the new ten commandments


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
the new ten commandments

* I Thou shalt not invoke god before others
* II Thou shalt not rape and pillage in the name of god
* III Thou shalt not kill in the name of god
* IV Thou shalt honor the civil rights of others
* V Thou shalt not waste taxpayers money in mythological folly
* VI Thou shalt not claim to speak for god. Let god speak for him or herself
* VII Thou shalt not treat children as meat or pawns for fanatical agendas
* VIII Thou shalt not litter the streets, mail boxes or emails with unsolicited religious crap
* IX Thou shalt not use public PA's or public schools as impromptu churches when you've got a damn church on every damn corner in this country
* X Thou shalt not whine and cry that the secular humanists, atheists and pagans are trying to "take god away from you," when all we ask is for you to just... back off


what to think you religious lot will you adhere to it?.
I think it's about time the 10 commandments got brought into the 21st century, and you seem to have done a good job about it.
What do you think God has to say about all the crap his "followers" do on a daily basis?
Here's my ten commandments:

1. Drink.
2. Drink.
3. Drink.
4. Eat some wings.
5. Eat some more wings.
6. Poop.
7. Drink.
8. Drink.
9. Drink.
10. Bugger off.


In all seriousityness...good job, gees. ;)
the forum rules should be posted like the ten commandments, the religious pilark might take more notice then.
I like these geeser, should be tattooed, on the theists head. in normal and reverse so he can see them in the mirror.