The Parable of the Seasons


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
There are two different types of relationships:


The first one is hard to live, because is allways changing. But it os rewardful.
The second one is much easier... but there are no rewards.

How did I draw this conclusion?
How can you recognize the different types.

Well... When I was going to school today, I started to look at the trees. It's winter here. Some trees are green. But there are some that has no leaves and seem to be dead, but they are not...

Then, I had an inspiration and I got this parable:

The Parable of the Seasons:

There are 4 different seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter (everyone knows that TruthSeeker... duuhhhh!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ). I know...:D but I'm just begining with the essencial.

Well... first we need to understand the cycles and how they relate to life and to relationships (which I'm focusing here).

Spring relates to reborn. It's the renovation of Nature. The temperature is warm. The once lifeless trees beging to grow up their leaves again. They start to be green, and as they grow, later, they produce fruits. One of the two Seasons of Equilibrium.

Summer relates to abudance. All trees are green and all Nature is glowing. The temperature is hot. The trees produce fruits. Everything is lifeful. It's joyful. It's fulfilling. One of the two Seasons of Excess.

Fall relates to maturement. Some trees (the fruitfull ones) start to have their leaves turned into red and yellow. The unfruitfull remains green. The temperature is warm. One of the two Seasons of Equilibrium.

Winter relates to death. Which is nothing more than change. The fruitfull trees lose all their leaves and seems dead. The unfruitfull remains the same (as usual...:rolleyes:). The temperature is cold.
One of the two Seasons of Excess.

Later, the Spring comes and everything begin again.

What this shows is that fruitfull trees, as well as relationships, have changes and cicles. And it is those cicles that produces the fruits! It's those cicles that are rewardfull for them as they prove themselves to be strong.

On the other hand, the unfruitfull trees, as well as relationships, never change. They don't have the cicles, the difficulties, but they never grow, and are unfruitfull.

This shows that relationships that allways change makes you grow! As you have to adapt yourself to the changes, you grow with your difficulties.

How to survive in those relationships?
Simple! Just nurture your roots!
What are your roots?
Simple! Your past. Your good moments together! Only because you are passing through a winter with... let's say... your girlfriend (or ex), this doesn't mean that the Love dies... this only means that it's renewing itself!

If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't believe that the relationship is still alive, show him or her! Show your past together! Then, draw your conclusions! Do you still Love each other? You may be experiencing only a winter... ;)

Strong roots are long lasting trees. Strenght your roots, and it will last for a long time.

What's your kind of relationship with you (ex)boyfriend/(ex)girlfriend? Mine is the fruitfull... and yours...? ;)

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Very interesting entry ....and while I have some deep thoughts about this..I will say it was a beautiful entry and point out many fruit trees come back to life every spring but don't produce fruit. I can think of many examples of how that fits in relationships but will use the Elephant man.. He lead a fruitful life and taught the world a lot but he died single
Thanks justagirl! Thansk everyone!

But it's not finished yet...

There is a little more explanations concerning about the two kinds of season and... something else... :D

I will let you all curious... :D






FALL *goes off and grumbles*

ITS AUTUMN (not winter):D

Thanks for the other advice you gave me though. Perfect timing to.

Sorry. I didn't concider those who live in the south part of the planet. Here, where I am, is in the begining of spring... ;)
I'm in Canada, nothern hemisphere, spring.
You are in Australia, southern hemisphere, fall.

Hey i think i managed to confuse you with someone else. SORRY *looks all ashamed of myself*
The Types of Season

My life is a mess... :(
It's in pieces... :(
But I keep teaching...

Anyways... :(
Let's talk...

The Types of Season

There are two different kinds of Season:

1. Seasons of Equilibrium
2. Seasons of Excess

Seasons of Equilibrium
The ones of the first kind are Fall and Spring. On those seasons, the temperature is moderate and the changes are less tragic. They are transitions from the other two seasons. In relationship, is a time for rest and reflection.

Seasons of Excess
Those are Summer and Winter. On those seasons, the temperature is in excess.
In the winter, it's very cold, trees seems dead and it's colorless (only white...). There is relation to death and future renovation.
In the summer, it's very hot, trees are alive and it's colorful. Life is abundant. There is relation to life.

In relationship, those are the times to work. In the winter, preparing for the renovation; on the summer, collecting the fruits of your tree.

I don't know if I wrote those things very well...
But anyways... I need holidays... :(

Keep living your relationships... :)
