The Map Of "the Creator"


Registered Senior Member
Some really, really intresting articles about huge ancient stone map found in Russia.
Russian Issues
Maybe Atlantis, Lemuria and Veda books' spacecrafts were here after all...

Time to change our view of history and open ourselves to new possibilities?
Just gotta hope it isn't another hoax.

Someone could easily buy scapegoat to find such ancient material(he would get 15minutes of fame...) and later prove it was all wrong and that way make people even more skeptical when it comes to things like these.
Here is how unintentionally or intentionally create a hoax.

Find several old granite or sapphire stones. Use a laser cutter to etch a map that shows when the continents were together. Take it to an area where students of archeology visit often for class projects. Now you have created a new science. I wonder how many such items are out there. When I got my first dremel, I played with it on rocks, wood etc. What if some one in the past 1000 years did similar stuff unintentionally and we are interpreting the results?

Let us build a real time machine to get past data....:D
“It should be noticed, - the professor said, - that the relief has not been manually made by an ancient stonecutter. It is simply impossible. It is obvious that the stone was machined.” X-ray photographs confirmed that the stab was of artificial origin and has been made with some precision tools.

It was difficult to determine even an approximate age of the stab. At first, radiocarbonic analysis was carried out, afterwards levels of stab were scanned with uranium chronometer, though the investigations showed different results and the age of the stab remained unclear. While examining the stone, two shells were found on its surface. The age of one of them – Navicopsina munitus of Gyrodeidae family - is about 500 million years, while of the second one – Ecculiomphalus princeps of Ecculiomphalinae subfamily - is about 120 million years. Namely that age was accepted as a “working version.” “The map was probably created at the time when the Earth’s magnetic pole situated in the today’s area of Franz Josef Land, while this was exactly 120 million years ago, - professor Chuvyrov says

This sounds specious at best.
from Pravda...
It was difficult to determine even an approximate age of the stab. At first, radiocarbonic analysis was carried out, afterwards levels of stab were scanned with uranium chronometer, though the investigations showed different results and the age of the stab remained unclear. While examining the stone, two shells were found on its surface. The age of one of them – Navicopsina munitus of Gyrodeidae family - is about 500 million years, while of the second one – Ecculiomphalus princeps of Ecculiomphalinae subfamily - is about 120 million years. Namely that age was accepted as a “working version.” “The map was probably created at the time when the Earth’s magnetic pole situated in the today’s area of Franz Josef Land, while this was exactly 120 million years ago, - professor Chuvyrov says. – The map we have is beyond of traditional perception of mankind and we need a long time to get used to it. We have got used to our miracle.

If they find more of these slabs and date it properly to 500 million years or even 120 million years - it would be very interesting. I still do not believe UFOs did it. I have always said that there is a high degree of probability we had advanced civilizations many million years before. It could be that we have not one but seven separate civilizations over 750 million years (instead of seven daughters of eve)....

I always thought that why someone would carve maps on a stone. It could be that it was a very large earth relief map on a wall for review like we do 30 feet autocad maps. Makes sense.

The stone itself may be dated correctly, however, the good professor is inferring that the etched carvings were machined with precision tools in that timeframe. Specious at best.
As a physicist, Chuvyrov believes only in facts coming from research, and here are the facts. The slab consists of three layers. Solid dolomite forms its 14 cm base. The second layer is the most interesting - it is "made" of diopside glass. That is where the map is actually situated. A 2 mm layer consists of calcium porcelain protects the map from damage. Dr. Chuvyrov notes that the map was not carved by hand. X-rays show that high-precision mechanisms were used to work the stone.

The most intriguing part of it all is why the map was created in the first place. When the center of historical cartography in Wisconsin looked at the map, the Americans pronounced their verdict: a three-dimensional map could only be used for navigational purposes. It could only be made using of aerospace photography. As a matter of fact, work is under way in the United States to create a three-dimensional map of the world; the project is expected to be completed only in 2010, given that the Americans will have to process an enormous mass of numbers.

The key is if they find more of these slabs and do some serious carbon dating or infer the relief itself from the earth movements...
I saw this from and mulled over posting something about it. Lauv beat me. Croicky.

Now carbon dating involves measuring how far through the material's half lives are, right? Is it possible that these people didn't really exist millions of years ago but just used old materials and had, for instance, a plaza that was sunken into the ground. You have to wonder where these people went, though, or what happened to them.

Maybe the information is below the Sphinx's feet (somewhere I heard that ground radar had penetrated through the dust and found a chamber down theya that no one had excavated. It is rumored to have as much information inside it as the library at Alexandria.
Originally posted by (Q)
The stone itself may be dated correctly, however, the good professor is inferring that the etched carvings were machined with precision tools in that timeframe. Specious at best.

They did not date the stone because, the stone has been here before life began. what they did it date the biological sample encrusted on it such as the Ecculiomphalus princeps of the Ecculiomphalinae family and came away with the 120 million years. Now if they can find other stones to verify other biologic life forms then that will prove that the relief map was done in that time frame. Then they have to prove that it takes advanced knowledge and space technology to survey the planet to produce the accurate relief map etc. The other part is the layers of the artifact.

Unless it is a hoax, what has been presented here can only be done by an advanced civilization like ours. No such equivalent project has been done recently to this size by NASA (that I know of to 340x340 meters size and broken up to pieces)...

Very interesting indeed. How come mainstream media did not pick it up?
Maybe they haven't picked it up yet. Since at least from my POV you're regarded as a skeptic (for the most part I am too) I'd think that if NASA was doing something big somebody'd be bound to notice.

But wait a second-if these guys are so advanced (a satellite ish photo of earth) why are they drawing their stuff on stones instead of billboards or giant tv screens? It could be, maybe a tradition or something but it's a question that may need considering.
I have sent the information to CNN and TLC/Discovery. Soon we shall know...

The reason someone will do a very large (340X340 meter ) stone is to display it in front of a large dam like hoover dam. Every office of US government has giant maps on the wall. I have a map of earth on my office wall...

The other part is the item that is layered...

Wait a minute...I am not a skeptic for the sake of being a skeptic. I am a classical engineer (by degree and practice) who looks at the available information and infers that are based on sound technology. The difference between me and other arm chair skeptics is that I have access to a sh*t load of bleeding edge information in various subjects that is worth debating....(been there, done that from rocket technology to biotechnology - I review intelectual properties for Fortune 100)

So, I keep an open mind...upto a point...otherwise birds will start making nests....:D
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So if this is true maybe we should....hmm..consider the implications. We've found the equivalent of a monolith (for all you arthur c clarke fans). Now what? Is there more? What's going to happen?

And yeah kmguru I think knowing what you're talking about is a plus to being a skeptic. It's actually an adantage that most of us lack:cool:

But do you have stone maps in your offices? Giant stone maps, for instance? They sound pretty rare.
Allright, I'll admit it....

I always suspected, just never could prove that of all people xev is the creator. Well it solves one of the great questions of the universe I guess.

And christ cactus' keyboard sux. Ar I hate it! Can't...type...right...
I always suspected, just never could prove that of all people xev is the creator. Well it solves one of the great questions of the universe I guess.

Yes, dear mortal, you have guessed it!

Now all of Sciforums must bend to my will! First, you must....ummm....damn. I can't think of anything to make you do. Lemme think.
I guess this means we should be getting you some presents, because after allllll you are bored. I suggested Hawaiineriffic shirts, so I believe that after cactus and oedipus and I and like ten other people go see LORD OF THE RINGS in a theatre we can make some tribal sacrifices. After all I know how much you just love those hawaiineriffic shirts, they're just hawaiineriffic!
I guess this means we should be getting you some presents, because after allllll you are bored.

Hey, I ain't Monica.

Actually, I think Hawaiianariffic shirts are a fitting tribute - may I wear my Hawaiiananariffic bikini from last summer?

Oh wait, I'm God, I can do what I want. So I will.

And some laws:

Now, back to the topic...

Remember we talked about a speculation that if there were advanced civilization like ours a few million years ago, what kind of artifacts we shall find and if we can find. Did they have satellites or sent probes to deep space? Is there aany item on the moon they left behind. What was Mars like 120 million years ago....

Suppose it is possible, can we indulge a little as to life back then and what might have happened. Did they die because of asteroid impact? Did they genetically modified the dinosaurs? Can you create a flying dinosaurs for transporation and work?

Take away Pollux....
I have a question. If right now all (human, at least) life on earth was cleaned away by, say, an ice age; what would be left as evidence of us being here? What would another human civilization find?