The New Apostolic Reformation


C'mon, get happy!
Registered Senior Member
(Subtitle: "dude, you just joined a cult"...)

An online friend is trying to get his life together...and he appears to have joined one of these charismatic churches.
I know he's a very lost soul at the moment...and I was nudging him to go get state insurance, get therapy.
It may be a decent survival decision to join up with these charismatics...but he wasn't talking about demons and spiritual warfare last month...Watching him drink the Koolaid this fast is really kinda freaky.

Anyway...I have to grit my teeth sometime this weekend and listen to this "teaching."
He sent it to me as proof that demons are real.
I don't think he got it. HE also told me some other guy's name and said "He's a good man, I believe him when he tells me about demons." So I asked my friend if he had any undoctored videos of exorcisms he could link
You want me to believe, I need the evidence.

I talked about how the charismatic exorcisms were...ritualistic catharses. That's why they work, IMO.
I actually think the exorcists, exorcised, and congregants really believe they are casting out demons. What I see them doing is purging out painful emotions in a way understood by their subculture.
Does it work? of course!

So, I looked up the term "spiritual warfare," and they...seem to be practicing Christian witchcraft.
Not kidding.

They set up a map:
(this one from Repent Amarillo)
And they will anoint the buildings or bury a bible in the ground there...any other religion, anything other than their personal view of Christianity included, gay people, places that sell Dungeons and Dragons...They will try to pray these places out of business.
... Tolerance of others, such as homosexuals and those of other religions, is not considered a virtue but a failure to fight evil....

Opposition to other religions is based on the idea that beliefs outside "Spirit-filled" evangelical Christianity are controlled by demonic principalities and that communities can not be transformed until these demonic strongholds are eliminated. assured, they are not just coming to save my poor, lost buddy...

They claim this demonic control is the reason why people of other religions refuse to become evangelized and that the demons are also the source of crime, corruption, illness, poverty, and homosexuality. Purging of the demons results in mass evangelization and eradication of social ills,

So...I find it interesting. For some reason it really is almost Christian Animist...the demons are in locations, they can be driven out by correct action.
The massive internal inconsistencies fascinate me too...if God can drive out the demons at all...why does God allow the demons free rein until properly propitiated by prayer and fasting? They don't think about this.

To people outside the US...these are the people who would like to control our nuclear arsenal/
No, I'm not o.k. with that either.

Here: You will find a glossary of terms
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So, I sent an email to my friend...

And these are the questions I had regarding this new church and faith of his:

-Why are demonic entities in your system given so much credit and power? Demons are busy all over the place, yet if I remember my bible correctly, there's 2 angels for every one demon. Of course, from what I understand, the original Hebrew had no distinction for angel and demon.

-If God can simply remove the demons, then why does God not do so without the burying of bibles or the anointing of oil at the possessed locations? Why is lots of prayer so necessary? Is God exceedingly absentminded? If God wants things the way God wants them, God could it? He's God!

-Do you really think the world's problem's will be fixed by this sort of spiritual warfare, rather than actually helping the poor, getting medical care for the sick, and more typical sorts of social reform?

I told him that he seems to be sacrificing his intellectual freedom for acceptance and belonging...and that it felt like a major life decision he was just sort of falling into unconsciously. So I wanted to point it out and ask him if he was comfortable with it.
A demon was once a angel, peiod. To get rid of a demon one must want the demon gone more than anything, God has no reason to intervine unless you are his child. The thing about homosexualtiy I find interesting, its something I have been thinking a great deal about of late, and I came to the conclusion that the eyes tell all. I feel like that a lot of gay people feel unloved, seek revenge on society, do not care about others beyond their own sexual desires.. so yes homosexuaityl doesnt equal demon, but if your a demon you there is a really good chance you are gay. As is above, so is below.
@Knowledge --

I feel like that a lot of gay people feel unloved, seek revenge on society, do not care about others beyond their own sexual desires.. so yes homosexuaityl doesnt equal demon, but if your a demon you there is a really good chance you are gay.

You do realize that this is potentially the dumbest thing that you've ever posted here, and that's quite an accomplishment.
I feel like that a lot of gay people feel unloved, seek revenge on society, do not care about others beyond their own sexual desires.. so yes homosexuaityl doesnt equal demon, but if your a demon you there is a really good chance you are gay. As is above, so is below.

You don't know many gay people, do you? Well, you probably do, but you don't know they're gay, or deny it because they don't fit your stereotype.

Good grief.
Wow Knowledge - you never cease to amaze me. Please continue your qwest to make the dumbest suggestions possible. It's quite entertaining.
A demon was once a angel, peiod. To get rid of a demon one must want the demon gone more than anything, God has no reason to intervine unless you are his child. The thing about homosexualtiy I find interesting, its something I have been thinking a great deal about of late, and I came to the conclusion that the eyes tell all. I feel like that a lot of gay people feel unloved, seek revenge on society, do not care about others beyond their own sexual desires.. so yes homosexuaityl doesnt equal demon, but if your a demon you there is a really good chance you are gay. As is above, so is below.

Dude get over your condemnation . Your almost there . I can see you changing . Think Mercy , Forgive . I am talking about when you wake up and realize peoples sexuality is there business and not the churches or religion ( It is not a sin to be a consenting adult ) So the forgiveness is for your self when you realize who you hurt with your above statement .

I am the demon . I will be here for a little while . I come back to earth ever so often to straighten you guys out case well how do say it with out hurting human feelings . Your all stupid . No worries all humans are in the same boat . Even Me being that my vessel is human too. O.K. I am more convinced I am the lord . I think that Original Me-Ki-Gal set Me up and calculated the occurrence of the house being built . The invention of the cross on the date of the 5th month the 3rd day and the 7th year . That is why Constantine Mother ended up declaring the invention of the true cross was on May 3 and why the construction workers in Mexico still make a big deal about it . Or other words you all made Me this way and that first Mekigal is the one that made you do it.

So I already showed the Captain the 30,50 in the book of numbers that is stated 7 times in chapter 4. Chapter 3 of numbers flip Me out too . I just realized today . It is all about word combos . Memes !!! So here is one from my New King James version word for word with including - as written Check it out and see if you don't see similarity with the name Me-Ki-Gal :
Here goes : "Me-I am the Lord-Instead" of all the first born among the children of Israel. That might not be so strange to you all , but with the way I am you can see why the word combo freaks Me . I think that fucking first Meki was a frigging genius and he put that on me as some kind of joke . I think he knew by mathematics when the name would come full circle by probabilities . I think the fucker is rolling over in his ancient grave laughing his ass off . O.K. here is one more word combo from chapter 3 of numbers :
Shekel of the Sanctuary . If you know my full name you can reason that one out pretty simple like . Shit fuck ! I think its Me . Yet what value am I ? I am just like the rest of you in reality . Every thing I got I got by listening to all of you . You all made Me this way . You think that is why they call it Building a house when they talk of God . The invention of the Cross tells Me so also , not that I took on all your souls as my own . As I do by taking your personalities to my self . So here is another verse in Numbers Chapter 3 that blows my mind : I sanctify to Myself all the first born in Israel, both man and beast. I think these chapters are about the children of Levi the music makers. Question ? Are the Musicians modern day Levi's . I mean all of us no matter what culture we come from . Is Levi just another term for Musician ?
Is there real cohesion among Musicians in the world ? I can tell you this ! We are hooking up and we do see our selves as a family . We love each other because of it . Instinctively . I got to believe it is the Harmony that makes it so
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You don't know many gay people, do you? Well, you probably do, but you don't know they're gay, or deny it because they don't fit your stereotype.

Good grief.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Give me a fucking break. I live in the Bay Area, every other person I meet is in some way interested in homosexual desires. Fit what sterotype? My stereotype, the stereotype of man? Heres my suggestion for homosexuals, just because you like men doesn't mean I do, if you want to be my friend, fine, but if you want more than that ASK, I must warnt you you are treding bloody water. I can tell if someone is gay from 25 feet away. God blessed me with a Navy sized gaydar. :rolleyes:
Dude get over your condemnation . Your almost there . I can see you changing . Think Mercy , Forgive . I am talking about when you wake up and realize peoples sexuality is there business and not the churches or religion ( It is not a sin to be a consenting adult ) So the forgiveness is for your self when you realize who you hurt with your above statement .

My damnation?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Get out of here with that. Idc who the hurts, it is out there lingering. People see it but they say nothing, I will not be that guy. The male population is losing confidence, while females become more permiscuious. I don't mean to harm any man, but this fight was brought to me again. Every gay man judges me multiple times before I pass by on the street, I am CHARGED by God to do the same, Lord save me. My judgment is 1/2 of all men have homosexual desires.

Back off Me-Ki
Wow Knowledge - you never cease to amaze me. Please continue your qwest to make the dumbest suggestions possible. It's quite entertaining.

Hehe..I agree. He's a vast ocean of idiocy, upon which sails the boat of fail. :)

Ooooo....he should make that his user title: "Sailing the fail boat on a vast ocean of idiocy" :wink:
John the Baptist has prophescied for the third and final time, Don't laugh, ye who dath not understand. Thats the first rider of the Storm, next is MIchael, then Jesus. Death will follow the Lord, and the riders will be set to ride the Earth Michalel, John, Jesus or Gabriell, and he who is crowned Death. He has risen. Ofcoruse not, he was just a performer. Laughable. Ofcourse he was, but for a fact I tell you this is what he believed. RIP Mr. Cash, he who clenses.
(Subtitle: "dude, you just joined a cult"...)

An online friend is trying to get his life together...and he appears to have joined one of these charismatic churches....

If it makes him feel good then you should tell him you are happy about that and you personally have zero interest in participating. It's like a fetish. If a friend likes to get dressed up in a leather suit and dangle from the ceiling then that's fine for the friend. In this case your likes to chase demons. That's fine, it's his thing but you are in no way obligated to participate.
My damnation?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Get out of here with that. Idc who the hurts, it is out there lingering. People see it but they say nothing, I will not be that guy. The male population is losing confidence, while females become more permiscuious. I don't mean to harm any man, but this fight was brought to me again. Every gay man judges me multiple times before I pass by on the street, I am CHARGED by God to do the same, Lord save me. My judgment is 1/2 of all men have homosexual desires.

Back off Me-Ki

It's often the case that people who have issues with homosexuality have strong homosexual desires themselves. Take Ted Haggard for example. Here is a nice mini rant of his against homosexuals:

And well, surprise surprise, he likes to ride the baloney pony:
I've observed that it is usually those who know absolutely nothing about homosexuality that pontificate(and I use that word very loosely) on it the most.

Which pin is your house Chimpkin?

Mmmh........Palin Worship. The anointed one.
I admire her womanly curves a little myself.
If she ever needs re-anointing, I volunteer.

Meanwhile, at Chimpkin's house, the gypsies gather...................


It is time for your massage Cheempkin.
Last edited: Mr. Cash, Lord John the Baptist.

A great angel is gone from this world, hold not, he will return in time, not as you or I, better.

We speak with one voice, K91.
The Man in Black.
Yes, a legend. Sadly missed.
I look forward to his return, wild eyed and clothed in panther hide,
strumming his guitar and singing darkly as the apocalypse rages.
The concert to end all concerts. Literally.

Mmmh........What part will Kenny Rogers be playing in the doom of mankind?
He's got to be singing "Ruby" at some point, or it would just be rubbish.
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