The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas

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The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas or The day of 666

What is the Mark of the Beast? If it were to happen today could you identify it? [READ MORE]
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Events of September 1, 2006.

The international mechanism that was set up on June 16, 2006 (666)
has begun to compensate Palestinian workers.Through this aid fund,
set up by the EU and the World Bank, 625,000 Palestinians will be paid
$347 dollars each. This fund bypasses the Hamas led government due to
their unwillingness to conform to the image of Mahmoud Abbas. All funds
established under this aid fund go through the office of Mahmoud Abbas.
Through the name of one man, under a plan established on June 16,
2006, and brought about by a mark on the right hand on election day,
Palestinians are now being empowered to buy and sell. WOEphraim

This article appeared in the Jerusalem Post. Nothing has been edited.

Oct. 11, 2006 15:36 | Updated Oct. 11, 2006 15:40
EU aid to PA expands to $816 million

The European Union said Wednesday it was giving $816 million in aid to benefit 160,000 Palestinian families this year, expanding the funding program that bypasses the Hamas-led government.

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In summary, Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.

What was the point in telling us, people have been telling us for 2000 years - it's getting tiresome.

This happened on the sixth day of the week in the sixth month on the sixteenth day in the year 2006. It seems the event I was looking for happened on a 666 day

Kindly explain how that makes a '666 day'. What you apparently miss is that it would be a 66166 day. Oops.
The Mark is an identifying trait. It identifies those who are of their father the devil. The beast in the beginning is the beast at the end.

M*W: The "devil" or Lucifer was an angel, albeit a rebellious one. How can an angel father a human?

Sin is Unbelief. There are two seeds in this world. Faith and Doubt.
The genes of God, and the sons of perdition.

M*W: How can sin be "unbelief?" If one does not believe because one does not know, one cannot be guilty of a "sin." Is ignorance a sin? What about those that fail to teach the ignorant? Are they guilty of a sin? What happens to those who hear the truth but still do not believe? Doesn't this standard apply to all humans, or does it apply to only those specific individuals who you believe are sinners?

Talking of the war between the spiritual seed of Christ, and the natural, carnal seed of Satan through the serpent...

M*W: Please explain to us how Christ has a "spiritual seed" and Satan (through the talking snake) has a carnal (human) seed. Can you provide some scientific references for your statements?

That war did not take place in the past, it was seen in visions thousand of years ago, yes. But those vision were speaking of this war today. The war in Heaven.

M*W: Where is this actual war going on in "heaven" today? Can you locate specific coordinates? Are the constellations at war with each other? Are the signs of the zodiac feuding?

Christ's Spirit released on the just and unjust alike has endued both with power, but it's effect on the world is two-fold, like a two edged sword.

M*W: What if those you call the "unjust" have never heard of christianity? Are they condemned the same?

I will continue this later. I have to go now.

~ Medicine*Woman

What I dislike most about your reply is it's length and ambiguity. Most Christians love to speak in generalities because they cannot be proven wrong. It is just your opinion. Also, it is politically correct. No one will try and argue with someone who is all inclusive. I provide names and events. I address all the prophecy verses and give them meaning. It is much easier to disagree with facts then some fantasy that we are all waiting to happen in some way off distant future. My job is just to send the message. I am not tasked with the job of making you believe it. That is God's...WOEphraim
I believe that purpose is to show who God really is and expose a false religion. Islam is that false religion.

I completely lost interest in your post beyond this point. Have you heard of the phrase "Bigot"?
Three questions were answered on June 16, 2006.

1. Why do the Palestinians need money?
2. How are they going to get it?
3. Who is going to give it to them?

Do any of these questions ring a bell? How many people really knew
that the whole Palestinian economy was based on donations?

Most Christians try to equate a mark with permission to buy and sell.
Although, if you have no money you can have all the permission you want,
you still can't buy anything. Money enables them to buy and sell. Rev. 13
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I completely lost interest in your post beyond this point. Have you heard of the phrase "Bigot"?

Since I am not tolerant of the the Muslim religion that makes me a bigot? At least in the west you can express that opinion. Try telling a Muslim that he is a bigot to Christians and see where that gets you. Ephraim
Mortal head (nation) wound

Whenever someone reads "The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas" the same
questions always arise. I thought I would post my response to one of them.

What is the beasts mortal head wound that is healed?

Once it is understood that heads are nations this parable can be answered.

In Revelation 17:9 it says that seven heads are seven mountains.
This is a partial answer to Rev.13:1. It must be taken one step further
in order to understand it. Mountains in scripture have been used to
describe nations in various verses. So if you follow it to its conclusion,
seven heads are seven mountains and seven mountains are seven nations.

"And I saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to death: and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev13:3

The land that is being given back to the Palestinians is the head or nation which was wounded. It was completely occupied by Israel. Once the Oslo Accords were implemented it was given back to their control.
Therefore the wound is healed. In other words, the nation that was taken in war is now being returned to the Palestinians and the beasts wound is being healed.

The thing that needs to be understood is that sometimes parables are interpreted right after they are stated, while other times they are left for you to figure out.
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Well, at least you were smart enough not to give a date on when the end is coming. Most of the end-of-the-world folk make that fatal flaw of including a date.
TheVisitor: The seven heads... are the seven mountains, or the seven hills upon which the city sits. There is one city that sits on seven hills. Rome.

M*W: Why is this so profound?

The beast who's deadly wound was healed.

M*W: The RCC teaches that the beast was Nero. Although he didn't come back with a "wound that was healed," the Roman Emperors continued. Also, the "wound that was healed," could be a metaphor. That's what I think.

A beast represents a power... If you start at the beginning you can follow the trail of the serpent through time, and learn to recognize it.

M*W: Well, by doing that, you could actually start at any point and create whatever trail you wanted to. There's only six degrees of separation between each of us. That's not a big deal. You can start with the serpent in Eden and end up with Princess Diana, Angelina Jolie, or Sadaam Hussein, if you wanted to!

The beast in the beginning was the serpent in the garden, that fathered Cain. He was "of his father the wicked one" God was not his father, as God was Adam's father.

M*W: All metaphor, no reality.

Satan was his father. Cain was religious but had no true spiritual understanding, because he was of they that have no love of the truth.
He worshiped the wrong things in the wrong way.

M*W: Just curious. What were Cain's religious ties? What language did Cain speak? Has Cain gone to hell? Remember, these folks were never baptised, so how could any of them get into heaven?

His "offering" was not accepted. His children down through time have come to represent the "characteristic's" of Satan... always minding the things of men instead of the things of God.

M*W: If Cain was fathered by the Serpent, then why didn't god just do away with him early on? Who do you think Cain sired that are Satanic today? Just curious.

So when Jesus told the religious leaders of His day: "you are of your father the devil and his works you do"... He was telling them there origins were not of God, and they are manifesting in their corruption of His Word, and His Laws... they are manifesting where their true origin lies.

M*W: Who were these "true religious leaders in Jesus' day?" Who are the "true religious leaders" of our day?

There is nothing surprising about their origins not being from god, after all there were "elohim" (eloh-"im" means many "el-oh" or "many god."

Also, please explain where the origin of "god's word" came from (at the beginning of time). Then, explain how "god's word" became "flesh." How did this play on words come to be known as "Jesus?" There is no evidence for this in the bible.

That is a "mark" of the beast. A generation of "vipers". As a world power this "seven heads" represent Rome. The city on seven hills.

M*W: The "seven heads" are also known as a place called Septimania, on the Southern coast of France in the Languedoc, where Mary Magdalen was supposed to have settled pregnant with Christ's child.

It had the power as a nation to put Jesus to death on the cross. The Jews did not have that power, and depended on Roman law and it's courts to do their works for them.

M*W: Yet, there is still no evidence for Jesus' crucifixion. How could the diligent Roman record keepers have missed one little radical Jew's crucifixion?

The beast that had one it's heads wounded to death, and it's deadly wound was healed... was when old Papal Rome was wounded by Christianity, but overcame it by mixing it's pagan beliefs with Christian names and thus it was restored to life as Papal Rome... still representing the beast.

M*W: Well, far be it from me to not agree with Papal Rome representing the beast.

Are you saying one of the seven hills of Rome was destroyed? When I was there, those seven hills looked to be intact. I believe you are confusing metaphor with fiction.

The beast that was... and is not, yet is, is the succession of one Pope after the death of another down through the seven church ages allotted the Gentiles with the Word of God.

M*W: Now enter the papal succession as the beast. Like I said earlier, you can make the seven hills anything you want, you can make the seven heads anyone you want, you can make the seven churches anything that you want. It's all metaphor anyway! In other words, it doesn't really matter!

God sent a messenger to each age, and for a while they follow the message of God for their age, but after a while... they build a denomination around the portion of the light they received so far, and when God sends another of His seven stars... and they refuse to accept more light and fall back into darkness.

M*W: Oh, god... now we're talking "seven stars!" Stars represented angels (any angels you want can apply here!). Stars give light, the sun gives light (more metaphor here)!

This is the way the Protestants have been formed, first coming out of their "mother" church, Catholicism and then coming out one of another creating the denominations we have today.

M*W: Man-made religions are just that, man-made. There is no truth, there is no substance, there is no reality, to man-made religions. ALL religions are man-made religions. They are fictional. They all lie. They all control people. They all brainwash the believers who suck-up the brainwashing like sponge for brains. Ultimately, they all destroy those who believe in them.

They are a beast resulting from the falling of angels messages over time....angels that are messengers of God.

M*W: The beast is now fallen angels. The beast are messengers of god! This I believe!

Each church age fell into apostasy and darkness, when God sent another messenger with a further revelation of the truth opening up a "new" age... but those of the previous age reject it... because it is not in line with their traditions.

M*W: The church is the epitome of evil. Everything that comes out of the church, sets out to destroy its believers. Run away from it as fast as you can!

Then after the seventh church age started by the seven messengers or stars in His hand, was over, and it is, He came Himself, as the Son of Man... and He did.

M*W: Again, no evidence whatsoever. The son-of-man is metaphor for the sun-of-god. He didn't come then, and he ain't coming now. For those who believe, it's false hope.

They missed Him just as surely as the Jews missed Him the first time because they were bound in darkness.

M*W: And, he will be missed again, no doubt, because he didn't exist in the first place!

Leaving only a shell of what was a move of God, fallen Babylon in the wake... the "mother" of the abominations of the Earth. Full of names of blasphemy... Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, ect, ect, ect...

M*W: Yes, you're right about this one. They're all "abominations of the Earth."

It has become the hold of foul spirits, the cage of every hateful and unclean bird.
Therefor they shall hate her flesh and burn it with fire.

M*W: Yeah, they did this, too, ion the burning times.

This is "that" day spoken of by the prophets. The day of the vengeance of the Lord, that burneth as an oven.

M*W: There were no prophets, either! "The Lord" is a metaphor for the sun. The sun "burneth as an oven." Go back and read your bible. Everywhere it mentions "the Lord," replace that with "the sun." Then maybe you'll see how all bullshit came to be.
The final provocation has been set up. Have you seen it or are you still blind?
I'm going to keep talking while nobody is listening and see how long it takes
for everyone to see. It won't be long now. If you need to make amends
do it now. If you have a quarter that is the Lord's spend it. When your
quarter earns the Lord's interest you will multiply your treasures in heaven.
Just for clarity I am not speaking of real money. It is just a good deed no
matter how small. The two edged sword is about claim what is his.
This is a warning to watch. It is coming soon. We who have made agreement
with the Lord will soon see him.Those who have not will soon see their Lord.

Watchman of Ephraim - WOEphraim - Ephraim - Ephraim65
Ephraem - Hosea 9:8
The final provocation has been set up. Have you seen it or are you still blind? I'm going to keep talking while nobody is listening and see how long it takes for everyone to see. It won't be long now. If you need to make amends do it now. If you have a quarter that is the Lord's spend it. When your
quarter earns the Lord's interest you will multiply your treasures in heaven.
Just for clarity I am not speaking of real money. It is just a good deed no matter how small. The two edged sword is about claim what is his. This is a warning to watch. It is coming soon. We who have made agreement with the Lord will soon see him.Those who have not will soon see their Lord.

Watchman of Ephraim - WOEphraim - Ephraim - Ephraim65
Ephraem - Hosea 9:8

M*W: What is your point? Just who are you to tell the rest of us to "make amends?" Perhaps you should keep talking somewhere else.
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