THE MEANING OF LIFE (positive thought)


I sa'id so
Registered Senior Member
the meaning of life

One of the major misconceptions about atheists is that we have little or no respect for life - human or otherwise. Because we think that all life is some accidental freak of nature there is no meaning or purpose to it all, and it is all pretty worthless. We cannot possibly gain the same enjoyment and fulfillment from living that believers do. We care nothing for the suffering of others, as they're all just wormfood in the end.

What fresh lunacy is this? (to quote Harry Hill, british (bad) comedian.)

Yes, life on this planet is a lucky accident, probably similar to countless other emergences of life on other planets. No, there is no particular purpose or meaning behind it all - why should there be? What right do we have to consider ourselves special?

However, as an atheist, I consider all (well, most) life to be sacred (if I can use such a word). Atheists know that we only get one chance at life. This is it. This is all you get. No reincarnation, no heaven or hell, no second chances. You only get one go, and to mess it up or waste it is the most terrible thing.

Make the most of your brief span of awareness. Educate yourself so that you can see the wonders of the universe for what they are, without the fog of religious belief. Swim in the Indian Ocean. Watch the sunset at Uluru (Ayer's Rock). Tickle a baby. Climb a tree. Learn to unicyle. Massage your partner. Take up pottery.

Gain pleasure from making other peoples' lives better. Some people live in appalling conditions, earning in a week what you might earn in one hour (if that). Support an orphanage.

Some theists seem to have this bizarre notion that atheists are sad, dreary, selfish people who only ever consider themselves, have no concern for anyone else and mope around all day wondering how they can get to Heaven without having to believe in Jesus and be nice to people. (Funny just how wrong some people can be, isn't it?)

I am often asked "Why bother? If life is a meaningless accident, with no ultimate goal or purpose, why not just kill yourself now? Why not even go on a killing spree and end the worthless lives of everybody else? What stops you ending it all?" To which I would reply - "Have you ever built a snowman?" After all, snowmen are ephemeral objects, soon to be melted in the sun. A snowman has no ultimate purpose or goal, and in a few weeks there will be no trace of it's ever existing. We build snowmen because all of us, theists and atheists, live here and now. In the context of our own brief mortal lives, we are able to enjoy this life and gain pleasure from ultimately pointless acts. It is fun to build a snowman, or climb a mountain, or watch the sunset, or go for a long cycle ride in the countryside. The purpose of these things is not "out there" somewhere, waiting to be achieved - the meaning is in what it means to ourselves. I am not overly concerned about some future fifty billion years from now, but I am concerned about the future of humanity here, now and for the generations that follow. That is the context of a mortal life, and that is why I "bother" to live and damn well have fun while I'm doing it.

There is no meaning to life itself. There is no purpose to the universe. You can, however, give life meaning through your actions. Make the world a better place for yourself, your contemporaries and your descendents.

Atheists can, and often do, lead a full and enjoyable life. We know that this is all we get, and all that everybody else gets, so we do the best that we can for ourselves and others. It's no good praying for people dying in a third-world country - there's no God to help them, only people. If people don't do it, nobody else will. I am sickened whenever there is a major disaster in the world, and some politician or church leader says that the victims desperately need our prayers. No they don't. They need someone to go and dig them out of the rubble, comfort the bereaved, find out why the plane crashed, bring them food and medicine. Prayer is not going to do that - people are. There is an orphanage in Kenya, called the Diani Childrens Village. The kids there have no family at all, and live in, well... a hovel. Do they need prayers and Bibles, or do they need love, money, food, clothes and education?

As an atheist, I consider all life to be sacred. A life and a mind are terrible things to waste. Make the most of them while you can, and help others do the same.

Is that such a Bad Thing?

Adrian Barnett
What right do we have to consider ourselves special?

I DO consider humans rather special, along with a variety of other living organisms.

Special, because we have evolved into what we are today, not by the hand of some omnipotent being, but rather all on our own.

If we started out as pond scum and are now rational intelligent beings, that's special!
While I like Q's perspective it doesn't reflect how 'special' was intended. Religionists like to see the human form as perfect and modelled in the image of a god and since it was specially designed by a god then of course it is special and more important than anything else in the universe. That of course is simple arrogance.

And while I am pleased that I am alive and that I exist I am also very aware of the severe limitations and defficiencies of the human form - aging and death being the top 2 items on my list.

I like that we have evolved thus far but I am more interested in how we are going to evolve further and how I can survive to be a part of that adventurous future.
Living cells are only formed from other living cells.

Then how was the first living cell created? Just a question about evolution.
All people have the right to believe in anything they wish as long as they respect others beliefs as well.
Why must we respect the beliefs of others if we think their beliefs are nonsense? Why not be honest?
Cris: Why must we respect the beliefs of others if we think their beliefs are nonsense? Why not be honest?
M*W: Well said!
Because we think that all life is some accidental freak of nature there is no meaning or purpose to it all, and it is all pretty worthless. We cannot possibly gain the same enjoyment and fulfillment from living that believers do. We care nothing for the suffering of others, as they're all just wormfood in the end.
This is not in support of atheism but rather belief, the common good so to speak. For that you have no reason to believe life to be precious, you have faith.

However, as an atheist, I consider all (well, most) life to be sacred (if I can use such a word). Atheists know that we only get one chance at life. This is it.
The argument used by Paul is such people woul live, drink and die. But if you look at in another perspective: you will always value the experience of your own life more than another's.

I am often asked "Why bother? If life is a meaningless accident, with no ultimate goal or purpose, why not just kill yourself now? Why not even go on a killing spree and end the worthless lives of everybody else? What stops you ending it all?" To which I would reply - "Have you ever built a snowman?" After all, snowmen are ephemeral objects, soon to be melted in the sun. A snowman has no ultimate purpose or goal, and in a few weeks there will be no trace of it's ever existing. We build snowmen because all of us, theists and atheists, live here and now.
This seems circular. It is true that you might build snowmen to live here and now, but you have not given any evidence of why this instant in time is precious.

Are they proven? It doesn't matter if it is a theory. It has to be proven for someone to believe.

One doesn’t have to believe that scientific theories are true. They simply offer credible explanations of phenomena that fit observations.

But isn’t your statement nonsense, many people believe religious claims where there are no proofs. Or are you suggesting we should have a dual standard where religionists are immune?

For that you have no reason to believe life to be precious, you have faith.

Webster: precious - of great value or high price.

I consider my own life of more value than anything I can imagine. It is therefore extremely precious to me. This is fact and has nothing to do with faith. It then follows that I would imagine that all reasonable people should see their own lives as precious. To me this makes all life precious.
Cris said:

One doesn’t have to believe that scientific theories are true. They simply offer credible explanations of phenomena that fit observations.

But isn’t your statement nonsense, many people believe religious claims where there are no proofs. Or are you suggesting we should have a dual standard where religionists are immune?

I am not talking of religions here, just about the theories. Anyways, you said "One doesn't have to believe that scientific theories are true. They simply offer credible explanations of phenomena that fit observation."

So basically you have "faith" in these theories. Then how can you say "nonsense" to other's belief, for others also have "faith" in their religions or whatever may be the case. It doesn't matter that if their belief is in God or not. Because they have "faith" in God which is not proven, which is the same as having "faith" in a theory which is not proven.

Let me again say, my point, is not to debate on God exist or not. Just that you also have "faith". You have no right to call others belief "nonsense" when you don't know the "truth" yourself.

But I don't want to talk about religions here. Now let me ask you, how was the first cell formed? Please give me the information, on this board which you think is credible, becuase I don't have time to read all of those theories.
The priests used to say that faith can move mountains, and nobody believed them. Today the scientists say that they can level mountains, and nobody doubts them.

A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.

Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down. down. Amen! If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it.

To rest one's case on faith means to concede that reason is on the side of one's enemies- that one has no rational arguments to offer.

So basically you have "faith" in these theories.

Faith means believing something is true without evidence.

As I said and which you have pointed out that I said – "One doesn't have to believe that scientific theories are true. They simply offer credible explanations of phenomena that fit observation."

Then how can you say "nonsense" to other's belief, for others also have "faith" in their religions or whatever may be the case.

Because that isn’t what I said. My comment referred to your assertion ”It has to be proven for someone to believe.” and clearly many people believe things that are not proven. Your assertion is simply nonsense.

It doesn't matter that if their belief is in God or not. Because they have "faith" in God which is not proven, which is the same as having "faith" in a theory which is not proven.

You appear to be quite confused about theism and science. Theists believe that a god exists. They believe that the statement “a god exists” is true. This is entirely different to science that attempts to explain phenomena fully aware that such theories may need alteration or might be found false later.

Just that you also have "faith". You have no right to call others belief "nonsense" when you don't know the "truth" yourself.

You are trying very hard to claim I said things that I haven’t. I have clearly pointed out that the current state of science is not claiming any truths about the start of life but is offering credible explanations based on current knowledge of how life might have began.

Now let me ask you, how was the first cell formed? Please give me the information, on this board which you think is credible, becuase I don't have time to read all of those theories.

If you were truly interested in the answer then you would make an effort to read the scientific findings. If you don’t want to make the effort then I’m not sure why I should do the work for you. Follow the links I provided since they have already simplified the issues for the layman such as you. But be aware that there isn't a meaningful simplistic answer to your simplistic question. You need to understand some of the science and the issues involved before your question can be answered.
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Special, because we have evolved into what we are today, not by the hand of some omnipotent being, but rather all on our own.

How did we evolve all on our own?

If we started out as pond scum and are now rational intelligent beings, that's special!

IF being the operative word.

Jan Ardena.
I consider my own life of more value than anything I can imagine. It is therefore extremely precious to me. This is fact and has nothing to do with faith.
It may be fact that you believe, but it's also fact that people believe in God. If neither provide evidence, then what is the difference between your belief and theirs?

It then follows that I would imagine that all reasonable people should see their own lives as precious. To me this makes all life precious.
No, it does not really follow, because someone could consider their own life precious while other's are not.
Cris said:
You are trying very hard to claim I said things that I haven’t. I have clearly pointed out that the current state of science is not claiming any truths about the start of life but is offering credible explanations based on current knowledge of how life might have began.

Cris said:
Why must we respect the beliefs of others if we think their beliefs are nonsense? Why not be honest?

I think you did say that other's beliefs are nonsense. Look above.So it isn't me who added on to your words.

Ok as for the proven part. I meant, to believe as a fact. Theories can be disaproved, the the Spontaneous Generation theory. I guess I put it in wrong words.
How did we evolve all on our own?

Is that supposed to be funny or you really don't know. If the latter, why do you argue against evolution?

IF being the operative word.

True, but can you find reason to believe otherwise without the need to simply say, "God did it?"

I didn't think so.