The Nativity


Registered Senior Member
The nativity ultimately comes from anchient Egyptian religion wherein Horus is born to Meri and Jo-Sep amongst beasts, they flee from the serpent Herrut and are given gifts from three maji. Christian scholors would take this to be prophesy rather than an assimilated story espetially since there was indeed an evil king Herod who died a few short years after a planetary alignment which many proclaim was the Jesus birth star. The historically inconsistent parts of the story comes from Luke wherein Mary and Joseph go to Joseph's hometown for a tax census, and from the baby slaughter which never happened. Herod is esimated to have died in march of 4 BC. Which would put Jesus birth sometime prior to march of 4BC if the Nativity story were correct. The planetary alignment was a convergence of Jupiter-Saturn and Mars sometime in 7-6 BC wherein the Juiter-Saturn pair converged three times durring the year. The tex census of Israel first took place in 6-7 AD, about 10 years after the death of Herod. So in looking for a historical event which could be interpereted as this tax census prior to the death of Herrod, a roman census that was ordered in 8BC has been proposed as what this was in reference to. The problem was that Joseph would have been a Jew and this census was only for Romans. Two contracictory geneologies are given for Joseph in the New testament, one in Matthew and the other in Luke. Neither of them has him as Roman. So if there were a man that Jesus was based on and this assertion were correct then this man would have been part gentile on his father Joseph's mothers side. That he was Joseph's son and not really of virgin birth was apparently accepted sometime in early Christiandom or else there would not have been a reason to account Joseph's geneology at all. Its really looking like the following is what happened. There was a terrible king Herod that was therefor compared to the serpent Herrut for which astronomical events that could be taken as astrological signs occured prior to his death. Whether or not there was an actual man that Jesus was based on, it appears that his birth story was made up to have coincided with these events in order to match up to some degree with the existing paagan religions. The early christian church leaders had to set up the story so that he could have been born among the beasts as the Horus story went and so remembering that censuses had taken place they made up the whole no room at the inn durring taxing season story as a reason they might seek refuge in a stable.
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