The Natural Theory of Space Quantum


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The Natural Theory of Space Quantum 2011


Physical space is shown to be a contiguous growth. Wave mechanics and Newtonian (through Einstein) mechanics can be united in the absence of a time t.


Space is not the existing illusion of our senses; instead, space is quantized and defines itself physically per the (Fibonacci ) infinite sequence:

with seed values

The ratios converge:

Where the “golden ratio”

Fibonacci Space:

Adding to, subtracting from, retracing within, and all physics regarding space quanta are events within at least one quantum and changing only at quantum borders (boundaries) per the natural sequence.

For example, the “speed of light” c (Einstein ) is limited because the particle (photon) does not truly travel through (Newtonian ) time and continuous space.

In fact, the particle travels through contiguous space quanta, one by one.

In the Newtonian sense of velocity through continuous space, there should be no limit to velocity. In quantum space, the analogy to Newtonian velocity is the spatial travel across quantum boundaries. Each boundary crossing is the “same” event for light and its velocity is bounded by c in the “sense” of a time t.

There is no real time t; instead, the “particles” travel only in space from one quantum to an adjacent quantum.

As the “growth” sequence itself, successive quanta are different in “size” by the factor:

φ = 1.618

The illusion of Newtonian time should cause a quantifiable perception of the speed of light c relative to space quanta:

Accept: c is the perceived absolute electromagnetic velocity and measurement velocity as known today.

Assume: physical reality is a transition from one region to the next region in space.

Then: particles with subatomic sizes on the order of space quantum boundaries may not traverse the boundary in the same way our senses perceive the transition. This serves to gauge the boundaries between spatial regions.

And: very spatially large and/or “distant” entities may be misrepresented by our sensual (time) measurements by the factor 1.618 for each spatial boundary from our innate sense and our measurements.

And: we as humans experience only the sensual approximation of Newtonian and Euclidean continuity.

Physical relevance is solely the traverse across spatial quantum boundaries.

A two dimensional visualization of quantum spatial boundaries is suggested by the Fibonacci spiral .

A Five Dimensional View of the Spiral:

Physically, we cannot achieve 2 from 0 and 1. We can only achieve 1 from 0 and 1. Following, we can achieve 2 from the adjacency of 1 and 1. And so on.

Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.

Space itself, as we know it, is three dimensional. If we lived in five dimensions, we could easily see the three dimensional intersection of a two-dimensional “spiral” with “five” regions of three dimensional space per the natural sequence.

We do not live in five dimensions; instead, we live in three.

The natural sequence begins with the seed values 0 and 1. Perhaps we could visualize 3 from 5 and 5 from 8. But we cannot visualize 3 from 4 or 8 from 9. Physical relevance is solely the traverse across adjacent natural boundaries.

Wave Mechanics:

Wave mechanic principles (Schrodinger ) show:

and so the approximation

ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).

One result (ramification) is a temporally related uncertainty in measurements.

Wave mechanics mathematically defines observations (perceptions) differing from Newtonian continuity; however, wave mechanics is a physical discipline that utilizes the concept of time t,

e.g. Δk depends on a perceived time t (and mass m)

The mathematical (Fourier ) representations (transformations) are not physically real in the sense of a time t.

Boundary Size:

One possible (sensual) estimation in one dimension of spatial boundary size (between adjacent quantum) could be suggested by:

(Width of boundary)2 = Constant x (Time required sensually for continuity)

(In similar mathematical form to E=mc2.)

Using orders of magnitude 10-27 “sec-cm” suggested by wave mechanics and estimating the “speed” of sensory communication in the range 10-3 sec – 10-6 sec, we would then estimate the magnitude:

b ~ 10-16 to 10-18 meters (for example)

Contiguity of space quantum should be mathematically defined beginning with the natural sequence. That is beyond the scope of this letter.

Intermediate Review:

While we can mathematically achieve 2 from 0 and 1, we cannot physically achieve two from nothing and something.

Each space quantum “experiences” only each of its boundaries.

The juxtaposition of space is physical reality. The sense of time serves to approximate
physical laws and works well within the bounds of our senses.



What we call entropy is in fact a “direction” through Fibonacci space that incorporates an increase in “size” throughout the sequence per the “golden” or “natural” ratio φ.

We cannot propel ourselves 10 meters across the Planet Earth’s surface without an “energy” (the units of which are not a real function of “time”) and similarly a subatomic “particle” cannot propel itself across a spatial quantum boundary without energy.

This serves to increase the “energy” in the following quantum by the factor φ and gives rise to the concept of entropy.

Small Particles:

Spatially (relatively) small particles (entities) with enough energy should have no problem traversing the boundary from one quantum to the next as directed by the entropy of space.

Spatially and massively (energetically) small particles may not be able to traverse the boundaries at all.

In that case, such “particles” could be left behind in space and would not entropically move forward. It seems possible such particles could in fact remain “backward” in the entropical sense.

Massive Energy:

For example, a “large energy between” two relatively small “particles” should easily provide a contiguous directional result through the entropic spatial sequence.

Per the natural sequence of space, mass does not bend (warp) space; instead, space is physically real and unalterable directly by mass (matter) and is independent of the sense of time.

Matter is defined by mass and “consumes” and exists in real space, e.g. our sun has a relatively large mass and “uses” a large amount of space as we know it.

The sun follows across all quantum boundaries along with us.

Space Warp:

The bending of space around mass is not physically real in three dimensions; instead, it is a sensation (illusion) from our innate continuous imagination of spatial contiguity.

The alteration (warping) of three dimensional space can take place through (within) five dimensions per the natural sequence, but cannot take place within three or “four” dimensions. The natural sequence is physical, not arithmetical, and five follows directly from three.

Negative entropy:

Negative entropy can only be achieved through five (maybe three) dimensions. Nothing can be achieved through four dimensions.

Intermediate Summary:

Time is not physically real. It is a neurological simulation of continuity from a real spatially contiguous universe.

There is energy and space. There is no time t.

The idea of a physical time t would mean that “time is continuous, directional, has no real dimension except as previously indicated by a clock, was created somehow unknown to anyone, but still has a real physical significance.” This writing holds that view to be unreconcilable.

An Eight Dimensional View:

In Fibonacci space, our 3-dimensional experience intersects with eight separate five dimensional regions at each boundary.

The boundaries are supposed to be relatively small in a spatial (and energetical) sense.

In the entropical sense, an energy compatible with a boundary region could exist “within” a boundary neither moving forward or backward.

In that case, it seems the specific energy may experience one, several, or all of the intersections.

At such an event, the energy (particle) could traverse among three-dimensional regions of our (experiential) Fibonacci space.


Least Energetic Level:

In our experience, everything “falls” to the lowest energy state.

An example would be water flowing through a drain from a sink into a pipe through another pipe and into an urban main drain system leading into a waste water retreatment plant.

The water obeys our perceived law of gravity and falls through pipes “heading” and “directionalized” toward the center of the Earth where the water would experience no other energy realtively speaking. If the water could in fact reach Earth’s center of gravity, it would have fallen into a weightless environment as if the water were in orbit and falling “off” the edge of the Earth.

Similarly, chemical states react into the lowest binding energy form until some larger applied energy can change the state.

Lowest Entropic Level:

The lowest entropical level should be “backward” along the path to higher entropy, i.e. a change of direction toward lower entropy.

In the absence of forward entropical (motion) direction, it seems a particle (entity, maybe having a mass) may seek a lower (backward) entropical state, e.g. a particle within a spatial boundary may be able to traverse various boundaries and may “gravitate” downward in the energetical sense in a similar way to the experience in our three dimensional world.

The Square Law Relationship:

The Einstein2 square law relationship E=mc2 is also dealt with in the Schrodinger6 equation and also in many perceived natural forces like sound and gravity.

The Schrodinger equation needs to include “i”, i.e. the square root of negative one.

Similarly, the natural sequence could proceed in a “negative” direction with the seed values 0 and -1 with physical reality being a “square” and with all ratios matching the positive sequence.

But mathematics is a measurement result of physics, not the other way around.

Negative Entropy:

Negative entropy could be mathematically resolved by an “inverse or reverse” sequence, but physically real negative entropy should only be three-dimensionally achieved through the spatial via-ways resulting from intersecting spatial and energetical boundaries.

Intermediate Conclusion:

Space is not subject to our views of arithmetic; instead, space is defined by the natural sequence. Contrary to our sensations, time is not physically real. Time is a good measurement approximation in our macroscopic physical world and “historically” is built into all units of energy, measures, and our perceptions.

Space and energy directionally build the concept of entropy.

The dimensionality following from Fibonacci space also implies boundaries. The boundary dimensions are suggested by quantum (wave) mechanics.

Negative entropy should be achieved by exacting the correct energy. Not the most or least energy; instead, the correct energy corresponding to the spatial boundary.

Dimensional Fibonacci Space Regarding Negative Entropy:

A one dimensional existance and a two dimensional existance would (should) be negative (reverse or backward) from our entropical position, while 5 and 8 dimensions should be entropically positive (forward) from our position in three dimensional Fibonacci space.

Some (intelligently small) life forms (here with us) biologically move (“autonomically think”) in only one or two dimensions from their (cellular and multi-cellular) internal sense.

We neuroligically move (live) in three dimensions after 700 million “years” of evolution and there “remain” one and two dimensional creatures and forms that somehow live here in three dimensions along with us and even within us.

As a crude example, a garden vine is directionally one-dimensional as a growth, but in three dimensions we can see its full expansion in space.

We do not conceptually or spatially live in one or two dimensions; instead, we live in three.

We can easily see (experience) one or two dimensions as with the spiral, but we cannot experience 5 or 8 dimensions from any of 3 or 2 or 1 dimensional space.

An Adjustment to Boundary Size:

From quantum mechanics, the boundary size has been approximated at

b ~ 10-16 - 10-18 meters.

From special relativity,

c is bounded and ~ 109 meters per second.

c is an upper bound. The perceived velocity is bounded in Fibonacci space by the number of boundary crossings in our perceived one second of time t.

Then there are ~ 109 crossings in one perceived second using a Joule measurement system.

From quantum mechanics, we had bounded the (minimum) number of crossings using sensory (neurological) requirements in the range 103 – 106 per perceived second.

A special relativity estimation of the boundary size b:

b2 = constant ÷ (number of boundries experienced in one perceived second)

b2 = (small constant) x 10-30 x 10-9 (again using the constant h from wave maechanics)

b ~ 10-19 – 10-20 meters

Boundary Energy:

Estimating in Fibonacci space without wave mechanics:

Energy per unit mass can be equated to (109)2 Joules for each perceived second. One perceived second corresponds to 109 physical events (boundaries) so there are an implied 1 Joule (appx.) per kilogram per average one-dimensional spatial boundary event.

In that case, one kilogram (103 gram) requires 1 Joule and one microgram (10-6 gram) requires 10-9 Joules as an energy associacted with a single boundary.

For example, a “force” required to propel one gram in one-dimensional space for a perceived 10-9 sec would be calculated from the following:

10-3 Joules = Force(F) x b

Then b = 10-3 ÷ F (meters)

Assuming our perceived force of gravity at Earth’s surface (our experience) and following the general theory of relativity, then:

b ~ 10-3 ÷ (10 meters sec-2 x 10-3 kg) = 10-1 x (10-9)2

And b ~ 10-19 meters.


The Fibonacci boundary size in one dimension is estimated as:

b ≤ 10-16 – 10-18 meters using wave mechanics and neurological time requirements

b ~ 10-19 – 10-20 meters using special relativity and wave mechanics

b ~ 10-19 meters using only relativity and no wave mechanics


Boundaries have Barrier Energies

Some Specific Energies do not move Entropically Forward

There are no Real Functions of Time (t)

There is only Energy lost (left Backward) in the Entropical Transition of Space

The Energies left Entropically behind should have Ramifications for other Energies moving Forward without them

First we understand the Barriers, then we can begin to understand Negative Entropy

Once we understand Negative Entropy, perhaps we could begin to understand Dimensional Forward Entropy

We Probably did not Achieve Three Dimensions without First Achieving One and Two

The Force Fb Relating to Boundary Size:

The force F we used to calculate boundary size applies to the force of gravity between a mass on the Earth’s surface and the Earth itself. That is our experience and corresponds to boundary size b for us here.

The gravity-space force itself is a function of the square of space (r2) and the sum of two masses m1 and m2 in a one dimensional sense.

A lower force of space-gravity, for example on our moon, implies a larger boundary dimension and a larger energy “barrier” than we experience here.

For example, in a different gravitational environment:

1. Since we apparently lose certain internal energies (“age”) at each boundary, those energies could be altered (could become larger) through larger boundaries (barriers) than we experience here.

2. In locations with small Fb and a corresponding large boundary, larger energies should be able to experience spatial intersections that only small energies experience here.

A weightless environment, for example an “orbit around” a large mass should only affect the boundary (barrier) size by the effective radius change regarding the real force Fb.

The Square Law in Higher Dimensions:

For us here, there are fundamental square law forces like sound and gravity.

In 5 dimensions, we should experience “cubed” law forces, and so on.


The Nearest Large Boundaries (Biggest Holes) in Space:

The nearest large boundaries to us are at the nearest regions of lowest Fb.

That should be exactly in between the moon and Earth centers of gravity on a Euclidean straight line. Unfortunatley, the line moves continually and “quickly” in 3 dimensions.

The location along the line(s) is easy to calculate and is the simple cancellation points of the two opposing gravitational square law forces. The region is relatively small and traverses in space quickly as we see it, i.e. it “orbits around” the planet.

More Distant Boundaries:

And so the Earth-surface boundary size is 10-19 meters and the boundary b would need to increase in width by the factor 1010 as an order of magnitude approximation to pass a single atom, one-dimensionally speaking.

Since gravity is a square law here, that would imply 105 x this planet’s radius, or 50,000 Earth-diameters.

That is a long way for our technology. It is better to use canceling forces from nearby mass to achieve low Fb.


Fibonacci space is real. The concept of time is not physically real.

Many measurements innately use time and so do all of our perceptions and especially our language(s).

Energy and space are real. They both grow directionally.

Sometimes, we represent our three-dimensional world with our derived three-dimensional mathematics and we become confused (overwhelmed) and cannot soundly (physically) enter into the sequence of natural growth.

Reconciling the natural sequence should lead to an understanding that cannot be achieved in three dimensions alone.

Reverse and dimensional forward entropy are likely waiting for our own enlightenment.

Technology exists to achieve the nearest broad interesctions.

Norgeboy . . . . I made a speculation elsewhere on Sciforums (don't remember exactly where) that what we 'believe' is evidence for expansion of the universe may actually be an observational 'illusion' due to our current models and measurement tools.

I'm interested in your response . . . .Regards,

Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.

Speak for youself, I live in 4 dimensions. Which 3 do you live in?
Apparently he lives in only two spatial dimensions, or else he would have already answered your question in the OP.

I suspected it was 2 spatial, also but which ones??? I want to know what orientiation I need if I wanted to talk to him. :D