The morality of Wikileaks


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Wikileaks is (was) a website where whistle blowers could post most of the time secret documents without censorship and being affraid of prosecution. The US quickly closed it down, but as usual it is impossible to censor content on the worldwide web.

Here is a mirrorsite:

Anyway, the topic is; just how moral is such a website? Of course we would all agree about exposing corrupt government officials or CEOs, but there are sensitive documents in business, military, health, etc. that should never be made public.

So how is this going to work out in the future??
Saw the act of disclosure the other night.
Financing in question, can of course be bought and sold.

Nothing but mining. Spreading the wealth. The morality, is minimal. But, the risk is high...
If someone does not like you, or just plain wants yo' stuff...