The new Girl


Registered Senior Member
Hehehehe you guys are funny... Im doing a Uni essay on Aliens and social context and rah rah rah, I came across thios site, and It just made me laugh, all of your comments!! heheheh
good stuff!!

so do most of you belive there are other life forms that replicate our own, or are you just being n00bs (I mean that in the nicest possible way)
Actually, I am another being from a distant planet that resembles a human. Except I have a certain, unmentioned part which is larger than most humans.

Welcome Agent!! Enjoy your stay!! More women are always needed here!
If you were to look at the universe as a giant method to parallel process difference, it would suggest that not only one planet in the whole universe would have life and any lifeforms could be more or less complex than our own little ecosystem.

Welcome to Sciforums, You'll probably find your post moved to some other "Topic" forum, but that by no means makes it lost or deleted.

One thing on the topic of life, If it becomes to intelligent it might have a nasty habit of doing things without fully knowing the consequences due to an under-estimation.

This could be seen with such predications as a quantum event through parallel usage, in other words we might do something on this planet that kills off a lifeform somewhere else in the universe. (Of course this makes a butterfly effect intergalatic.)
Welcome to Sciforums! Just be careful. You might get addicted to it like the rest of us!:D :p :eek:
Welcome to Sciforums, Agent@5. :)

Definetly an alien at the moment, literally...doesn't mean I am extraterrestrial, though. However...? ;)
Welcome to sciforums, Agent@5.

We've been in a war with aliens for as long as I can remember. They still haven't been able to plug to borders up....
Welcome to sciforums #5

pine-net... Watch out for falling freaks.

Hey! Thats not fair, I haven't fallen in weeks. tee-hee-hee:D
dah, I've fallen and I can't get up...huhuhuhuh (that's the written word for a dumb teenager laugh).
Hey New Girl......welcome to Sciforums.

Think of it like this.....In the big scheme of things we are all Aliens
quick leave before its to late and you are traped like the rest of us


*Asguard is draged screaming away my porfiry's servant demons*

Just kidding this is the BEST site on the web
Thanks guys.!!!... but i dont know whether to take you all seriously or not. I dont mind where this thread gets moved too. :D
Ill just assume, for my own pleasure that you all really are beings from another planet..
Actually, another reason why I came here is because I was booted from a forum for the "unreal tournament: game. Dont know if any of you have heard of it. I started a thread that got 5000 somehting posts, going well until too many flames started in it, and i got booted. Go figure. But im NOT a falme warrior, and Asguard, im prepared to get addicted. I have my whole addictted kit set up for me, and im oging in full force lol!! :p
What is the main topic u have oging?
Welcome to sciforums, Agent@5.

Now, get spanking -- so that you too can one day be a moose like that.
You'll have to introduce me to your lingo Lykan, coz im thinking something else about your 'get spanking' comment. ANd moose? i dont know where to go wit hthat one!! heheh :D

Umm i need an avator.... and i dont know how to do it, so just quietly.. HHHHHEEEEEEELPPPP (please):cool:
Go to control panel on the top of your screen. Then Edit Options. Then go down all the way to the bottom and you'll see the avatar option!

Welcome agent!

And don't worry, you don't need to learn another language unless you wan't to try and communicate with Nelson. In which cae you need to learn crazy-talk.
Welcome Agent!

Umm i need an avator.... and i dont know how to do it, so just quietly.. HHHHHEEEEEEELPPPP (please)

Use google's image search can help you find an avatar. They you just upload it, or link.

What is the main topic u have oging?

Gracious, there are a million! Pick and choose, according to interest.