The Most Offensive Jokes Ever!!!

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The NME didn't publish the interview with Stevie Wonder....

NME: "Stevie, what's it like being blind?"

Stevie: "Well. it could have been worse. I could've been black."
What's blue, 12 inches long & makes women scream?
- A cot death.

What's red, slimy and crawls up a woman's leg?
- A homesick abortion.
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why dont pakis let there kids play in sand boxs ?

cause the cats keep berrying them.

Pizzas don't scream when you stick em in the oven[/QUOTE]
What do you call a blonde with 2 pigtails?
- A blow job with handlebars.

What's the difference between a nigger and a bucket of shit?
- The bucket.

[Hope the moderators will allow that one, given the title of this thread; if not, it's been nice knowing you all.]
Could I get some more jokes about having sex with small children and animals, those ones crack me up!
Some more like this one please:
“Why wrap a hamsters in tape? So it does not split when you fuck it”
I was in a bookshop the other day, and saw a book with the title "Living with Alzheimers Disease" I thought to myself " that looks interesting" so i had a look on the back to see what the critics had to say about it, and it said, "I found this book the fridge!!
So i was in the bookstore again, and i came across this book titled "Living with Parkingsons Disease and Arthritis" this could be interesting i thought, so i flipped it over and read what the critics had to say about it; "After an initial shaky start, i just could not put this book down" :D
slotty said:
So i was in the bookstore again, and i came across this book titled "Living with Parkingsons Disease and Arthritis" this could be interesting i thought, so i flipped it over and read what the critics had to say about it; "After an initial shaky start, i just could not put this book down" :D
ahh nobody gives a blowjob like a granny with parkinsons disease
Q: What are the two biggest lies in Poland?

A: "The check is in your mouth" and "I won't come in the mail."
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