The Mars Records........


Registered Senior Member


Biofeedback meter sessions where a man regained hidden memories of military service on Mars. 375 Pages.

Key words -Mars, Remote Viewing, Mind Control, Jumpgate, Time Travel, Al Bielek, Phil Schneider, Age Regression, Teleportation, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Greys, Grays, Aliens, Reptillians, United States Navy.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited June 30, 2000).]
When brother was young he was in the hospital with such a strange sickness that they wouldn't touch him with a teen foot pole. Well I'm going to take the same action with this.
alright, send me more info. this sounds interesting, we have a colonie on mars, and yet we have no evidence of a true landing!?!?!

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)