The new Genisis


Registered Member

1~In the beginning God created space and matter
2~Matter was formless, void and dark, and expanding outward into space.
3~Then God said let there be light and photons appeared and the universe lit up.
4~And God saw that light was good and separated matter from dark matter.
5~And God called the matter light and the dark matter he called night and there was lightness and darkness day one.

6~Then God said let the expanse separate into clumps of matter.
7~ And God made the expanse and separated galaxy from galaxy
8~And God called the expanse the universe and there was lightness and darkness day two.

9~Then God said let the matter be gathered together to form planets and stars and it was so.
10~And God called the dry land earth and the waters he call seas and God saw that it was good.
11~Then God said let the earth sprout amino acids and let them form Chains and become self-replicating RNA, and it was so.
12~and the earth brought forth RNA replicating after it’s kind And DNA after it’s kind and bacteria and algae’s after their kind, And God saw that it was good.
13~and there was lightness and there was darkness day three.

14~Then God said let there be comets and asteroids in the heavens, And let them impact the earth to form signs in the heavens for years, Decades and eons.
15~and they brought forth the moon in the heavens to shine it’s light on the earth. And it was so.
16~And God had made the two great lights, the greater to rule the day
And the lesser to rule the night, and the stars shone through the dust.
17~ And God had placed them in heaven to give the light of life on earth
18~And to govern the night and day of the earth and God saw that it was good.
19~and there was lightness and darkness day four.

20~Then God said let the waters swarm with living creatures and let them leave the waters into the open air.
21~and God created the great sea monsters and dinosaurs and every living creature that moves from which the waters swarmed, everything after its kind and God saw that it was good.
22~ and God blessed them all and said be fruitful and multiply in the seas and across the earth.
23~ and there was lightness and darkness day five.

24~Then God said let the earth bring forth mammals and insects and all the beast of the earth, each after it’s kind, and it was so.
25 And God had made the mammals after their king and everything that creeps on the ground after it’s kind and God saw that it was good.
26~Then God said let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness and let them rule over all the fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, micro organisms and all beast over the earth.
27~And God created man in his image, male and female he created them
28~And God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over all that moves on the earth.
29~then God said behold I have given you every plant and tree that yields it’s seed for your food.
30~And to every beast and bird and everything that has life I have given green plants for food an it was so.
31~And God saw that it was good and there was lightness and darkness day six
day seven-vacation​

It seems I can't post links yet so you could have a side-by-side comparison
But I've listed one anyway. What are your opinions of this? Is it just an amazing coincident or have I merely stretched the original text to far out of proportion? What are the odds that it would line up like this and what would be the implications if any? Don’t be afraid to insult me here my large ego is immune. Just write what you think.
I think you're looking too far into things.

By this do you mean that the book of Genesis doesn’t merit a metaphoric translation?
Or that the book is meant to be taken literally?

Originally posted by bangbangyou'redead
you have a good point but i think that you have stretched the original text out of proportion a little
What parts do you think I have streched too far? Do some parts fit while others do not?
Except that most of that was unnecessary. All that had to happen is for somehow the universe to begin it's expansion from a singularity, the rest all flowed from that one event.
Seven days what!?.... I thought there was 16 bit to the Genesis... :D



It's even says in the thing that it's 16 bit. No mention of 7 day anywhere. Sega created the Genesis by the way. It was really successful but had stiff competition in Super Famicom by Nintendo. Golden age indeed... Hahaha

1~In the beginning God created space and matter
2~Matter was formless, void and dark, and expanding outward into space.
3~Then God said let there be light and photons appeared and the universe lit up.
4~And God saw that light was good and separated matter from dark matter.
5~And God called the matter light and the dark matter he called night and there was lightness and darkness day one.

6~Then God said let the expanse separate into clumps of matter.
7~ And God made the expanse and separated galaxy from galaxy
8~And God called the expanse the universe and there was lightness and darkness day two.

9~Then God said let the matter be gathered together to form planets and stars and it was so.
10~And God called the dry land earth and the waters he call seas and God saw that it was good.
11~Then God said let the earth sprout amino acids and let them form Chains and become self-replicating RNA, and it was so.
12~and the earth brought forth RNA replicating after it’s kind And DNA after it’s kind and bacteria and algae’s after their kind, And God saw that it was good.
13~and there was lightness and there was darkness day three.

14~Then God said let there be comets and asteroids in the heavens, And let them impact the earth to form signs in the heavens for years, Decades and eons.
15~and they brought forth the moon in the heavens to shine it’s light on the earth. And it was so.
16~And God had made the two great lights, the greater to rule the day
And the lesser to rule the night, and the stars shone through the dust.
17~ And God had placed them in heaven to give the light of life on earth
18~And to govern the night and day of the earth and God saw that it was good.
19~and there was lightness and darkness day four.

20~Then God said let the waters swarm with living creatures and let them leave the waters into the open air.
21~and God created the great sea monsters and dinosaurs and every living creature that moves from which the waters swarmed, everything after its kind and God saw that it was good.
22~ and God blessed them all and said be fruitful and multiply in the seas and across the earth.
23~ and there was lightness and darkness day five.

24~Then God said let the earth bring forth mammals and insects and all the beast of the earth, each after it’s kind, and it was so.
25 And God had made the mammals after their king and everything that creeps on the ground after it’s kind and God saw that it was good.
26~Then God said let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness and let them rule over all the fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, micro organisms and all beast over the earth.
27~And God created man in his image, male and female he created them
28~And God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over all that moves on the earth.
29~then God said behold I have given you every plant and tree that yields it’s seed for your food.
30~And to every beast and bird and everything that has life I have given green plants for food an it was so.
31~And God saw that it was good and there was lightness and darkness day six
day seven-vacation​

It seems I can't post links yet so you could have a side-by-side comparison
But I've listed one anyway. What are your opinions of this? Is it just an amazing coincident or have I merely stretched the original text to far out of proportion? What are the odds that it would line up like this and what would be the implications if any? Don’t be afraid to insult me here my large ego is immune. Just write what you think.

That is certainly the most original way to interpret the Geneisis account. Very Logical
Except that most of that was unnecessary. All that had to happen is for somehow the universe to begin it's expansion from a singularity, the rest all flowed from that one event.
That’s a good point spidergoat. Why would humans 6000 years ago need such a drawn out explanation in the original text? Even with my currant day knowledge base trying to understand this story from a literal perspective it doesn’t even become coherent till it reaches the Adam and Eve part. If it were just a nonsensical story to satisfy 6000-year-old minds, why not just say that God farted and out came the sun, moon, stars and a planet full of plants, animals and Adam and Eve and start the story from there? I think this is part of the reason I think there might be more to it than that.
That is certainly the most original way to interpret the Geneisis account. Very Logical
Thanks Saguist, I was surprised to get a complement till I clicked your profile and saw that you had just been through this ordeal three months ago. Although I haven’t read through the whole tread yet it looks like they spent a lot of time running you around in circles by trying to mix a literal translation into your metaphoric translation.

What I didn’t seem to see a lot of was people arguing about the very concept of the ideal that this kind of information was already out there during Johns time or how humanity could have been the benefactors of that information.
If you have seen my tread on revelations you might know better than I that we may have some differences in some respects