The memory of water

Interesting, now all we have to do is learn how to communicate with water in order to learn things it knows and how it could seperate itself into the two things that make it up, oxygen and hydrogen, for then we could extract all the hydrogen we needed to create energy for free then give it back after we used it.
There is a program on OASIS called The MYSTERY of WATER.

Which also discussed the memory of water , its a German scientist that brought this idea about

Its compelling
I can agree with you only if when you say compelling, you mean completely absurd...
I can agree with you only if when you say compelling, you mean completely absurd...

Not at all do I think it is absurd

If you get a chance to view The Mystery of Water , on the Oasis channel , assuming you get this channel , its not as absurd as you think
Oh no... it's precisely as absurd as one might think. Water memory is a pseudoscienctific bit of crap that's been around a long time. And never has it been demonstrated with evidence. Homeopathic mumbo jumbo.
Oh no... it's precisely as absurd as one might think. Water memory is a pseudoscienctific bit of crap that's been around a long time. And never has it been demonstrated with evidence. Homeopathic mumbo jumbo.

Apparently you have not seen the program The Mystery of Water , on Oasis

What evidence otherwise do have to the contrary ?
I have no expectation to provide contrary evidence. You, however, have the burden of providing it since you're making the claim. Rather than ask someone who doesn't even have cable (I seriously use rabbit ears... very little television watched in my house. We read) to watch some crackpot show, why not simply synthesize the data the show presents into a coherent argument for discussion... Sciforums is, after all, a discussion forum. Surely if the evidence presented in the show is at all convincing, you can do this. Right?

Otherwise, it's clear you're regurgitating utter poppycock.

Anyone miss me? :)
I have no expectation to provide contrary evidence. You, however, have the burden of providing it since you're making the claim. Rather than ask someone who doesn't even have cable (I seriously use rabbit ears... very little television watched in my house. We read) to watch some crackpot show, why not simply synthesize the data the show presents into a coherent argument for discussion... Sciforums is, after all, a discussion forum. Surely if the evidence presented in the show is at all convincing, you can do this. Right?

Otherwise, it's clear you're regurgitating utter poppycock.

Anyone miss me? :)

Go to

There is a list of Oasis tv providers , and go from there

There is nothing worse than someone like you who has no inclining , to even find out what is being presented and come to their own ignorant conclusions

Watch the program then talk , discuss , otherwise your opinions mean nothing , really
Anyone miss me? :)

I did - welcome back, SW!! :)

BTW, it's pretty sad when someone doesn't even grasp the utter simplicity that a negative cannot be proven. And it's *always* the same dense individuals who want *you* to provide evidence when it was *them* who made a claim in the first place and have the responsibility for backing that claim. <heavy sigh>

You know what? Sometimes it causes me to feel an urge to state something like, "Santa is real!" and then, when they disagree, insisting they show me *proof* that he isn't! Heh-heh-heh. ;)
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2 people talking at the same time made the video impossible for me to understand.
if they actually had something i feel they would have made it plain.

first time i've heard of "the memory of water".
nobody has presented any method by which water does this.


This youtube video , less than 3min. Long gives no justice to the hour long video
Go to

There is a list of Oasis tv providers , and go from there

There is nothing worse than someone like you who has no inclining , to even find out what is being presented and come to their own ignorant conclusions

Watch the program then talk , discuss , otherwise your opinions mean nothing , really

Nope. You've already demonstrated yourself to be a liar in another thread. Now you say "water has memory! If you doubt me, you must do your own research to prove me wrong!"

That's not the way it's done, pal.

If water has memory, you have the burden of proof. Simply write a short description of why. If you can't, you are clearly making it up. Here in Texas, we call people who make stuff up... liars.
Nope. You've already demonstrated yourself to be a liar in another thread. Now you say "water has memory! If you doubt me, you must do your own research to prove me wrong!"

That's not the way it's done, pal.

If water has memory, you have the burden of proof. Simply write a short description of why. If you can't, you are clearly making it up. Here in Texas, we call people who make stuff up... liars.

I don't care where your from , doesn't impress me , if you lack inquisitiveness then you are blind to the truth , willingly
The point is, there is no truth here. Only a lie. You tell the lie then when called on it resort to the "do your own research" escape.

Except that nonsense doesn't work with me. Either you can describe what it is you believe and why, or you cannot. If you maintain that water has memory and refuse to back it with evidence, then you are a liar. Though it is also possible you're just deluded... I'll retract my position if you show the evidence.
The point is, there is no truth here. Only a lie. You tell the lie then when called on it resort to the "do your own research" escape.

Except that nonsense doesn't work with me. Either you can describe what it is you believe and why, or you cannot. If you maintain that water has memory and refuse to back it with evidence, then you are a liar. Though it is also possible you're just deluded... I'll retract my position if you show the evidence.

I don't care what you think of me

Just find the program ,and watch it , plain and simple

That is my proof