The Meaning of Early Freemasonry

Solve et Coagula

"Because there is a link between what is above and what is below, be aware that every impulse from your higher nature may provoke a reaction from your lower nature, which will do all it can to make you abandon your good intentions. These tricks of the lower nature prove unsuccessful in the disciple who has made a habit of analysing himself and who remains vigilant, for while he works, meditates and builds on the spiritual plane, he attracts and surrounds himself with invisible beings who watch over him and protect him. In early freemasonry, which was based on a true science, the mason was portrayed at work with a trowel in one hand and a sword for self-defence in the other. The mason symbolizes the disciple: while he builds, another being within him, represented by the sword, keeps watch and projects a beam of light. He is thus assured that certain enemies do not slip in under cover of darkness and destroy his work."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Solve et Coagula said:
"Because there is a link between what is above and what is below, be aware that every impulse from your higher nature may provoke a reaction from your lower nature, which will do all it can to make you abandon your good intentions. These tricks of the lower nature prove unsuccessful in the disciple who has made a habit of analysing himself and who remains vigilant, for while he works, meditates and builds on the spiritual plane, he attracts and surrounds himself with invisible beings who watch over him and protect him. In early freemasonry, which was based on a true science, the mason was portrayed at work with a trowel in one hand and a sword for self-defence in the other. The mason symbolizes the disciple: while he builds, another being within him, represented by the sword, keeps watch and projects a beam of light. He is thus assured that certain enemies do not slip in under cover of darkness and destroy his work."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Really good....
Sound like Pauls; "When I would do good, evil is present with me.
Looking at the eye in the pyramid design....
The capstone with the all-seeing eye is Christ returning to be glorified IN His people as the head unites with the body.
(It was the stone the builders rejected)
He binds up "the breach" of His people and heals the "stroke" of their wound, at His return.
masonry is nothing but lucifer worship. The cap stone is satan not Jesus. Jesus is the cornerstone not the capstone. masonry is spiritual Babylon and Egypt.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
the majority of freemasons in the world today could give a shit less about the history and "original purpose" of the society. as a matter of fact, the ancient history that freemasonry claims is probably a load of trash, its tenuous and elusory links to the rosicrucians and templars dont even matter after the advent of Grand Lodge in the 1700s the only masons left that cling to the supposed ancient spiritual revelations of the society are some enclaves of Rectified Scottish Rite adherents in France and some who participate in the Rites of Memphis and Misraim. most of the masons in the US and britain are little more than glorified frat boys. theyre probably as laughable as that "order of the water buffalo" or whatever they had on the flintstones.