The New Adam


The New Adam is born now from spirit and water. He is the child of light, his Father provides everithing his body needs, he is always happy like a baby. The New Adam learns from the New beings - the "children" how one should live - in eternal bliss, in eternal enjoyment, in eternal play with the material nature. There is no false ego in a pure being, because it doesn't have any attachments to this world. It feels here as at a party where the purpose is to get some pleasure from playing with other forms of life which is the all-pervading '"I"", not the false one who thinks ""this is good, this is bad"". Everything is good and if you practice this, there will be peace on our planet. War comes when people are sick from the collective dream of foolishness, ignorance, amnesia of the real self which they were when they were born.

Children of Love, don't go against your real self, don't hurt yourself. Fill your heart with compassion for your poor and abused little brothers and sisters on the streets - look after them in the name of Love which came to the Earth in a body to teach you not to make a sin against your real self. Don't abuse your real self. And let the new beings, which are more reasonable than you grow up unharmed by the old culture of the icy heart.
petarstankov said:
The New Adam is born now from spirit and water.

Yes. Water is a woman.

Children of Love, don't go against your real self, don't hurt yourself. Fill your heart with compassion for your poor and abused little brothers and sisters on the streets - look after them in the name of Love which came to the Earth in a body to teach you not to make a sin against your real self. Don't abuse your real self. And let the new beings, which are more reasonable than you grow up unharmed by the old culture of the icy heart.

Water can also freeze, if the Spirit doesn't treat her properly.
no... water is a liquid in which you swim, it's not a woman. it's the opposite of fire. fire is the manifestation of the positive aspect of god, so is male, but fire is still not male
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yes. what is a woman? what is a man? we're all children if we are on the pure level we used to be before the animal-minded human forms molded us in the way of the old. Now we have the power to start being new again. We just have to say "Father, we're born today to be your children of light, let us be your sunbeams"
Silent waters run deep.

Hey, it had my screen name in it, how coud I not respond?