The Nonsense of Christian Mythology


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
Christian mythology.

1. Adam was immortal.
2. To sin means to disobey God.
3. Adam sinned.
4. The punishment for sin is death.
5. Adam died.
6. All men after Adam inherited his mortality.
7. The nature of all men became sinful because of Adam.
8. All men sin.
9. All men die.
10. Jesus was divine.
11. Jesus gave up his divinity.
12. Jesus came to earth as a man.
13. Jesus never sinned.
14. Jesus did not deserve to die because he never sinned.
15. Jesus accepted the punishment due to every man.
16. Jesus sacrificed himself to God in place of all mankind.
17. God could raise Jesus to life again because Jesus did not break his laws.
18. God resurrected Jesus.
19. God gave Jesus a new nature that was free from the sinful nature of man.
20. God gave man the gift of eternal life if man believed in Jesus.
21. Man no longer needed to die for his sins.
22. Man had to request forgiveness from Jesus if he wanted to live.
23. When men die they have to wait for the second coming of Jesus and judgment.
24. Those who are judged worthy will be resurrected to a heavenly paradise.
25. Those who are judged not worthy will suffer torment for eternity.

This I think is a fairly accurate summary of Christian mythology, however, there are many cults who will hold variations on this. Please comment on any significant variations.

Each of these items represents a potential debate, however, to start I want to suggest that if Adam did not exist then the whole basis for Christianity is nonsense.

Many suggest that the Adam and Eve story is just symbolic and that it isn’t possible that just two people were the cause of the whole of humanity.

If the story of Adam and Eve is just symbolic then it must also be true that the whole of Christianity can also be no more than symbolic fantasy. The purpose of Jesus was to save man from his sinful nature that was begun with Adam and Eve. If Adam and Eve never existed then the basis for Christianity disappears.

Does everyone agree?

Speaking as one of tthe unworthy who will be damned to eternal hell i think it rather god's being rather unfair. :mad:

Possibly it's because of the haze in here :bugeye:


Possibly it's because of the haze in here :bugeye:

um ....

At any rate I thought I'd say, What, am I supposed to say something here? But it occurred to me that the way I would mean it might not fly in the face of how it can be taken, and since my state of mind is about sixteen miles above the ionosphere ... after all, not only do I like Belle & Sebastian, but right now Le Pastie sounds like ... brilliant, man. Love for sale, to the bourgeosie.

But I thought I'd chime in with two simple points.

(1) Cris ... you forgot one: And it was Good. You need to throw that at the end of your list.

(2) Does the lack of any argument here signify agreement with the summary? I mean, I'd think that at least some Christian would pipe up to remind Cris of 1 Timothy 2.11-15, that it's all woman's fault. What, is God politically correct?

At any rate ... maybe it's best if'n I oughta leave this'n to y'all. :D

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Thanks tiassa,

I didn't mention love either so I'm sure to be in trouble.

But it seems most of the Christians have deserted us, and that is a shame since I know of several holes in my argument that I was expecting them to exploit.

All the new blood recently seem to be of the non-believer variety. Oh well, perhaps I have frightened the believers away.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah, right! Whatever.

Stay cool, and try not to fall over anything when moving about in the haze.

Originally posted by Cris
Christian mythology.

1. Adam was immortal.
2. To sin means to disobey God.
3. Adam sinned.
4. The punishment for sin is death.
5. Adam died.
6. All men after Adam inherited his mortality.
7. The nature of all men became sinful because of Adam.
8. All men sin.
9. All men die.
10. Jesus was divine.
11. Jesus gave up his divinity.
12. Jesus came to earth as a man.
13. Jesus never sinned.
14. Jesus did not deserve to die because he never sinned.
15. Jesus accepted the punishment due to every man.
16. Jesus sacrificed himself to God in place of all mankind.
17. God could raise Jesus to life again because Jesus did not break his laws.
18. God resurrected Jesus.
19. God gave Jesus a new nature that was free from the sinful nature of man.
20. God gave man the gift of eternal life if man believed in Jesus.
21. Man no longer needed to die for his sins.
22. Man had to request forgiveness from Jesus if he wanted to live.
23. When men die they have to wait for the second coming of Jesus and judgment.
24. Those who are judged worthy will be resurrected to a heavenly paradise.
25. Those who are judged not worthy will suffer torment for eternity.

Don't go blaming all this crap on me dammit! She told me it was a chocolate sundae! I was new to this reality stuff, how the hell was I to know?
Oops, sorry Adam, I meant the other Adam.

And you're right of course those women are certainly devious.

And you're right of course those women are certainly devious.

Was that bloody snake that tempted me! :D

I always found that parable quite illustrative of Christian belief...hmm, knowledge and sex are bad.

All the new blood recently seem to be of the non-believer variety. Oh well, perhaps I have frightened the believers away.

Jan, Blonde, Tony, even Loone hardly posts anymore. Where did all the Christians go?
Well and fine

Perhaps the Rapture has happened
Well, that hadn't occurred to me. Maybe so. If so, thank God for small mercies, eh?

--Tiassa :cool:
Come the Rapture, we'll have the earth to ourselves!

Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please!

Edit for I went overboard on the 'oh pleases'.

Jan, Blonde, Tony, even Loone hardly posts anymore. Where did all the Christians go?
I'm unsure how to describe that cadre, nor the names left out. However, as it seems we're baiting the Big Several of the Christian echelon, it might be worth our while to enjoy the peace and continue feasting on each other. Besides, given that I'm the only person I know for sure who isn't posting under more than one handle here, I'd speculate that they're still around, watching, and perhaps even posting lures to "trap" people; heaven knows I've had someone try to sting me before at this site. If only he'd been more patient, he might have gotten away with it. Who knows? Maybe he learned.

But what should be pointed out is that if we keep tempting the peons of discord, they will eventually come crawling out of the woodwork.

Heck, if the peace lasts, once we get the arbitrary bashing out of our systems, we might have a few progressive topics that continue to resolution. And that just might be a first for Sciforums/Exosci.

Or is it just too boring without a feeding frenzy? :D (We need a :fang smilie.)

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool: