The Most Famous Kentuckian's


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PIKEVILLE, Ky. - Descendants of one of the nation's most famous pairs of feuding families, the Hatfields and McCoys, will face off in court to settle a dispute over access to a cemetery where three slain boys were buried.

``I really hate that we have to go to the court system to settle this,'' said Bo McCoy of Waycross, Ga., a plaintiff in the lawsuit against a Hatfield descendant who blocked access to the family cemetery.

``We wanted to be gentlemen about it,'' McCoy said. ``We felt like we had no other choice.''

The cemetery, which holds remains of three McCoy boys who were tied to pawpaw trees and executed by the Hatfields in 1882, is too important historically to remain closed to the public, McCoy contends.

Larry Webster, an attorney for Hatfield descendant John Vance, whose property stands between the cemetery and the nearest road, said the case pits an individual family that wants some privacy against the interests of tourism and economic development officials.

Vance had posted ``no trespassing'' signs on the property before a judge granted an injunction this year giving temporary access until a jury decides the issue. The trial is set to begin Jan. 22.

``This was designed to get national headlines, and designed as a way to get free advertising for people who hope to make a profit from these things,'' Webster said.

The feud between the McCoys of Kentucky and the Hatfields of West Virginia is believed to have stemmed from a dispute over a pig. A court battle over timber rights escalated the tension in the 1870s. By 1888, at least 12 people had died.

Bo and his cousin Ron McCoy, organizers of the annual Hatfield-McCoy Reunion Festival in Pikeville, want the cemetery to be part of a tour highlighting points of interest in the bloody feud. Economic development officials hope the feud sites and cemeteries will draw tourists to the mountain communities.

I find this of great interest. Not only do I have family in Pikeville (and have visited many times) but Ive met a real McCoy, at least that drunk guy at the bar claimed to be one. The fact that they are fighting again is great. This just shows that the world is being thrown back into balance, maybe war wont happen.

*EDIT* Thanks to the mod who moved this thread. I was wondering if I should put it in Ethics or not.
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LoL.. so, you met a real McCoy eh? musta been a speacial moment for ya. yep! he was drunk? yep! sounds like the real McCoy allright! yep! the last part there about balance? uh, how is zat? them fightin agin prevents war? WHOOSH>>>>>>> Right over ma head that one went....

I met a real kentuckiean once or twicet,, his name is george, George Dickle... inna Bottle.. Hic*..;)
Xev: " You mean like, bodily picking up lawyers and using them like swords? "

LoL.. I'd like to do that with MY lawyer.. I'd poke him in the Mud First, then Break his tip off, then, I'd hack away on a railroad track or somethin HARD, to CHIP away AT the BLaDe.. then I'd take a Cutting TorCh and play some Heat up and down, Up aNd Down.. till he WaS REd .. Then..I'd.....I'd.. pewww... demmit.. that felt GOOOD!:D