the Myth of the Muslim Ummah


and it was
Valued Senior Member
Dear Posters

This has been playing on my mind recently, that why do muslims always go on about the ummah.... What Ummah i want to know?????

Sorry for the genralisation here but i hear a lot of hypocrcy from muslims, espically when they say i want to go to afghanistan to fight for my brothers in the Ummah.. What are they going to fight their other brothers, the Northern Alliance, who were the guys on the ground who got rid of the taliban. Or they may say i want to go to iraq to fight with my brothers. what with sunnis killing sunnis, sunnis killing shiites, shiites killing sunnis, non muslims killing muslims, muslims killing non muslims... its an absolute farce!!

if this is all true, i do not see any of my "muslim brothers" going to darfur to help my other "muslim brothers"

on another angle

I had a cousin from Mauritius who came to stay with me a couple of years back while he studied in london, after a couple of months he rented a flat nearer the university, and "of course" his land-lord was muslim. Unfortunately after a few weeks he decided to go back to mauritius, due to various issues. I asked him if everything was settled with his falt and wheterh he wanted me to do anything. My cousin said no its all in order, my landlord will send you the deposit money and when you get it please forward it on to me...i did tell him i doubt i would see the deposit money and as predicted it did not come!

So there you have it muslims trusting muslims then getting kicked in the teeth,

i would no way trust a muslim any more than a non muslim, just cos he is a muslim.

Thank you for reading and your thoughts would be most welcome.

take care
first i am sorry for your coudin's experience. what the lanlord has done is totally wrong. however, he doesnt represent whole muslim world. likewise, you may get tricked by jewish or christian, does it mean you wont trust any christian anymore?
if the argument is the teachings of Islam that cause muslims' irrational behavior , thats another story.
islam has its teachings that forbid lying, stealing, killing innocents, etc.
if a person, with muslim title, does the opposite, Isam should not be responsible for it, but the person who does it
hope this helps
best regards
Hi Aziz,

thank you for your comments

i think you are slightly missing the point, my post is about muslims using the ummah for shite reasons.. this is not a problem with islam as a religion but with the use of the muslim Ummah

the thing about my cousin is it makes me look bad as he could (he doesnt but he could) think that i have the money and did not forward it on!!!!

and yes you are right non muslims can be equally tricky, but lets not trust a muslim just cos he says he is a muslim.

take care
Hey Zak!!!!!!!! :)

Sorry about your cousins experience.

I understand what you’re trying to say. There is a lot of hypocrisy in the Muslims, that is clear to everyone, but then again there is a lot of hypocrisy in the Christians, Jews etc. The World has changed, nowadays its all about looking after number one, everything else is irrelevant. Materialism, selfishness etc. have overridden this entire planet, there is so much injustice, this Whole World is rotten. The Prophet said that the Ummah is one body, if any part of it is unwell than it effects the rest of the body, these beautiful teachings mean nothing to the leaders of the Muslim nations, they have abandoned the teachings of their own Prophet, they have cheated their people.

I was listening to one lecture, can’t remember the scholar, he was saying how certain elements within the Muslim World are obsessed with bashing America, that’s all they ever talk about. I know this for a fact, whenever I’m debating radicals they will always refer to America, America this, America that, all the time. The truth is the Muslim World should be building links with the West instead of China and Russia. The Prophet said that we should prefer the Christians over the Non-believers, the West is a lot better in terms of human rights and that sort of stuff. The scholar was saying how Muslims turned their back on Chechnya and Dagestan as Russia committed atrocity after atrocity (America told Russia to calm the hell down), since it wasn’t America people aren’t really interested. The same with China, they have killed many Muslims in their Western province, not one word from Muslims.

Its always Palestine and Iraq, those problems definitely need to be addressed, however lets not forget Sudan, Chechnya, the Kurds, Kashmir as well as other places where other innocent people are being oppressed, regardless of race, religion etc. Our religion commands us to be the champions of Mankind. We can at least keep all these principles in our heart, we can help by raising awareness, giving in charity etc.

The truth is people are not paying attention to what our Prophet preached, they are more interested in jumping on the anti-American bandwagon, but hey its easy, everyone’s doing it.
Hey Zak!!!!!!!! :)

Sorry about your cousins experience.

I understand what you’re trying to say. There is a lot of hypocrisy in the Muslims, that is clear to everyone, but then again there is a lot of hypocrisy in the Christians, Jews etc. The World has changed, nowadays its all about looking after number one, everything else is irrelevant. Materialism, selfishness etc. have overridden this entire planet, there is so much injustice, this Whole World is rotten. The Prophet said that the Ummah is one body, if any part of it is unwell than it effects the rest of the body, these beautiful teachings mean nothing to the leaders of the Muslim nations, they have abandoned the teachings of their own Prophet, they have cheated their people.


hello ghost

good to hear from you...

You are completely right here, but it just annoys me when i hear muslims on the TV saying i am going to fight for my brothers in iraq, when hell muslims are fighting muslims out there!!

I was listening to one lecture, can’t remember the scholar, he was saying how certain elements within the Muslim World are obsessed with bashing America, that’s all they ever talk about. I know this for a fact, whenever I’m debating radicals they will always refer to America, America this, America that, all the time. The truth is the Muslim World should be building links with the West instead of China and Russia. The Prophet said that we should prefer the Christians over the Non-believers, the West is a lot better in terms of human rights and that sort of stuff. The scholar was saying how Muslims turned their back on Chechnya and Dagestan as Russia committed atrocity after atrocity (America told Russia to calm the hell down), since it wasn’t America people aren’t really interested. The same with China, they have killed many Muslims in their Western province, not one word from Muslims.

Its always Palestine and Iraq, those problems definitely need to be addressed, however lets not forget Sudan, Chechnya, the Kurds, Kashmir as well as other places where other innocent people are being oppressed, regardless of race, religion etc. Our religion commands us to be the champions of Mankind. We can at least keep all these principles in our heart, we can help by raising awareness, giving in charity etc.

The truth is people are not paying attention to what our Prophet preached, they are more interested in jumping on the anti-American bandwagon, but hey its easy, everyone’s doing it.

This is equally true, lets not worry about America, lets get our self respect abck and actually act like an ummah and stop killing and cheating each other. only then can we be better people and get the respect from non muslims... Only then will we be on an equal footing...

its like in iraq 9sorry to go back to it) but how can we expect it to be sorted when muslims are killing muslims!!! How is the wars in Afghnistan and Iraq against muslims when in those countries muslims are fighting muslims!!!

take care
hello ghost

good to hear from you...

You are completely right here, but it just annoys me when i hear muslims on the TV saying i am going to fight for my brothers in iraq, when hell muslims are fighting muslims out there!!

True say bruv.

This is equally true, lets not worry about America, lets get our self respect abck and actually act like an ummah and stop killing and cheating each other. only then can we be better people and get the respect from non muslims... Only then will we be on an equal footing...

its like in iraq 9sorry to go back to it) but how can we expect it to be sorted when muslims are killing muslims!!! How is the wars in Afghnistan and Iraq against muslims when in those countries muslims are fighting muslims!!!

Agreed. A big problem for Muslims is fervent nationalism and other forms of rivalry, its not healthy. There are tensions in alot of Muslim countries (different sects, races, castes etc.) the thing is certain elements exploit such tensions, look at Iraq now, it is like a playground for Iran, those guys are absolutely loving it. That’s just one example. Most Muslims want to live in peace, its just the leaders that have war and power on their minds, look at the Kurds, they have been cheated by everyone, look at the Sunnis of Iraq now etc. The situation is pretty messed up and there is no simple solution, bashing America is pretty pointless but I think I would be right in saying they should have had better plans in place.

There’s a long road ahead.

Having cool headed people in Washington is important tho, with the election results in America I’m hoping the next few years will be more chilled.
. The situation is pretty messed up and there is no simple solution, bashing America is pretty pointless but I think I would be right in saying they should have had better plans in place.

There’s a long road ahead.

Having cool headed people in Washington is important tho, with the election results in America I’m hoping the next few years will be more chilled.

Agreed ghost

lets hope so. however if muslims and muslim leaders act like they do. nothing in washington can help!!!

Going back to the muslim Ummah ..... I have another story.... me and another relative were coming out of the mosque after jummah prayers and some Morrocans and bangladesh youths were having arguments. the morrocans just walked off, however 10 bangladeshi followed them taunting and shit like that.. when the morrocans split up and went thier own separate way the 10 bangladesh youths started on the remaining 2 morrocans and kick the hell out of them!! So much for muslims bortherhood.

yes you could say jews and christians youths would do the same thing and no doubt they do... but i dont see them going on about a christian ummah and saying oh i am going over to DR Congo (or wherever)to help my brother christians!!!

take care

The truth is people are not paying attention to what our Prophet preached, they are more interested in jumping on the anti-American bandwagon, but hey its easy, everyone’s doing it.
:eek: Guilty as charged. Its just that one has greater expectations of a country that is looked upon as a world leader especially in principles of liberty and equality. More a sense of disappointment than bashing, on my part at least.
I'd say your cousin was too trusting - he should have gotten a receipt and you could have threatened to go to the police (maybe he doesn't pay tax on his extra income and as well you could have went to the Mosque and at least shame him for taking the poor guys money. That said, I was ripped out of a bond on two occasions one was with a Jewish woman and another was a Xian guy. I doubt their religion had anything to do with their greed!
I'd say your cousin was too trusting - he should have gotten a receipt and you could have threatened to go to the police (maybe he doesn't pay tax on his extra income and as well you could have went to the Mosque and at least shame him for taking the poor guys money. That said, I was ripped out of a bond on two occasions one was with a Jewish woman and another was a Xian guy. I doubt their religion had anything to do with their greed!

Hey Michael,

How are you doing? and thank you for your comments

No point in going to the mosque as the area where he was renting the flat i dont know very well.

the point is i am not saying it is religion but the coax people use about muslim brotherhood to try and con their "brother" muslims.... it is dispicable and the trait is magnified on a macro level...

take care
:eek: Guilty as charged. Its just that one has greater expectations of a country that is looked upon as a world leader especially in principles of liberty and equality. More a sense of disappointment than bashing, on my part at least.

The US is equally disappointed.
Hey Michael,

How are you doing? and thank you for your comments

No point in going to the mosque as the area where he was renting the flat i dont know very well.

the point is i am not saying it is religion but the coax people use about muslim brotherhood to try and con their "brother" muslims.... it is dispicable and the trait is magnified on a macro level...

take care
Hi Zak,

I understand your point, using someone’s belief to exploit them. I still think that this person should be held to account - hence I'd simply say, pay the bond back or I am going to take a couple hours, this weekend and go downtown to file a Police Report and I am also going to call and notify the US taxation department.

The Police may not do anything, but at least its reported.
The US Tax Department is probably a different story – we’re talking money!

That usually get's things sorted :)

Hi Zak,

I understand your point, using someone’s belief to exploit them. I still think that this person should be held to account - hence I'd simply say, pay the bond back or I am going to take a couple hours, this weekend and go downtown to file a Police Report and I am also going to call and notify the US taxation department.

The Police may not do anything, but at least its reported.
The US Tax Department is probably a different story – we’re talking money!

That usually get's things sorted :)


Hey michae

thank you for your reposne

it will be kind of hard to do shit all about this, cos time has gone on now....

Just trying to expose the fraud of this So called muslim ummah thats all, people use it to fuck each other over.

take care