the other affirmative action


i remember accompanying my aunt to a private boarding school for a chat with the warden. introductions were made.......i enrolled. beat out a waiting list of probably hundreds.

we also have bush with mediocre sat scores getting into yale along with all the other white folk that benefit from preferences given to alumni. these are the same folks that will yell "reverse racism" at the drop of a hat if things do not go their way!

so perhaps some consistency is needed here. lets give a helping hand to all those that need it! stop the hypocrisy! stop bush! screw bush!

Well if we're talking about college admissions there are lots of things that get factored in. it can never really be a "fair" system. it's not based solely on numbers so there's got to be some subjective measures.

There is the whole legacy thing. But can you argue with the school when they let in some 3rd generation kid whose family donates lots of money to the school? there are some realities to running a university. a good alumni base that makes your school look good and donates money is going to help the school out.

I'm not saying any idiot who has a relative that went to the school should get a free pass. but there a lot of underlying motivations going on during adissions.

on the flip side, having a student body that isn't "whiter than wisconsin" is usually a good thing. diversity as a motivation in admissions is not a bad thing. again of course i'm not advocating a "minority free pass".
So i feel like some people have the impression that it's a very objective process. if you have the grades and the SAT then you'll get in. and of course they are miffed that something like legacy might be used as a factor.

what i'm saying is that it was already a very subjective process, which could be considered unfair. getting rid or legacy or afirmative action won't really "level the playing field". I know people who claimed residence in another state because it increased their chances at getting in a school. I know a guy who went to a prep school that basicly called in a favor and got him in a school.

legacy is just one of many things that can tip the scales.
I'm in the US so i don't konw how things are in Australia or the UK or Canada or wherever.

How are things run differently in Australia than in the US?
actully yes i am

having just come OUT of the school system i know how it works to get into uni ect

if you dont have the BRAINS you dont get in

melborune and monash have a stat test for medicen and thats it

thats the only other thing apart from your pre recs and ENTER score

if you dont belive me get a VETAC guide and read up on it
Not true, Asguard. In most uni's in Australia a certain percentage of enrollment places are set aside for international students whose qualifications amount to little more than their ability to pay a large fee.

Spookz was also talking about a private boarding school. Here, you'll find they're just as selective as they are in the US, particularly those with a religious background.
you DO realise that they cant take ANYONE who is full fee UNTILL all the hex places are filled?

and if you look at the enter scores atached to those places they are only slightly less than the hex scores
I am a White American, and I am FOR Affirmative Action.

Whites have a better standard of living than blacks, and that is not fair. I dont like any form of goverment, but I think that if I must live in a governmental society, I should keep everything fair.

why not pay everyone the same wage too, to make things even more fair?

The problem with UofM is that if your black, you ahve a 100 times greater chance of getting in then if your white. This isn't about just tipping the scale, this is a huge differance. I say get ride of both legacy AND race related points on getting into college. There should be emphasis over how poor you are, poor people definetly deserve a chance to better themselves. The agrument also is, by supporting poor people to getting into college blacks and hispansics will benefit indirectly but in a way thats 100% legal.
i love australia

even tho them made us pay for our uni we get an indefinit loan from the goverment untill we earn a cirtan amount and then it comes off slowly in our taxes:D
Originally posted by Asguard
you DO realise that they cant take ANYONE who is full fee UNTILL all the hex places are filled?

and if you look at the enter scores atached to those places they are only slightly less than the hex scores

Have another look. 20% of UWA entry places are reserved for international students, as an example. While you're at it, have a look at the fees they pay compared to Australian students. I'm not saying this is a good or a bad thing... obviously a university has to make money from somewhere. I'm saying that while it may be more equitable than what I'm hearing about the US system, it's not as fair as you think.

In addition, you're still not talking about the private school system.
private scondry schools?

dont like them anyway

our physics teacher told us that the Uni's HATE private school kids because they are tought to pass a test and NOT how to THINK so they have a higher drop out rate when they get to uni

and i know what your talking about but check again

NO full fee place can be offered untill ALL hex places are filled

thats the fed goves pollicy

edit to add

there is a difference between the private system and the catholic system B\W, mums a catholic school teacher, the catholic system is closer to the public system just with religious classes as well