The NWO Bistro


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
The other day I was 'volunteered' to make the lunch run for my office. When I got the order, I grabbed a handful of butter packets and salt packets. The girl at the lunch counter saw the salt and, knowing my boss's taste for salty foods, remarked that he was going to die early.

He's fifty and healthy as an horse, so he must be doing something right. No, it's not the excersize. He doesn't workout, although he takes his dog for walks now and then.

This got me to thinking. Before all of this hooplah about certain things being suddenly so terrible for you, how is it that people lived so long? My grandfather smoked filterless cigarettes until he was 98. He salted his food, ate red meat, mashed potatoes, and basically broke all the health rules we have now. He and his generation, farmers and city-slickers alike, never worried about cholesterol or how much fat was in their diets. Still they lived to their 80s at least.

Here's what I came up with. Cults will often attempt to wear down the resistance of anybody who might have second thoughts about the organization by feeding them only bland food. Tasteless gruel and ordinary water are used to break the spirit of the recipient. It's also used (or at least WAS used) in prisons for inmates who were discipline problems. It broke their will to resist.

The New World Order knows that not everybody is going to welcome their rulership with warm, fuzzy, open arms. Therefore, in order to break any potential spirit of resistance, get everybody to voluntarily shovel platefuls of bland food into their mouths for years on the pretext of "It's good for you".

If somebody dies of a heart attack and the doctor says it was because he used too much salt, who are we to know any better? They could have just as easily said it was because his underwear bunched up. They could tell us anything and we'd buy it because we didn't do the autopsy.

So if forty people die from heart attacks and the World Health Organization tosses them onto the "Proof that salt is bad for you" pile regardless of what the actual cause may have been, they can conveniently come up with reams of data proving their viewpoint.

Anything overdone is bad for you. Too much salt is bad for you. Too much booze is bad for you. Too much TV is bad for you. But there doesn't have to be an extreme as the answer. We don't have to cut it out altogether. We probably don't even have to cut back (unless you can't find your french fries for the mound of salt). I say that all this nonsense about our favorite food items suddenly being bad for us is just that: nonsense.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die.