of two senses -- one for color and one for monochrome. And touch is made up of a slew of things -- temperature, pressure, shear, irritation/pain... And then there is the sense of introspection -- after all, we <u>perceive</u> our own thoughts and emotions, don't we? I'd say if you count up all the senses we have, you'd end up with well over a dozen. ;)

(no, <a href="">I don't believe in souls</a> or anything "supernatural".)

I am; therefore I think.
Boy! I miss your input in this forum area Boris.
Please visit more often......

Where is your spirit?
(Oh that's right, you don't believe in spirits AKA "Souls", so am I to surmise that you consider yourself to be a man, "Without Spirit"??? if so, I pity you my friend, and all those like you as well. (Please do not take this personaly, I mean no harm, or intention to engage in personal charachture assasination. "To each their own"...

May I reccomend the following...

DR. Gary Schwartz Author of the Book: "The Living Energy Universe" : Dr. Schwartz believes that the consciousness survives death. Gary E.R. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology, medicine neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona; director of the UA Human Energy Systems Laboratory; and director of the Bioenergy Core at the UA Pediatric Alternative Medicine Research Center. Dr. Schwartz has published more than 300 scientific papers, including six paper in the journal Science, co-edited 11 academic books, and written, "The Living Energy Universe" and "Discovering the Living Soul" with his research partner and wife Linda Russek, Ph.D.
I only presented something here for review, it is up to your own perceptions, to decipher the translation of the author's works, but if you take in account for the credentials & experience of the Author, it must lend to some degree of "Credibility" as to what the Author was intending to describe, in relation to finding the seat of the soul, and proof of it's existence, based on his research, and the colleages & associates delegated to assist with this research, and it's findings.

How do you compete with that?
what credentials, and background experiences do you, or anyone else, have to offer up here, to lend support to research that counters this Authour's Research?

(Any Takers?)

I have a brain, thank you very much. So I don't need to fill a void with "spirit". Sorry, didn't mean to be insulting either.

I went to the site describing the book you just cited, and read what little description there was. Judging by what I have read, the book simply describes the universe as a finite state machine, where the current state evolves from previous states and therefore retains "memory" of everything that has happened.

First of all, I have been advancing this description since I first came to exosci. Note that under this description there is no soul or (necessarily) God; the universe is, in effect, just one big computer -- and we are part of the program it's running. Secondly, this picture has yet to be properly reconciled with quantum physics, which seems to preclude deterministic state transitions and therefore to prevent a perfect imprint of the past from being decipherable based on the present. And finally, the "memory" of a system has nothing to do with a continuing existance of those objects that imprinted the memory. A photographic portrait is a memory of photons reflected off a person; the existence of the portrait (and thus a "memory" of the person) does in no way reflect a continuing existance of that person.

Anyway, credentials-shmedentials -- I don't care. Even if it's the Pope speaking. I've given some (I believe) very effective arguments to demonstrate the <u>in</u>existance of souls. I don't care what anyone else has to say on the issue, unless it pertains to the arguments I had given. If they can't refute my arguments, I don't care what they "believe".

I am; therefore I think.
"Throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world there exists a brotherhood, "Masters of Wisdom", secretly guiding the destiny of mankind."

We, from near east, not only believe it, we think one can join the group through meditation and other procedures.

Sixth sense: My understanding is that - The common meaning is a direct perception of information bypassing the usual 5 senses. I can detect microwave through my skin. I have done some research on sound that a deaf person can hear. What it means is that we have sensors that are more than 5. In truth, we have tons of internal sensors that keep our body in homeostasis. – as Boris has suggested.

SOUL: If soul means the program and all the memory associated with it, then it is possible that it can exist if we consider the universe is a powerful simulation (cellular automata) in a hyper natural computer. However, in order for soul to be active, the program has to run in another part of the simulation that cannot be perceived by our reality. Since our reality does not interact with the other program (unless you are a soul hunter!!) it is useless to speculate what happens. If we need to know that the soul does get active after death as a feedback mechanism for our reality to continue, then I think we will have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. Until everybody perceives it to be true, I would put it in the ‘belief’ mode – some do some wont.
That is my two cents.
Thanks Kmguru!
however it is obvious that NO-One can arrange for a fair, or constructive argument with Boris, as he clearly dictated his Iperalistic perception of his caveats of what he would remotely consider, and yet he already said none-the-less "I Don't Care" as to say he clearly does not care about what others perceptions are, he is rather "Opinionated" and that's his "Final Answer" apparently...

"Anyway, credentials-shmedentials -- I don't care. Even if it's the Pope speaking. I've given some (I believe) very effective arguments to demonstrate the inexistance of souls. I don't care what anyone else has to say on the issue, unless it pertains to the arguments I had given. If they can't refute my arguments, I don't care what they "believe".

Oh Really Boris!!
come om now!
if everyone thought like this, we would have Remained Cave-Men!!

and be practicing human sacrafices to idols, oh I'm sorry, I guess I might offend those who still do!

"As You Were" (LoL)
All Boris is saying (my interpretation - look at how many interpretation any religion has) is to be skeptical. But at some point you have to say - if it walks like a duck...quacks like a duck...

Then again if someone says we need 500,000 tesla of high magnetic field to create a jumpgate (a la Babylon5) - we will say he is crazy today. But who knows, it could be possible 50 to 100 years from now, when technology will exist to test the theory. Even if that is true, since we can not use it today, who cares!
I guess the same can be applied to the ever growing UFO phenomenae (perhaps)

yet there is enough evidence in support of those who claim it to be a reality, enough evidence in fact if the same were used in a criminal case against anyone of us, well we would have been locked up for good, or even put to death! then again, has not this also been the case in relation to what happened to a majority of it's supporters?