The Monkey's Uncles


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
This is perhaps the most disgusting display of official bigotry since the era of Jim Crow.
The county that was the site of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" over the teaching of evolution is asking lawmakers to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature. The Rhea County commissioners approved the request 8-0 Tuesday.

Commissioner J.C. Fugate, who introduced the measure, also asked the county attorney to find a way to enact an ordinance banning homosexuals from living in the county. (Full text here)
Tell me again why gays and lesbians don't need anti-discrimination laws? :rolleyes:

:m: Peace.
Commissioner J.C. Fugate, who introduced the measure, also asked the county attorney to find a way to enact an ordinance banning homosexuals from living in the county.

But they didn't because they couldn't.
This county is having a witchhunt, sometimes it would be nice to look in our history books and learn from their mistakes. Thats just my idea, what do I know, I'm Italian.

Pace a Tutti!
One might think it would be difficult to prove homosexuality is a crime against nature, what with all the specieses in nature that exibit homosexuality, including everyones favorite, the wolf, who is pretty shameless about it. But I guess these folks find it a little easyer to declaire something unnatural, being that they have all that faith. Its a good thing Jesus keeps telling these people who to hate.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
How are the gays hurting the rainforest again?
I would imagine that, if anything, they are helping them.
They keep the already bloated population down some, therfore are less guilty of wasting natural resources.

Maybe heterosexuality should be considered a "crime against nature" since they are breeding more of these wasteful abusive humans.
Haha, forget all ideas about judging a person based on their character and merits. Don't pay any heed to the fact that they are members of the community! Instead let's gawk and throw fits over arbitrary and meaningless ascribed traits and act like utter asses at every turn! These people need to get a copy of Dr Seuss' story about them star bellied sneeches.
Mystech said:
...let's gawk and throw fits over arbitrary and meaningless ascribed traits and act like utter asses at every turn!
Exactly. So, while they are taking on crimes against nature, they're also going to have to pass ordinances against mullets!

;) Peace.
Tennessee County Seeks to Criminalize Homosexuality

From the same county that brought you the Scope Monkey Trial...

Tenn. County Officials Seek to Ban Gays

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

...The Rhea County action came after the Senate Judiciary Committee (search) voted 7-1 Tuesday for a bill that would prohibit legal recognition of civil unions and domestic partnerships among homosexuals in Tennessee. Gay marriages already are prohibited in the state.

The state senator who represents Rhea County, Tommy Kilby, D-Wartburg, said Wednesday he hadn't seen the resolution and couldn't comment on it until he did.

"Yesterday in Judiciary Committee, they passed out a bill basically saying we will not recognize same-sex partnerships or civil unions from other states or foreign countries. I voted for that, and that's my position on that issue," Kilby said.

State Rep. Jim Vincent couldn't be reached for comment Wednesday.

Rhea County, about 30 miles north of Chattanooga, is among the most conservative in Tennessee. It holds an annual festival commemorating the 1925 trial that convicted John T. Scopes on charges of teaching evolution, a verdict thrown out by the Tennessee Supreme Court on a technicality. The trial later became the subject of the play and movie, "Inherit the Wind.",2933,114467,00.html
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It's events like this, with Vermont legalizing same-sex unions and cities in New York and California performing ceremonies while at the same time some town down South is trying to put these same people in jail, that I'm thinking the Civil War wasn't such a bad idea. It's clear we aren't all on the same page in this relationship. The states need to tell one another, "Honey, we need to talk. Look, when this all started I really felt like we were in this together, that we wanted the same things. But it's obvious now that as we got older we've grown apart. I still want you in my life as a *friend*, but I'm thinking we should break up. You know, start seeing other countries."
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The fact that Rhea County also is famous for the Scopes Monkey/evolution trial should tell you something about the conservative history of that particular Tennessee county, located in the foothills of the Smokies. But is it reflective of the South as a whole? Or even the state? I don't know, but I do know on the other side of the state I was driving down Union Ave. yesterday in Memphis, and large crowds of gays were lining both sides of the street promoting gay marriage in the state, only a few hundred yards from the police' central precinct, yet I didn't see a single police officer monitoring them. While Tennessee is indeed one of those Bible Belt states, the urban areas of the state, as is typical in most states across the Union, whether the South, the Midwest, the West, or the Northeast, tend to be much more cosmopolitan than the rural areas such as Rhea County. But I'm shocked to hear someone suggest secession over this...

"Honey, we need to talk. Look, when this all started I really felt like we were in this together, that we wanted the same things. But it's obvious now that as we got older we've grown apart. I still want you in my life as a *friend*, but I'm thinking we should break up. You know, start seeing other countries."

...are you suggesting that states like California, Vermont and New York should secede from the Union over the gay marriage argument? I doubt the majority in each of those states even supports gay marriage; civil union perhaps. Certainly in the cases of NY and California, despite a local mayor in each state deciding to marry gays, the governments in those states have certainly weighed in against gay marriage. This is simply not an issue of one region of the Union being pro-gay and another region being anti-gay, and it being necessary for a civil war to decide the issue.
Spyke said:
...are you suggesting that states like California, Vermont and New York should secede from the Union over the gay marriage argument?

No. It's called hyperbole.
This is absurd. Laws like that we're just recently struck down by the supreme court, so if they do pass them they'll be overturned at their first use.
I don't know about a new civil war, maybe just a new reconstruction.
They've already backtracked.

County Reverses Proposal to Ban Gays

Friday, March 19, 2004

DAYTON, Tenn. — The county that was the site of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" (search) over the teaching of evolution Thursday reversed its call to ban homosexuals.

Rhea County (search) commissioners took about three minutes to retreat from a request to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature. The Tuesday measure passed 8-0.

County attorney Gary Fritts (search) said the initial vote triggered a "wildfire" of reaction. "I've never seen nothing like this," he said Thursday.

But Fritts said it was all a misunderstanding.

"They wanted to send a message to our (state) representative and senator that Rhea County supports the ban on same-sex marriage," he said. "Same-sex marriage is what it was all about. It was to stop people from coming here and getting married and living in Rhea County."

Not that the issue of banning homosexuals didn't arise.

"I'm not saying it wasn't discussed," Fritts said. "Sometimes you had five or six people talking."

Fritts said he advised the commissioners they cannot ban homosexuals or make them subject to criminal charges. The U.S. Supreme Court in 2003 struck down Texas' sodomy laws as a violation of adults' privacy.

Fritts said he doesn't believe the issue will come up again.

"I think they got all the publicity they need about it," he said.

All of the commissioners declined to comment Thursday.

Social worker Esther Jackson, 24 — one of 300 people who attended Thursday's meeting — held a sign reading: "Breed Love, Not Hate."

"It's just ignorance is all," she said of Tuesday's vote.

But 12-year-old Caitlin Kinney, attending the meeting with her mother, said she supported the commissioners' initial vote.

"I think they should go further, try to see if they can ban them," she said. "It's not a Christian thing."

Note the final comment is by a twelve year old.