The Movie "Constantine"'s Vision

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
The Movie “Constantine”’s Vision

It was much easier to relate to this Movie than it was to submit to the silly metaphysics of the Matrix. Toss away Zen-like Allegory and settle into, well, if not the Truth, at least the scenery and elements of the Truth: Angels, Demons, Heroes and Saints. We have the resurrection of the Spear of Longinus, and incident which is odd enough, since we know that the Spear of Longinus actually sits today in the Vatican, but the Movie Version of the Spear has great powers for both good and evil.

What interested me the most was the Agenda of the Archangel Gabriel which at one point so exasperated Keanu “The Matrix” Reeves that he hissed and sputtered “Gabriel, you’re insane!” I don’t wish to give away the Movie, but if one digs deeply enough into Catholic Memorabilia, one becomes acquainted soon enough with the workings of the Avenging Angels. Simplistically, one would suppose that Demons would be sent to afflict and punish Humanity for its Sins, but the Truth is rather that such duty goes to the Legions of the Loyal Angels. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Catholicism’s foremost Seer and Visionary (from which Mel Gibson got his screenplay) mentions them. Other Saints have mentioned them. The Avenging Angels quite believe in the beneficial aspects of what they do. Their reasoning is that People often only turn to God as a last resort when they are in the deepest throes of the most abysmal sufferings. So, by imposing upon Humanity just such abysmal suffering, they are instrumental in turning People toward God. It was just such reasoning that Keanu’s Constantine thought so ‘insane’. Hmmmmm… the way people toss around that word…

I wonder, though, why the screenwriters singled out Gabriel. It has always been rather traditional to suppose Michael at the head of the Avenging Angels, but I suppose the ambiguous nature of what we know about Gabriel’s present offices and duties better lend themselves to the intricacies of the screen play. But I do commend the screenwriters for their vision of supposing that even God’s Closest Angels are well stocked in Free Will and that God is not All Powerful only to be the most annoying of Micro-Managers. It brings to mind a story that Anne Catherine Emmerich had told of Michael. It seems that at the Death of Christ Michael was so enraged that he would have immediately commenced the Destruction of Jerusalem, and started at The Temple where he tore the Veil to the Holy of Holies and moved onto inducing an earthquake that began to bring down the walls. The Spirit of Jesus arrived and He was able to prevail upon their friendship to persuade Michael to contain his anger for just a time… and so Michael did. He desisted for 40 years – a generation – and then destroyed Jerusalem, incidentally destroying most of the True Messianic Church in the wake of that terrible destruction. The Church of Paul, which had up to that time been a despised and a comparatively small heresy – a blasphemy aimed at opportunistic gentiles – was able to take advantage of the devastations of the True Messianic Church to jump into the Power Vacuum, fomenting Civil War between ‘Christians’ and Messianic Jews, to make itself the broker of Acceptable Doctrines. It was here that the Doctrines of Paul would ‘contradict’ and usurp the place of Christ. I suppose the Silver Lining around that Dark Cloud would be that the Doctrines of Sin espoused by Paul would bring just those kinds of abysmal sufferings to Humanity which would make them finally turn toward God in their final desperations. Just look at the Sufferings Modern Day Protestantism imposes upon those they Militarily Inflict or Economically Exploit, and we can see how much ‘Good’ is occasioned by Protestants by how many tears and anguished cries arise to Heaven praying for Justice and Vengeance against them. We can only hope that someday somewhat similar sufferings will finally shake Protestants loose enough from Paul’s delusional Doctrine of an Easy Salvation by Divine Murder, and seeing God’s Anger and Outrage, they may finally turn to true Penance and serious Moral reclamation.
Leo Volont said:
Their reasoning is that People often only turn to God as a last resort when they are in the deepest throes of the most abysmal sufferings. So, by imposing upon Humanity just such abysmal suffering, they are instrumental in turning People toward God.
Satan must be removing sufferings then. ;)
..but I suppose the ambiguous nature of what we know about Gabriel’s present offices and duties...
Gabriel is being kept under house (heaven?) arrest guarded by more powerful seraphims.. :D

It seems that at the Death of Christ Michael was so enraged that he would have immediately commenced the Destruction of Jerusalem, and started at The Temple where he tore the Veil to the Holy of Holies and moved onto inducing an earthquake that began to bring down the walls. The Spirit of Jesus arrived and He was able to prevail upon their friendship to persuade Michael to contain his anger for just a time… and so Michael did.
Had Michael acted before crucifixion it would have been different story !. I read somewhere Jesus and Michael are the same person.
everneo said:
Satan must be removing sufferings then. ;)

Gabriel is being kept under house (heaven?) arrest guarded by more powerful seraphims.. :D

Had Michael acted before crucifixion it would have been different story !. I read somewhere Jesus and Michael are the same person.

I've heard that Jesus and Melchizzadec had similar Super-Priestly Roles, but not that many people were identifying Michael with Christ. The problem is simply that Michael has been sent on too many errands. Not that the Cosmic Christ would be incapable of running an errand, it is only that one would not expect it from One of His Rank.

Though to support your argument... to be intellectually honest, I mean... there have been occassions in which, although Mary is Queen of Heaven, Michael has deliberately ignored Her Orders... or let me refer to them as Her Wishes so that She may have an opening for saving Face. During all 3 of the Major Chastisements upon Humanity, Michael continued the onslaughts even while the Blessed Virgin begged for Mercy, indicating that He was operating under an even Higher Authority. Though in 7th Century Rome, after Barbarian Invasion and years of Plague, the people were able to put together one last Procession, carrying the First Marian Icon created for the First Marian Shrine at Saragossa Spain, which had been specially taken to Rome for the occassion. After the Procession The Archangel Saint Michael was seen to appear over the Dome of Saint Peters...he was seen sheathing his Sword. That would signal a respite for the Catholic Church which would continue for Six Hundred and Sixty Six Years until the commensement of the Black Plague and the Mongol and Turkish Invasions when Michael again would draw his sword.
Perhaps it has something to do with the legends concerning Gabriel, where he escorts souls going to heaven. I haven't seen the movie, but this seems like the theme Gabriel is playing here.
okinrus said:
Perhaps it has something to do with the legends concerning Gabriel, where he escorts souls going to heaven. I haven't seen the movie, but this seems like the theme Gabriel is playing here.

It was cast really well. I really want there to be a sequel just so I can get more of that Gabriel Character. It was quite a standout performance.
everneo said:
Satan must be removing sufferings then. ;)

Actually, the Trick is not that he removes sufferings... quite to the contrary -- he imposes them. It is only that the Sufferings imposed by Satan atone for Sin and turn Souls toward God. Sufferings are not necessarily decreased.. they could in fact multiply. But Spirituality may increase.

Toynbee studied Civilizations. One generalization he arrived at is that during a Civilization's Decline, during its Time of Troubles, Religions go on the increase. Inversely, during the Material High Point of Civilizations, Religious Institutions are eroded and sidelined.

It so happens that so strong is the urge for Religion that accompanies the sufferings of a Civilization's Decline, that more often than not the only Institutions left when everything else has fallen apart are the Religious Institutions set up as the Civilization collapsed. These Religious Institutions become the chrysalises from which the Next Civilization will form and grow.

However, while the sufferings that Satan imposes upon the End of a Civilization will help in the creation of the Next Civilization, any influence Satan has at the Beginning of the Next Civilization, such as are often imposed in the form of Barbarian Aristocracies, will only accelerate the decline of the Formative Religion and advance that Civilization's Collapse. So, all considered, there is no Net Benefit in having Satan around.

It is still only a fairy story.

Of course when Christianity ruled the world it was known as the dark ages.