The Mystery of Great Cosmic Voids


Registered Member
Scientists have been discovering voids in space that are billions of light-years across. One huge void found in 2009 is a mystifying 3.5 billion light-years across. Now, this may not seem like a big deal. But when you consider that the visible universe stretches only 13.5 billion light-years in any direction, a void 3.5 billion light-years across is about a quarter of the visible universe. That's a lot of empty space.

But, this may still not seem like a big deal to you. So here's the big deal, and the real deal: there hasn't been enough time since the big bang for such large voids to form. Now, that's a problem.

The mystery is described on, April 4th, 2009, in an article entitled "New cosmic map reveals colossal structures:"

Scientists "found some enormous voids -- regions of space that are relatively empty, including one that is about 3.5 billion light years across ... the newly found void is so large that it is difficult to fit into our present understanding of the universe on the largest scales. Computer simulations show that gravity causes galaxies and galaxy clusters to get closer together over time, with voids growing between the clusters.

"But the finite time available since the big bang makes it difficult to explain a void as large as the one found in this survey ... It's not easy to make voids that large in any of the current models of large scale structure formation," said John Huchra of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

So, what's the answer?

Well, although scientists sometimes have a way of tweaking out an "answer" where there is none, like the against-all-odds inflation theory that is conjured up to explain inexplicable developments following the big bang, which is a whole other topic, there really is no answer to how the finite time since the big bang could have created such huge voids.

But the voids are there and they're not going away. And the big bang is here, and it doesn't "get along" with huge voids. Houston, we have a problem.

Well, if the voids aren't going away, is it possible the big bang may have to? That's a distinct possibility. The big bang may have to give way to my new theory called the V-Bang (

My new book, "The V-Bang," resolves many of the greatest cosmological mysteries, including the great voids. It is an entirely new theory of how the universe began, and is supported by far more current and past observations than the big bang. The big bang has over the years presented us with more questions than answers. presents the answers -- and leaves very few questions.
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Scientists have been discovering voids in space that are billions of light-years across. One huge void found in 2009 is a mystifying 3.5 light-years across.

That's less than the distance from here to Alpha Centauri.

Or did you mean 3.5 billion light years? I hope this error doesn't appear in your book.

Well, although scientists sometimes have a way of tweaking out an "answer" where there is none, like the against-all-odds inflation theory that is conjured up to explain inexplicable developments following the big bang, which is a whole other topic, there really is no answer to how the finite time since the big bang could have created such huge voids.

Why mention inflation if you have no intention of discussing it.

Your claim that it is "against-all-odds" is completely unsupported, and thus worthless. Start a new thread if you have any evidence to back up this bizarre claim.

Well, if the voids aren't going away, is it possible the big bang may have to? That's a distinct possibility. The big bang may have to give way to my new theory called the V-Bang (

Want to bet?

My new book, "The V-Bang," resolves many of the greatest cosmological mysteries, including the great voids. It is an entirely new theory of how the universe began, and is supported by far more current and past observations than the big bang.

Can you give us a brief list of the differences between your theory and the big bang theory, along with the evidence that supports your theory over the big bang theory? Thanks.

I'm assuming this thread isn't just an advertisment for your book. Please let me know if that is your only intent, because if so I'll delete it.
The "light-years" were supposed to be "billions of light-years." I've corrected the error. Thank you for pointing it out.
That's less than the distance from here to Alpha Centauri.

Or did you mean 3.5 billion light years? I hope this error doesn't appear in your book.

Why mention inflation if you have no intention of discussing it.

Your claim that it is "against-all-odds" is completely unsupported, and thus worthless. Start a new thread if you have any evidence to back up this bizarre claim.

Want to bet?

Can you give us a brief list of the differences between your theory and the big bang theory, along with the evidence that supports your theory over the big bang theory? Thanks.

I'm assuming this thread isn't just an advertisment for your book. Please let me know if that is your only intent, because if so I'll delete it.

I have to see what I can reveal here without giving the whole book away. Will need some time.
Walter L. Wagner: "greenj is a Young Earth Creationist"

This is a typical response when one has nothing of substance to say. Throwing meaningless labels around is easy. Try addressing an issue.
I see that you have also written a book that disproves evolution. It is odd that one of the most intuitively obvious and robust theories of nature was disproved and I didn't hear about it!:bugeye:

I think that maybe you just disproved it to your own satisfaction.

I think based on this limited information I will pass on your book. Life is too short waste it on 'hand waving pseudo-science'.
Are the voids there or is it a number crunch of zeta? Surrounding all matter maybe a 'force' which may interfere with lights' property. Could the voids be bubbles? around which the physics for additional material may evolve? Is there any Doppler by the bubbles? Any momentum, at all? Any change in light from objects on the other side? Is there an oblateness? If not perfectly spherical, then why not? Do different voids have different shapes? Why are there different sizes?
Crank spam.

I like the tittle . I would say it Mystery Great my self and how big was that void ah 3.5 and it May what ?

Me Home . Is there disproportionate amount of Me Homes in songs I ask ? I guess every body want to go home . I want to go home , let Me go Home

O.K. O.K. I know the song don't care about the words that go with it . You can put any words in a song and notes don't care. People spend there last dollar to be entertained in America

Laugh with Me will you already
Are the voids there or is it a number crunch of zeta? Surrounding all matter maybe a 'force' which may interfere with lights' property. Could the voids be bubbles? around which the physics for additional material may evolve? Is there any Doppler by the bubbles? Any momentum, at all? Any change in light from objects on the other side? Is there an oblateness? If not perfectly spherical, then why not? Do different voids have different shapes? Why are there different sizes?

A tag team spam promotion , What do you know