The nature of T/A communication at Sciforums

What is/should be the nature of the communication between theists and atheists at SF?

  • discussions between equals

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • not equals: theists telling non-theists what they should do, giving them advice and/or orders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not equals: atheists telling theists what they should do, giving them advice and/or orders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other (explain in thread)

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
What do you think is - or should be - the essential nature of the communication between theists and atheists at Sciforums?

Are these:

1. discussions between equals

2. not discussions between equals, but theists telling non-theists what they should do, giving them advice and/or orders

3. not discussions between equals, but atheists telling theists what they should do, giving them advice and/or orders

4. other (explain in thread)

All discussions that are not explicitly for the purpose of teaching should be conducted as though the individuals are equals at first. However many times things quickly devolve to the point where that no longer remains possible or desirable. When one person is only coming with fallacies, assumptions, and even goes so far as to outright dismiss things because they don't conform to his worldview, then he proves that he is no equal and shouldn't be treated as such.
It's pretty simple. First of all, many of the theists who frequent these forums are here to stir the pot, if not to outright preach and/or evangelize. We've seen several of them clearly state that this is indeed their intention. Second, this is a science forum. Third, many of these theists in addition to trying to peddle their faith as fact, and directly or indirectly condemn people to hell, are also trying to peddle pseudoscientific bullshit. Fourth, this is a science forum.

The nature of T/A communication here, then, is obvious and inevitable.
I was strongly tempted to vote for option one (discussions between equals) but ultimately opted for option four (other).

The thing is that I have views of my own. In some cases my views are totally speculative but in other cases they are strongly held. I think that I know something about a few things. So in some instances I think that I'm correct and that the person that I'm arguing with is wrong. So I reserve the right to try to persuade those people and don't feel any obligation to embrace whatever other people happen to be saying.

But I do think that everyone here really is an equal when it comes to their feelings, to their basic humanity. Everyone's worthy of some empathy and compassion, even if I happen to disagree with their ideas. So I take a very dim view of true-believers (whether they are theists or atheists) trying to insult opponents into silence or trying to run them off the board entirely. When somebody is saying somehing what I think is mistaken or badly conceived, it's probably better to make a friendly post indicating what my disagreement is and explaining why that disagreement exists. Or else just ignore the thread entirely. Some threads turn into childish back-and-forth ego-battles that probably are best avoided.

If I take time to craft a post, I usually intend that post to be an expression of respect for the person that it's responding to, even if I happen to disagree with what that person is saying. I'm indicating that their idea, whatever it was, was interesting and thought-provoking enough to get me going. If I put some effort into my response, that's because I think that the other person is worth the effort and because I recognize that they are smart enough to absorb what I'm saying. I'm often truly interested in how they will argue for their point of view in light of my objection. Put simply, I do perceive them as being my equals, and in a pretty important way too.
Dang it! I thought T/A meant "tits and ass"!

It should be whatever it happens to be, and if gets out of hand, then the
mods should step in do what needs to be done.
When a question is put to someone, i think they have an obligation to make a
response, afterall, that is the purpose of a discussion forum.

We are all equals on this forum, all equally granted the opportunity to state our arguments in a moderated setting.

I happen to think our arguments aren't equally valid, but that's the nature of debate.
Dang it! I thought T/A meant "tits and ass"!

We can only hope brother .

I think the discussion on religion should be like the free market . Let it plot its own course of discourse . In the immortal words of the Beatles " Let It Be "

Someone once said Mother Mary was a reference to smoking weed . Is there any validity to that ?

interesting . His mothers name was Mary . I'll be . Mary is a popular name .
My son just this week got a book on the life of the Beatles. There old music is making a big come back with his generation . They go around singing Beatle songs a lot . A lot . I would not be surprised if his buddy Ben and him start playing it on Tuba and saxophones before to long .

Your the best . Thank you thank you Thank you very much