The only conspiracy...


Registered Member
First off, there's two possibilites 1.Aliens are not real. 2.They are REAL! Now with that being said I believe in the second of the two. I've been reading up on conspiracies and aliens for some years now. I came across some interesting files that i'm about to share with this board for your feedback on the subject. The Bilderbergs, Illuminati, CIA, NSC and other clandestine agencies are just the semi-players in the galactic game of life. They've known of extraterrestrial existence for some time and for some time they've been colaborating with the beings(yes that's beings more than one race of "aliens"). For what, any logical person can This is the kicker though, supposedly the aliens(bad in nature)are behind the mutilations(human and livestock)draining the blood which they feed on. The government(ours respectively)allows this for techonological advances which are truly flight machines, bio-organic machinery..etc. The alien beings interact with humans in underground facilties ie:mount weather, groom lake, dulce base in new mexico and so on. Teaching us how to use their techonological. Now this is just the tip of the iceberg. Supposedly,(i believe whole heartedly)the greys are a predatorial race who feed off of other beings to survive as we do. This is where the other agencies come into play. Basically, the whole illuminati, bilderbergs branch comes into they rule the economic structure of the world. The treaty supposedly signed by our government(which is saturated with skull&bones, scroll&key, bilderbergs, illuminati henchmen which we call political figures and federal employees)states the aliens stay out of our economic affairs so the higherarchy can sit atop the throne when the NWO comes about to be reality(if it's not already). In exchange, we wont shoot their craft down or expose them to the public or interfer with their directives which is to feed off of us and use humans as their spys to infiltrate parts of our government. Hmmm...i maybe that's why MIB's and other types come looking for you when theres information that could expose the truth? Supposedly, the some of the alien races see us as livestock unfit for living so who cares. THE POINT OF THIS POST IS TO LET PEOPLE WHO ARE OPENED MINDED KNOW WE ARE BEING DECEIVED IN THE WORST WAY. HARVESTED FOR BEINGS WHO HAVE SHOWN THEY CANT BE TRUSTED BUT AS USUAL POWER(TECHNOLOCIGAL)IS THE ONLY THING THAT SEEMS TO BE OF IMPORTANCE TO THE MEN DEALING WITH THESE BEINGS.
There is some important pieces missing.

You are talking about the greys.. Which ones? There are 4 different races of them, 3 from Zeta Reticuli, and 1 from Draco.

Is it the slave species, under control by the race from Draco? Is it the taller ones? The short, dark grey/brown ones?

Do you also know that what they are using humans for are DNA so that they don't die out? ( reffering to the hybrid-babies abductees are talking about)

Being's meaning several races.. Okay. Then you forgot to mention the pleasant "Nordic's ( 7 feet+)" or those from the Pleiadeans( very similiar to us) which are here to HELP us but can't do anything until we ASK THEM OF ASSISTANCE. There are the other 70 races out there that have very little interest in us other than Trading after the great upheaval.

It's all true about the underground bases. You also forgot that US has booby trapped (nukes) all of the underground bases in case something happens, and that several EBE's (deserted ones) are working on Area 51 "inventing" tech for us.

Earth= McDonalds is not true...
There are 22 subspecies of the Grey.H-Kon is correct on the locations. Not all greys are evil like is insinuated.The Draco/Greys are def the bad ones as they work with the Reptilians in Dulce along with our Govt--the bastards. I also heard rumor of a base in Denver,Co but not sure where it fits in. As far as what can we do? still working on that one but until then .... just educate others.

Eric Cooper
I was waiting for a flame or two when actually someone knows about this too.

The base in Colorado, is very near "NORAD" but i don't know where that is.

There are about 50 bases around the world. Many in Asia(Tibet/Katmandu), some in France, Scandinavia, South-America and so on.

I didn't know there were 22 sub-species of the greys.. Got anymore information on them Farieshaman?

Did you also know that the race from Draco ( the semi-reptillian) are on the way over here?

*July 2000*
H-Kon they are already here(Reptilians) they are in Dulce working with one of the sub Grey species. E-mail me and i'll go through archives and find where i got the info. What is the purpose of the Co base do you know?
Yes i do know much and am on the level with you. We see eye to eye
--Blessed Be--

Eric Cooper
Yes, i know of the other "races" but didnt know about 22 subspecies. The point i was trying to make was all the conspiracies/alien activity all tie together thus the name the only conspiracy. What we can do is try to inform people in our respective circles. Just looking at the fact that we are discussing this shows people want to know and i think the transition in to the AGE OF AQUARIUS will make it a little easier. Just think if this is all not true we have nothing to worry about but if even a fraction is then we should be on alert. PS:Just casually watch the news (CNN,MSNBC)and look at the happenings in the world and sooner or later they'll fit in to a macropuzzle. I would like more info on the 22 subspecies. By the way has anyone seen the movie "fire in the sky"?
This is a little off the topic but i just want to throw it out there (not to threating or attack anyones religious beliefs) but what do you guys think about whole alien-human offspring theory. For example, i've read that aliens have been visiting us since the ape man era. Supposedly, seeding their genes with ours creating "THE ADAM"(not the single but plural)which we know today as man. And the ufo phenomena with biblical texts?
Excuse the ignorance, but what are the greys, or whatever. I'm very interested in this subject because I always enjoy a good conspiracy or two (no sarcasm intended), but quite frankly, I don't have hardly a clue what you guys are talking about. So could someone please explain this to me in simpleton terms. And once again, could someone please explain to me how you get this sort of information! It really bugs me that you know all this stuff, but I am completely ignorant to anything that is supposedly happening within our government. I wrote down some key words from some of the posts I've read, and I'm gonna see if I can find anything interesting, O.k.

I'm really not a shorty.
From what i know they are they "typical" aliens seen in shows and movies. The short, tear drop eyed, big head beings but as someone stated above this their are i guess 22 subspecies. So you can just go to your search engine and put in GREYS and you should get some info that way.
A response to INCONCLAST:

You are on the right track....YES, there are non-human intelligences, and YES, they absolutely have had contact on many levels, both physical and "dream-like", with both the Government and non-government people.

But there motivations are more interesting than most people suspect. I am CONVINCED, they are subtly trying to advance both our technological advances, and our spiritual perspectives, and there motivations are less complicated than you might think: There will be a gravitational disruption sometime in the next 40 years, that will have dire consequences for life-forms on this earth. The cause of the disruption could be one of two things:

1) There is a planetary body, that appears every 20,000 years or so, that has an elliptical orbit, and when it passes into our solar system, it ain't good news

2) The "tilt" of the earth, the "wobble", has a natural tendency to cyclically tilt a tiny bit too far, every 20,000 years or so. Keep in mind, even a 1% tilt off of it;s current orientation towards the sun, would kill off every single life-form on earth within 3-5 years.

So, knowing the PROBABILITIES that exist, the "aliens" are not taking any chances that there little "project" (human life), will die off. So, thru technological advancement, and some subtle hints, they are guiding us towards some possible survival techniques, which would include fleeing the planet, building massive underground cities etc...etc....

Stay tuned...this is getting interesting.
Another response to INCONCLAST:

With regard to your SECOND post regarding possible DNA manipulation by the "aliens" to create human life, you are correct (AGAIN !!!....geez, you get the "gold star" today....hehe)

However, my best understanding is that our ORIGINAL "owners" that created us, actually abandoned us eons ago, and that the "greys" have been simply helping us and leading us towards a greater knowing, since our original "makers" nigh-tailed out of town many many many thousands of years ago.

So, think of the "greys" as the "substitute teachers"........

Keep digging, your on the right track.....
Keep in mind, even a 1% tilt off of it;s current orientation towards the sun, would kill off every single life-form on earth within 3-5 years.

Could you give some proof of that? Or are you just making facts up to support your spurious claims?
Brian Watt. Our creators ( The Pleiadeans) didn't abandon us in that sence. They left to go back to their homeworld due to a natural disaster, and only left a few here and there to watch us until they came back. While they were gone, the other ones slipped in and started doing their thing.*the grey ones*

Some have started to return now, and that's why we see so many people awakening to the truth that something is going to hit the fan pretty soon.. We, The Earth are just another member of this "empire" waiting to become awakened.

Now. Where does the 12th planet fit into all of this ;)
RE: The idea that the aliens taught us our technological advances

This isn't the copper-wire to silicon chip argument, is it? The advances we see only LOOK like they came about suddenly. Science rarely announces it's failures, and it never works on only one thing at a time. The trial-and-error method has brought us to our current level, not Greys from any planet. Pick any piece of modern wow-golly-gee-whiz-will-ya-look-at-that technology and study it in reverse. Each advance leads to more advances. People outside the scientific community only see the end result.