The Mormon Church


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
I'm bringing this thread up to subject because its an important one. People in the mormon church SHOULD question authority. Since if it is true, looking into it should only continue that assumption. However, I was once mormon, and I decided finally to actually look into it and then I became horrified. The mormon church has a way of telling its members what to think, what to believe, how to behave, what to read, how to dress and how to spend their money. So much for personal rights.

On the side, the members are encouraged to NEVER EVER look into "anti-mormon" information. Remember folks, it isn't anti-mormon, its PRO-FREEDOM! I don't hate any mormons, many people I know are from this cult, they are just locked in a form of mystical/philosophical mind control and are unwilling to free themselves with the truth.

The mormon church degrades the economy of the state (Utah) it has laid its parasitical influence in. I know this because the minimum wage here is 5.45 an hour!!!! This is directly effected by the 10% tithing ("Gods" tax) burden the church puts on its poor mindless initiates.

And finally, the mormon church wants to take over the world, since the leaders and its mindless followers all believe that "they are in the only true church on earth." Its just another form of fascism, except its not a military campaign, its a political/mystical take over of the individual mind.

Any comments?
The minimum wage here in the great state of Utah is the same as the Federal minimum wage: $5.15 an hour.

That's all I've got.
Joseph Smith, revered as a martyr, but actually hounded and killed because he was roundly disliked, and he didn't meet his fate with resignation and tranquillity or some pathos laden last words, no, he fired shots into the crowd pursuing him.

He was also a liar, and a conman.

Well done for breaking free.
Thank you phlogistician for supporting me in my crusade to reality. I must admit, it has been a troublesome task weening myself from the cult beliefs of the mormon church. Even now it weighs on my mind, nearly all my neighbors are obsessed with thier religion, and I often get glares from these people who once proclaimed to be my friends. F**K THEM!
fuck anyone who claims to be a friend, and then judges because of a PERSONAL LIFE choice.

thats not a friend. thats a "yes man", in my eyes. ive been where you are, only with the southern baptist religion.
So you guys understand something most people don't: Religion is tearing appart this world. I honestly fear Religiuos Fanaticals waaaaaaay more than anything else in this world. Everyone thinks they know god, then they murder, and pillage eachother over it. If there is a god HE HATES ORGANIZED RELIGION.

So I'm starting a new organized religion and its only docterine is this:
Believe what you want.
The mormon church has a way of telling its members what to think, what to believe, how to behave, what to read, how to dress and how to spend their money. So much for personal rights.

Absolutely no different to any other religious institution on the planet.
ALOT of people.. like to say very mean things about mormons.. i used to be one of them..... i was very mean... very critical... and yet, by nature i am open minded.

now.. the main conflicts in the mormon faith is due to several tales.
1) that dark skin was the curse of cain... for killing able.. and all dark skinned people bear this dark skin as part of that curse.
2) that jews migrated to the usa land mass long ago... and that the indians, are dark skinned.. again as cursed. as going against god or killing the jews or something.
3) they say man originates as a whitish man.

now on the whole.. this at face value seems like utter nonsense.


1) cain.. was the son who left ... migrated away.. out of the garden area.
mankind, as is well known most likely find his origins in all the worlds tropical zones which provide year round food sources... before we had fire.
tropics means... jungle.. jungle.. means shade.. shade means fair to light skin...
we can see this clearly in many tribes in south america who remain in the deep jungle always...
but when we take a light skinned man intoo the sun.. he becomes dark skinned..
and as the children grow in the sun. they will be even darker... until they are black.. and able to live on the plains and the savanahs....

even today, black people who move to europe... will lose pigment over the course of their life.. and their children being raised in the shade will be much lighter, generally, but not always, as there is a genetic factor.. but it is know that generationally.. the color fades if it is not nessasary.
thus if we also imagine a multi-locational evolution of cro-mag man into homo sapians then.. well...

2) it is long considered that the mongols and such colonised the usa land mass...
but who are they????
in the bible.. there is the adam and eve... and if all humans originate from them...
and they are the original jews... then all men are jews.. they just dont know it.
and so the chinese and the mongols are jews... and when they colonised the americas... they were jews who thought they were mongols... with light skin...
light skin mind you...
and they created many nations... and.. on the open plains of the americas...
they became dark skinned...

dark skin... is the curse of those who migrate... who left the shady jungle...
and had to make a living out on the hard plains... in the sun.

in all cases... when you leave the shade.. you get dark... the curse.
when you return to the shade.. you get light.. the curse lifts...

3) so.. if we evolved from food plentiful jungles.. then we would naturally be light skinned... and our skins proves it ability to tan everyday in all our lives.

DONT GET ME WRONG... dark skin is not a curse... its the result of sunshine.

and I AM NOT A MORMON.....

i do read the book of mormon though... on sundays.

Mosheh, Joseph Smith was a racist, plain and simple. His words were interpreted as such by the church, and they didn't admit black people. They have since had to rethink this in the face of public opinion, just like they had to rethink their view on polygamy when Utah joined the Union. Not that they still don't practise a form of polygamy still today, of course.

The whole Church is based on a lie by Joseph Smith; that he translated Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Again, latterly he has been proven to be be wrong. Also, Smith said the authority of the Church passed through the bloodline, but after he was killed, Brigham Young saw his opportunity and seized power, leaving Smith's wife and family out of his plans.

Don't excuse these people. Don't reinterpret their lies.
Mosheh, Joseph Smith was a racist, plain and simple. His words were interpreted as such by the church, and they didn't admit black people. They have since had to rethink this in the face of public opinion, just like they had to rethink their view on polygamy when Utah joined the Union. Not that they still don't practise a form of polygamy still today, of course.

Indeed, if it is the only true gospel, then why does it change its "gospel" constantly?
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Indeed, if it is the only true gospel, then why does it change its "gospel" constantly?

A question I put to a couple of Mormon missionaries that we used to entertain one night each week. I never got a straight answer. In fact, I never got a straight answer out of either of them, on any subject.

Of course the real answer to the question is money. The Mormon Church wishes to remain rich, so must adapt to market conditions, and it's customers' opinions. If it were to remain rigid, and extreme in it's racism, it would become less popular, and lose revenue.

It's about popular appeal, and it's not limited to Mormons; Jehovah's Witnesses did some 're-interpretation' of scripture about salvation and rebirth, when they realised that the number of people to be saved (a total 0f 144,000, coming in equal measures from '12 tribes of Israel') was exceeded by their own membership. So they invented some nonsense to excuse the figures. All total horseshit, of course.