The only thing greater than God.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
The only thing greater than God.


Religion and God were invented to free man. Not enslave him.

This man is showing God the only thing greater than God. A human being.
Man is God's evolutionary Master. We brought him from barbarism to civilization.

Without Us, there is no God. Man is who gives God life. The concept, the reality, the imaginary reality, useless and useful speculation of God, all will have been like they never here without man.

God is man’s creation, be it the word itself or the concept or WORD as some believers say it.
To our knowledge, there are no other intelligences able to speculate or have any kind of notion of God as a concept, reality or myth.

Animals know their God. God as their perfect example and role model that is.
It is always one of their own. I do not think that they have the ability to assign moral values to it. Only Mankind can do such with our higher intellect.

God is in our image and we in his.
Without man, God dies because he can only live within the consciousness of man.
This is irrefutable at this point in time. God may be the one we put as head but without the body Man, he ceases to be. Him and all notions of a God.

Religions have denied Man his heritage by having us forget that we choose God. He does not choose us. When will you people recognize that you are WsIP--WorksInProgress-- junior gods and part of your duty to yourself and mankind is to elect yourselves a new and true God.

How will you know he is a true God ?
You will name him so and give him power and dominion over the only thing greater than himself. Yourself.

God is dead. Long live God.
A man.


P. S.
First step.
May third . The sign of the bull . That is why . The true cross that is why . To build the Temple is why . What is that all about ? To build the House of God ? What does that even mean ? What was the Tower of Babel all about ?
To understand the Sanctuary is good. Not the rituals passed down generation to generation but the building of vessels parts of sanctuary. You know what the vessel is don't you ? You are the vessel . The new wine so to speak . The one that lives . Jesus is dead and gone . There is us now . The children of Liberty . It is up to us
The only thing greater than God.


Religion and God were invented to free man. Not enslave him.

This man is showing God the only thing greater than God. A human being.
Man is God's evolutionary Master. We brought him from barbarism to civilization.

Without Us, there is no God. Man is who gives God life. The concept, the reality, the imaginary reality, useless and useful speculation of God, all will have been like they never here without man.

God is man’s creation, be it the word itself or the concept or WORD as some believers say it.
To our knowledge, there are no other intelligences able to speculate or have any kind of notion of God as a concept, reality or myth.

Animals know their God. God as their perfect example and role model that is.
It is always one of their own. I do not think that they have the ability to assign moral values to it. Only Mankind can do such with our higher intellect.

God is in our image and we in his.
Without man, God dies because he can only live within the consciousness of man.
This is irrefutable at this point in time. God may be the one we put as head but without the body Man, he ceases to be. Him and all notions of a God.

Religions have denied Man his heritage by having us forget that we choose God. He does not choose us. When will you people recognize that you are WsIP--WorksInProgress-- junior gods and part of your duty to yourself and mankind is to elect yourselves a new and true God.

How will you know he is a true God ?
You will name him so and give him power and dominion over the only thing greater than himself. Yourself.

God is dead. Long live God.
A man.


P. S.
First step.
I would also like to hear your opinions on how goldfish are the only thing greater than bicycles

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interesting . Are you comparing or are you a Hubbard ? Scientology?
My engrams made Me do it !!!

Engrams be damned. I'm not having anyone sharing my memories. Bloody perverts. ;)

He was the first name that sprung to mind really. (Bit worryingly too now that I think about it :bugeye:). *RedRabbit's thought process on reading OP*: TGIA starts a thread about how man made God>> this God lark makes bundles of money and has billions of adherents >> Ronnie reads and thinks "I could do that!" >> Ron L. Hubbard likes this.

As a matter of fact I think you could start a great religion. Your style of writing is unique and impressionable. You have a gift for saying it as you think it while sometimes masking in a creative style what your underlying point is. You'd have them eating out of the palm of your hands. I'd join. As long as I can eat pig. I'm not happy about the no pig (or cow) rules.
May third . The sign of the bull . That is why . The true cross that is why . To build the Temple is why . What is that all about ? To build the House of God ? What does that even mean ? What was the Tower of Babel all about ?
To understand the Sanctuary is good. Not the rituals passed down generation to generation but the building of vessels parts of sanctuary. You know what the vessel is don't you ? You are the vessel . The new wine so to speak . The one that lives . Jesus is dead and gone . There is us now . The children of Liberty . It is up to us

Jesus was a decent Rabbi but a poor God.
Too much unworkable rhetoric.

Archetypal Jesus was right though when he said that our bodies and heart was the temple of God.

@Knowledge --

God couldn't stop iron chariots. Give me a powerful enough electromagnet(or hell, a tank, why not?) and I could do that. I think that we've moved beyond ancient sky faeries by now.
@Knowledge --

God couldn't stop iron chariots. Give me a powerful enough electromagnet(or hell, a tank, why not?) and I could do that. I think that we've moved beyond ancient sky faeries by now.

No one with half a brain will believe in the fantasy, miracles and magic of a literal bible.

@Greatest --

Well then I guess that there's an awful lot of people walking around without brains.
Oh boy. I could stop a legion of men, and I am one man. God could end it all any second he wants. The world is going to end, period.
How about lets try ending it by making man kind into homo sexuals, and make everyone go insane. We can just watch it all fall apart. I don't think you understan mr. Dywydyr, your in over your head. Listen to the words long written down.. when the man comes around.
@Knowledge --

Oh boy. I could stop a legion of men, and I am one man. God could end it all any second he wants. The world is going to end, period.

♫Anything your god can do I can do better, anything he can do I can do too.♫
How about lets try ending it by making man kind into homo sexuals, and make everyone go insane.
What's the link between homosexuality and insanity?

I don't think you understan mr. Dywydyr, your in over your head.
Oh, is this yet another of your stupid unsupported proclamations?

Listen to the words long written down.. when the man comes around.
@Dyw --

Certainly. In about five billion years' time the Sun will probably melt it.

Wouldn't smelting be a slightly better analogy? After all, the iron core will probably last a lot longer than the crust and mantle. That would sort of be like smelting iron but on a much larger scale, right?

Of course, it would be more accurate to just bin the analogies and call it what it will be, incineration.