The media wearing a pudding hat


Registered Senior Member
I love seeing the media being a victim of their own sensationalism.

"she knows she "made a lapse in judgment," but she thought the station would suspend her and then support her."

"My kids were in the car with me," Jacobson said. "It was a way for me to do my work and have fun with my kids."

Well now, how is that a lapse in judgment. Sounds like only certain details are being reported, etc. Much as the media operates in an unethical unprofessional manner with blatant disregard for those involved in their stories.,2933,288918,00.html
I agree. The details seem to suggest she went swimming with the guy while interviewing him. Big deal. Even if they were alone together, who cares? The only thing I can imagine is that they are running off the implication that she was trying to seduce him into talking (since she was half-naked), but the news media needs to grow up.

Swimming might well have been a way to open up a rapport with the guy and get him to relax enough to speak candidly. I doubt they fire a reporter who conducted an interview over dinner and offered the interviewee a glass of wine.
wine? what if she offered to blow him?

There is a limit at which the inducement is enough to color the interview. If she were having sex with him, he might be more inclined to invent things to make his story seem more interesting, or it might suggest a attachment between the two that compromises her objectivity. If she offered to pay him a substantial amount of money, he might likewise distort his answers.

Offering to go swimming with him, her kids, his friends, their basically a fairly sizable group of people is more akin to him and her speaking while working out together at a local gym than it is like her offering to blow him.

Unless there is a risk that her conduct will either (i) compromise her objectivity or (ii) cause him to lie, I don't see the problem. I don't see that swimming with someone does either, any more than riding the subway with them would.