The Motives of an Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence


Master of Anvils
Registered Senior Member
I have noticed an odd trend among UFO afficionados and even among many SETI followers. There is this strange tendency to assume that an extra-terrestrial civilization would have the same motivations and desires that humans do. Why make that assumption?

There is really no reason to assume that an alien intelligence would desire to explore the galaxy and find other life forms the way we seem to want to, to say nothing of assuming they want to talk to us in particular.

What if they evolved underground and never go to the surface, or in a system buried in a opaque nebula? Such conditions might preclude them from even ever thinking about the possibility of "elsewhere".

What if they have a cultural imperative towards inward thinking, isolationism, xenophobia, or even a religious or philosophical proscription against looking beyond their own planet?

What if, in the galactic community, civilizations still using radio and fossil fuels are considered so primitive that communicating with them is a massive waste of time?

I am not saying that there will be no extra-terrestrials with a desire to communicate and explore. But so often SETI and UFO mavens alike tend to think that if they are out there, they MUST want to talk to us.

If there are x number of civilizations in this galaxy, it would be fairly reasonable to say that about half are behind us in development, and about half are ahead. The ones behind are as yet unable to communicate, so them we ignore. Of the half remaining that might be able to communicate, some will never develop the technology to do so. Remember that to develop and use such technology, they have to see a need for it. There are bound to be those that do not see that need. Others will fit into the categories I mentioned above, and for one reason or another have no desire to explore or communicate at all. The remaining number will most likely be, by galactic standards, rather small.

There is really no reason to assume that an alien intelligence would desire to explore the galaxy and find other life forms the way we seem to want to, to say nothing of assuming they want to talk to us in particular.

You are correct. If they are super intelligent sea mammals like evolved dolphins, or super plants that communicate via chemical scents or whatever - they definitely would not be looking for us....

In that case, this thread ran out its usefulness and can be closed....

On the otherhand, should we discuss what type of intelligence will have a motivation to reach out and touch someone of their kind and if they are out there close by? Then we can continue....your choice.... he he he ....:D
I still like to consider motives...

For instance, what if You were an Astronaut sent out into the open yonder, the mission itself is pretty suicidal in my meaning, your life is now living on board a ship (With no chance of returning home to earth).

You mission and goal is to (do a bit of startrek) seek out new worlds, and boldly go where no Earthman has gone before.

during your voyage, you manage to reach another star system (yeah like right at the current rate of technological evolution), alright so you had a computer ploting Lagrange points to swing your ship by universal weight to get were your going.

You spot out of your portal a planet with an atmosphere, you can see blue oceans and even green across the ground... it's got life, vegetation, anything thing else?

You might sit in orbit of the planet a while and try to scope out settlements (easy for us, got Pyramids, Great Wall and anything else big and clumbersome)

If you do spy a settlement and you happen to watch it during a dark period of the planet you can guess it's state of evolution but its LIGHT output. (take for instance we output loads of street light, were someone with a candle wouldn't be lighting up so much.)

Now wether you see settlements or not, is not the question, but the question should be "If I go down their, what will I encounter?"

You might stumble upon an alien civilization, or just find yourself back to alien nature surrounded by Flora and Fauna. This means you could find youself attacked or eaten just for a starter, but then their is the most annoying possibility (The one that H.G.WELLS used in WAR OF THE WORLDS) what happens if you catch a case of the Martian mumps, or capture some alien flu...

Perhaps even breath in some alien pollen spore that gives you an allergic reaction and your head expands to the point of exploding.

Now that's just a scenario of a person exploring space, and people wonder why aliens don't just appear and show themselves.
Now that's just a scenario of a person exploring space, and people wonder why aliens don't just appear and show themselves

Are you saying that our ancestors (or even in 10th century) were afraid to go to Africa, north pole or the Americas because they may encounter strange beings and catch cold?
Originally posted by kmguru

Are you saying that our ancestors (or even in 10th century) were afraid to go to Africa, north pole or the Americas because they may encounter strange beings and catch cold?

Well, if you think about it for a minute, yes. We, as a species, consider ourselves explorers and seekers of knowledge. Yet if you look at the whole canvas of humanity, how many of us actually do those things? Very, very few. Our reputation as explorers is largely maintained by an extremely small minority of our population. The vast majority of us just stay at home and live out our lives in very small windows of reality, and never look to the horizon. If the number of us that actually got out and explored new horizons were much smaller, we would never find anything new at all.
I tend to think that our primary drives are developed through evolution, through survival and its many facets. I see no reason why that should be different for aliens. After all, it is the same for humans, wombats, tigers, fish, birds...

But, we do!

Say, Columbus discovered America (that is debatable!) . Now we have 280 million people. So what if just a few alpha males (or alpha females...) venture into unknown? As a community we get the benefit....again think about it...

There are thousands of PhDs, but only one Bill Gates or Gordon Moore or Wolfram...

And you are right about "The vast majority of us just stay at home and live out our lives in very small windows of reality, and never look to the horizon."

Only if every CEO or CIO can understand this, we can increase so much of our productivity.....

I got interupted, so lost my train of thought...oh...what the hell....
...Why should an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want to contact humans here on Earth? They can see for themselves how badly the human race 'behaves'.

And what about the question that extraterrestrials are part of our Ancestory? (don't know if I have the word correct, sorry :) )
It is told in several manuscripts that the human race is partly extraterrestrial. I'll give you a preview of the lost book of Enki. What do you think on this?

History Intact

by Allen Furford
The Mobius Insight

Thanks to Lee Chin also known as the Genesis of Light, I just finished the Lost Book of Enki by Zacheria Sitchin and I am satisfied everything is tracking right in the Mobius Insight. The translations of the Lost Book of Enki, all 14 tablets stands as it was written unfragmented. This is a must read book by the master of Sumeria, by the way. It seems we all have to make a shift again about our history from what we know about in this tablet, and Sitchin did this as I have to in view of this crucial information. By moving the flood up in my own mind again, and accepting the fact the Annunaki had gathered and saved genes from almost everything they could, and given their level of science plus man¹s ability to procreate, it is possible to move
this mark closer to present time. How everything worked was well explained on this tablet... The fact Zuisudra¹s (Noah¹s) people and craftsmen survived the flood caused from a slipping Antarctic ice pack when Nibiru neared, plus 4 other pair in what is now South America that were admitted survivors by those from off planet, then later admission that these survivors came from
the line of Ka-in (Cain) which also made it through in some other areas fits a more logical pathway than depicted in the Christian Bible. In short for all of the Deluge¹s destruction, the seeds afloat await the land and the planet Earth had just gone through another and most terrible of many terrible cycles as explained by those we call the gods, or Annunaki. In short, The Lost Book of Enki is your real modern Earth Genesis but genesis is a cycle also and a universal one...

Genesis is a cycle? It seems the Annunaki did not know what their origins were either, and fought such a terrible atomic war as described by Enki that they finally ended up a monarchy with council, plus the inhabitants had gone through so many previous cycles which also disrupted Nibiru as well as Earth¹s stability in its long past; they did not even have fossils of possible Annunaki / Igigi evolution from comments made in the Lost Book. The Igigi were those who stayed in Earth orbit. or manned the relay stations, such as the one on Mars, for the minerals needed by the home planet and imported from Earth to stabilize its atmosphere; gold being the key sought after element.

The total picture of how that other planet works is fascinating to say the least, and because of the moons some of the mass is canceled out allowing life as we know it there. Many of the Earth¹s plants came from there, modified for Earth, and it seems plants also traveled the other direction to Nibiru according to the tablets. Sheep came from there as well as cattle according to these writings, all part of the civilization package handed down by Nibirian decree. Earth presents problems for the Annunaki if they try to live here, aging more rapidly and living in a sense 30 times slower to us. One Annunaki day is like one month Earth time. An Annunaki sleeping for 8 hours on his schedule has just slept for 10 days our present time.
They have to take special supplements which for the most part can be grown on Earth to counter the effects of the quick changes from day to night, the high ultraviolet radiation, the breathable but noticeable difference in the atmosphere and density there of. They also seemed to have aged much faster here on Earth, maybe even as much as 30 to 1 compared to the home planet with the much longer orbit around the sun. Some sort of hibernation was also implied on the world from without, also slowing the aging process, but the prime factor of age clocking seemed to be the speed of the planet around the central star, our sun.

Genesis for Nibiru was more like the natural order of things...
Annunaki suddenly appeared on the scene. When the Annunaki first saw the crude being that was to become man, it was remarked that this clay of Earth possibly was how Annunaki began life on Nibiru. In short they did not know really from whence they came, but they did pray to the Creator of All, the
Real God, The Great Spirit, The Pure Lord of the Loving Light. In short they were religious and there was only one real God...

The insertion of the messenger Galzu into the Lost Tablet history is also interesting. He also looked like an Annunaki except his face shown with an inner light and it was said by the Annunaki they were of the opinion Galzu was a personal messenger from the Real God. Was he? Could he have been a time traveler? Could he have been from the real seeding race of Man and a member of a greater federation of civilizations? You see, we have found modern footprints that date much farther back than the Annunaki here on Earth, and the Greeks tell us there were 5 races of men. First was the Golden Race, the perfect race of man that went to heaven and died out on Earth, and heaven was not the spirit world in those days as far as the Greeks were concerned, underground across the River Stix was the spirit world. Call Heaven the stars or Nibiru, take your pick...

As far as the real spirit world as I have seen it, as well as seen by too many others going through the same catharsis to even bother to count now, lumps all of Earth¹s spirits into the same dimensional area since we are part of this gravity well induced by our sun. Annunaki and Igigi who have died on Earth reincarnate here like the rest of us. They are us... and we are them on Earth. We are hybrids from Mars (Igigi), hybrids from Nibiru (Annunaki) and part of Earth all rolled into one. We can share the same body
to transport our souls since the encoding keys are now cut that way by the tool of God we call Enki. Our God is their God, our quirks their quirks. We reattained civilization because of them, they gave us booze, sexual promiscuity, drugs and war along with all the rest of the good and bad attributed to our present situation. We may well have given these gifts to them first if the Greeks are correct to any degree, as the Golden Race of Man. Zuisudra (Noah) was white skinned with blond hair and blue eyes at birth which set him apart from others during his early years, had a gift with animals, and Enki was his father as confessed somewhat in embarrassment. Kingship handed down for Earth rule during the Age of the Bull (Anu¹s idea) never worked so the Annunaki relied upon religion in the end to control mankind. The way it was done even was explained in this literary gift from someone who cared for man, who built man in present form.
Inanna was the first women¹s liberation leader and failed her subjects miserably so vain was she for just one failing, being just plain nuts for another after losing her lover. We are the mirror image of the image which may well be that of another mirror from the beginning until the end of time, as we physically know it. The universe is a big place with far more than two occupied planetary systems. We are what we are and some call us Man. I have to smile when I say we have been around for awhile. I am a citizen of the Galaxy and thanks to what seems to be Universal Law, I have a ticket to ride. Outside help we of Earth may well need in our present geophysical situation; a king¹s rule I need not from Earth nor Nibiru. The Age of Kings is over....

Both planets have problems, we are all so very related, we have gold, they need gold, we both need a good third planet because of our instability so why not a joint venture? Mankind has gifts to bring for we innovate 30 times faster in present configuration than those we call Annunaki if I am guessing correctly. We also have the capability to move along the path of progress if we do not get hit too bad this go around for the Planet of the Crossing,
Planet X. We have to save the manufacturing base as a total package several places felt to be safe on this planet. Repositories of tools and knowledge safe from even nuclear attack and this is no small project as time is running out. You can bet on the fact some of these cousins are here already and we can only hope it will be for the betterment of mankind, because we have not forgotten how they used the Forbidden Weapons of the Old Times to assure no Bond Heaven-Earth (communications) or space flight by Marduk who was supposedly given dominion over the entire Earth, if he could hold it from this new race of man hybrid he helped create. Marduk had been forever banned from Nibiru because he married an Earthling and was in line for Kingship of Nibiru such was his royal lineage until he did this. He had a loyal following from the Igigi from Mars who had to move to Earth after the deluge and intermarried also with the people who would be the new inhabitants of Earth. Genetically we of Earth are closer to the Annunaki then the original species they had started with from the land, and this was Enki¹s embarrassment when he turned the formulas over to Anu. Enki was the son of Anu, King of Nibiru and that meant Man was made in the kings image by way of the son over and over again by gene refreshment from the start of the project called Hu-Man. It was quite flattering for the only way man could be told apart from those from the other planet was the fact Earthmen had a foreskin on his penis and those from the other planet did not. In all other respects we are identical physically which amazed those who inhabited Nibiru.

They banished Marduk from Nibiru anyway because he broke royal rules and married outside of royalty. Marduk wanted Earth for himself but it cost him all the benefits of longevity which were denied by Enki, taking orders from Anu who was Marduk¹s grandfather. From the end of the tablet, Enki and Enlil decided they had to make the decision whether to leave or stay and die on Earth which was coming fast for them then. Enlil implied her would get the last gold out from the Andes and head home. Enki did not say if he stayed or not, but may well have left figuring extending his life gave him the ability to oversee his project, as he did not fully trust his son.

Using the orbit Sitchin originally had tabled with 400 year windows for launch, allowing for Nibiru to have been through last in 1600 B.C. when Anugave his permission to pull back, these brings us to approximately 1200 B.C. Now it seems at this time all the learning centers man had left were wiped out by some kind of super laser... and you can bet Enlil saw to the flame job as a parting farewell. Well for some reason and at an insane rate of progress the last 600 years we are now in space big time and have over 30,000 Forbidden Weapons world wide ready to go. In short any conflict between planets is going to hurt both sides before it would be over. No one wins... not really. At the moment this observation of sources of conflict, cause and possible future political effect may help adjust your thinking about our current situation. I would not be too fast to choose sides when the time comes for a decision about these so called gods. If they are ruling
Earth, look what they have done to us time and again either on purpose as Enlil often tried, or by accident as what happened to Sumer. (Shumer) Like the Prophet Amos said: Ask ye not for the Day of the Lord... but then Amos did not have Area 51 either and machines to cannabilize from other off world

One last little item: The gods (Annunaki) had dream visions of the future...

Do you?

Allen D. Furford
The Mobius Insight

Listen well please! This is a book preview. I don't say: It Is So!!! Ok...? :) It's one of many theories, no more, no less!