The Origin of Suffering and Happiness

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Registered Senior Member
Q: How come that there can be ‘sufferings’ and ‘happinesses’ of individuals despite the fact that all individuals are nothing other than the servants of the one referred to as Allah and only fulfill the reason that Allah willed for them?

A: 'Sufferings' and 'happiness' are caused by the way that individuals observe each other within their individualistic perspectives and by their strong attachment to their judgments born out of their perspectives.

Yet, the concepts of 'sufferings' and 'happiness' begin to fade away and lose their sense at the extent that an individual realizes the nonexistence of its individualistic being at the complete oneness of consciousness and recognizes himself as a reflective being [an image, representation, or impression] to the Whole Intellect, that is referred to as the knowledge of Allah. Then, each and every individual being begins to mean (exhibit) ‘equal values’.

However, this becomes evident at the level that the Whole Intellect becomes apparent (unfolded) in that reflective being.

If an individual realizes that the apparent in everything whether inward itself or outward is a work of the Whole Intellect, then it will be able to observe everything with one single eye and so all of the oppositions (conflicting bits) will disappear at his sight.

It will then become evident that the Whole Intellect only watches its one eye through its another eye...

Allah does whatever Hu will and creates something new at every moment without any sentiments such as sufferings or happiness involved.

All our emotions such as suffering and happiness are physological reactions to our thoughts. Therefore, we must avoid identifying the causes of our emotions as outside of ourselves.

Our lives in the world is our only chances to know "Allah" as our true reality. There is not a god out-there who gives us sufferings or joys. Neither is there a god who will hold us accountable in the life after death. We only get the result of our thoughts and deeds.

Therefore, "our souls will be enough to reckon us" as the Koran says. And we are experiencing this at all moments of our lives.

Read more of it by clicking --> The Universal Mysteries
What is being discussed here which is not subject to ordinary common sense? Why the obfuscations of Big Words? Why is there the pretentions that we do not already know this shallow stuff already at a much more accessible level? What kind of fools would think that the obscuration of the obvious is somehow profound?

Is that what Sufism is all about -- taking oneself away from direct light of Reality and into the shadows, reflections and convolutions of the intellect. Keep your big smokey Book.
Dear Sufi

Aren't their rules, or at least official suggestions not to post excerpts from third parties?

What are we supposed to do with such stuff. Typically the little weenie followers of such Cults are not adequate to defend the writings of their Masters -- if they actually understood what they were quoting, then they would not need to quote anything -- they could write from their own minds... and then be able to defend what they are saying.

But as it is we can only say that your Master is an idiot, and you so much more so for supposing him so profound. Unless your Master consents to come on line and defend himself, it would be quite useless to go into details.

Sufi, you should stick to what you know, or what it is you think you know. If you need to post another author to tell us what you think, then it only points out that you have not done your homework. If you can't say it yourself, then you certainly cannot defend the viewpoint, can you?
Katazia said:
I find I am in total agreement with Leo on this.


I might not agree entirely with everything you say (ha!) but at least you don't post huge blocks of Voltaire and Diderot, or some modern and lesser atheists. Whether your arguments are original or not, by coherently presenting them you prove yourself adequate to defend them -- something that little baby sufi is not doing.

Please read the forum posting guidelines.

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