The Muslim Faith, In A Nutshell


Valued Senior Member
There is not god but God.

Only God reigns supreme.

You may have your prophets and transcribers and adherents but the bottom line is: there is no god but God.

What is wrong with the Muslim belief of a sole, transendical God that is the sole supreme creator?
The way I see it is sort of like this. Belief in itself and in a "one true way" in particular by definition shuts down other routes of research and learning, in all areas eg. we have all the answers in this book written 2000 years ago. Since you are referring to the islamic faith in this thread I will use an example from there. The islamic faith counts for some 20% of the worlds population, the islamic world produces on average in the last years 5% of the worlds scientific research, nuff said.
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What is very odd is that they think that the black stone at Mecca is divine and pray to it when it is only a meteorite.

Because it was sent from God I guess. Came from the sky a few hundred years ago and they thought it was devine sign.
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What is wrong with the Muslim belief of a sole, transcendental God that is the sole supreme creator?
That's not just a Muslim belief. Some polytheistic faiths have a sole supreme creator God or Goddesses - and then lots of other Gods and Goddesses.

What's wrong with teaching, a supreme God, monotheism?

What's wrong with teaching, a supreme race, racism?

While this comparison may seem to your typical theist as trite, try and remember the history of people confusing Jew with race, religious belief with race.

(incidentally that's another wonderful example of how most people believe what they are taught to believe - so much so people begin to confuse religion with "race").

Why are these beliefs wrong? They are wrong because we live in a world with many different races. It's not good to teach children that there is only one Supreme Race. We live in a world with many different Gods. It's not good to teach children there is only one Supreme God. These ideas (memes) are successful because they connect us with a ancient tribal identity, something that was important to the success of our species long long ago. We don't live and kill as if we were living in the Stone Age or even the Bronze Age (well some of us). It's time we socially progress past these Stone/Bronze Age memes.

Actually, thank the Gods, many of us have :)
What is very odd is that they think that the black stone at Mecca is divine and pray to it when it is only a meteorite.

Not really, to ancient peoples meteorites were from the God-head. People living in the Bronze Age would have felt that kissing a magic rock was... well magical. It's not at all any different than praying towards a certain "magical" place. Or praying inside a "magical" building. Or kissing a virgin Mary or crucifix.
I've been a Muslim my whole life and I've never prayed to the black stone. Interesting :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
I'm sure you have your set of superstitions that "make sense" to you in the same way kissing that black rock "makes sense" to those people.
Do you face the kabaa when you offer prayer?

We face the Qiblah which except under two conditions is the direction of the Kaaba. Those two conditions are

1. inside the Kaaba
2. On the side directly opposite to the Qiblah on the globe

In these two places, you can pray facing any direction.
Out of interest, where exactly is that?

Somewhere in the Pacific - the purpose of the qibla is simply to provide a focus for prayer and caters, in a way, to the human need to pray towards something.

If for some reason, you don't know the direction of the qibla you can just assume any direction which seems suitable and pray.
