The manipulation of Religion


Registered Member
As someone with religious beliefs (although sciforums has a strange side effect of draining my faith) I call out to everyone who has some kind of made up strategy, invention or idealism that might put a stop to religious wars once and for all! Though i am relativley ignorant of Muslim teachings i am quite sure they don't tell you to blow yourself up to get to Heaven (or wherever it is to them). For example although impossible if everyone untied under one religion would that perhaps stem the tide of religious violence? Or perhaps a modern inquisition that would find the extremists(heaven forbid) i ask for some answers that might perhaps put my mind at ease :) :) :)
What would be good would be if people looked to the similarities between different religions rather that the difference, particularly when people fight between different types of the same religion

e.g. conflict between protestants and catholics - they are both christians and worship the same god, would a christian god like people who kill christians

Most religious believers are worshiping their creator and should recognise that and not think that people are worshiping the wrong gods.
This is what im getting at, religious teachings tell us to "love thy neighbour" does this mean love those we hate or hit/be spiteful to/get revenge on them until we don't hate them anymore? we are also told to be RESPECTFUL of other peoples beliefs, even if they are not our own despite similarities in faith we all aren't that much different from each other!
Katana said:
This is what im getting at, religious teachings tell us to "love thy neighbour" does this mean love those we hate or hit/be spiteful to/get revenge on them until we don't hate them anymore? we are also told to be RESPECTFUL of other peoples beliefs, even if they are not our own despite similarities in faith we all aren't that much different from each other!
the problem stems from the fact that the religious have no respect for life, all this love thy neighbour and turn the other cheek, etc is all dog testicles the religious have only followed by example,

all the religious are atheistic to someone elses beliefs.

if you hit someone in front of a child the child will copy and think nothings wrong, so when as you believe in your god, and it kills humans, how can you expect the religious to respect other peoples right to live.
and as they believe in an afterlife, their never going to respect life, if they could only realise that this is the only chance anyones got they will stop killing.
but you need to completely irradicate religion from the human mindset, unfortunely it wont happen in my lifetime but I can hope for the future
a good ...VERY good ewxample of where tings is at is this:

we have a contest going on between the Christians and the Luciferians........not sure if you have looked at the Luciferian philosophy yet? i not, pleasedo

basically it is the antithesis of Judaic Christianity

why this contest is intersting to explore is cause the evidence of it is all over the net!
look at mst of the sites speaking and analyzing and condemning te Illuminati and teir Luciferian philosophy---a philosophy many say which is shared by the 'secret government'--whose symbols are all around--to be found!--check it out. tell menifyr cant find it

what are we to make of tis thing??...what does it mean for what we all want--freedom, and not being and feeling controlled and exploited and abused?

seems to me, they both share patriarchal roots. which very much includes a fear of Nature
the Luciferian creed seeks to totally want s to control Nature, which includes us--the 'masses'
and the Christians alsowant control. tey ant to mould you to their belief in theri 'God'
meanwhile te Scientfic paradigm they bot share is emphasizing a mechanical view of Nature and the body and mind!

what a fukin MESS!!!!!!!
If believing in Christ brings happiness to someones life, that's more important than all these heated debates that go on here. The state of happiness on an individual level, is a beautiful thing. And if a soul is peaceful in their beliefs and they don't harm other people, ppls should chill out on dissin faith so much. Because it's good!
Everyone trying to take a bite out of everyone here...
duendy said:
meanwhile te Scientfic paradigm they bot share is emphasizing a mechanical view of Nature and the body and mind!
The human body is merely a biological machine/computer.
And after reading the murdering of the English language by Duendy, I would have to agree with him.

*what a fukin MESS!!!!!!!

Nisus said:
If believing in Christ brings happiness to someones life, that's more important than all these heated debates that go on here.

me:: but what if your belief brings misery to others--an actuality that has occurred in the bloody history of christianity?

The state of happiness on an individual level, is a beautiful thing. And if a soul is peaceful in their beliefs and they don't harm other people, ppls should chill out on dissin faith so much. Because it's good!

so go to a thread tat says 'christianity is all sweetness and light then. we are examining about religion here dude if it it's tpo much for you. leave
Godless said:
And after reading the murdering of the English language by Duendy, I would have to agree with him.

*what a fukin MESS!!!!!!!


oh yeaaah, how predictable of you godless. totally ignore what's being said, and being the dullard literalist you are not leave first base....yaaaawn
Nisus said:
If believing in Christ brings happiness to someones life, that's more important than all these heated debates that go on here. The state of happiness on an individual level, is a beautiful thing. And if a soul is peaceful in their beliefs and they don't harm other people, ppls should chill out on dissin faith so much. Because it's good!
but thats not all they do, if they actually kept themselves to themselves, but they dont, that go out and kill people without a bye or leave, just because that persons different.
I wish they could realise this is the only life anyone gets, when your dead, your dead.
geeser said:
the problem stems from the fact that the religious have no respect for life

Now if I am understanding you correctly, you are saying because God has throughout the bible wiped out his enemies, we the followers have no concious with regards to killing those who we perceive to be our enemies because we are only following by example?

I have 4 kids. When one of them is really playing up, they get grounded until they apologise for whatever it is they have done. Now invariably one of their siblings will gloat when the one misbehaving is punished, however this does not go unnoticed and the gloater is usually punished as well. They all have to know who sets the rules and they all have to respect that. It is not for anyone to gloat, because I do not want anyone to be punished in the first place.

Believer's should be like the sibling that is sad because the other is now cut out of the game whilst at the same time accepting the judgement of the father. I dont think the sibling would start 'grounding' other siblings if they become enemies for whatever reason, because they know that punishments may only be dealt from one place.



As someone with religious beliefs (although sciforums has a strange side effect of draining my faith) I call out to everyone who has some kind of made up strategy, invention or idealism that might put a stop to religious wars once and for all!

So-called religious wars, are caused by economic and political reasons, not by religion. People of a certain race, colour or creed will band together if they feel their culture is under threat.

Though i am relativley ignorant of Muslim teachings i am quite sure they don't tell you to blow yourself up to get to Heaven (or wherever it is to them).

No they don't, so ask yourself why a few people act this way, justifying it as a act of religion.

For example although impossible if everyone untied under one religion would that perhaps stem the tide of religious violence?

Religion is not the cause of violence, economic (un)development and political strategy is.

....i ask for some answers that might perhaps put my mind at ease

How about looking for answers, whether they put your mind at ease or not?

Jan Ardena.
c20H25N3o said:
Now if I am understanding you correctly, you are saying because God has throughout the bible wiped out his enemies, we the followers have no concious with regards to killing those who we perceive to be our enemies because we are only following by example?
c20H25N3o said:
I have 4 kids. When one of them is really playing up, they get grounded until they apologise for whatever it is they have done. Now invariably one of their siblings will gloat when the one misbehaving is punished, however this does not go unnoticed and the gloater is usually punished as well. They all have to know who sets the rules and they all have to respect that. It is not for anyone to gloat, because I do not want anyone to be punished in the first place.

Believer's should be like the sibling that is sad because the other is now cut out of the game whilst at the same time accepting the judgement of the father. I dont think the sibling would start 'grounding' other siblings if they become enemies for whatever reason, because they know that punishments may only be dealt from one place.


my morals are vastly superior to any god or religious person, as I wont kill my fellow man, but a god will and and so will a religious person in the name of there god, you said if you childs naughty, you punish them so do I, with mine.
but I dont kill them, no loving father does, we should have no enemies, and when theirs no religions to divide us, we will not have enemies, rivals maybe but not enemies, we will all be equal, and the worst type of angst we will get is a little petty jealousy or envy, but that will be miniscule.
depens what you mean by 'religion'!

for example in the history of Soviet Union, how many dies? millions. and many more suffered, and HAd to conform to......the ideology.

so, what do you mean by religion? do you think it is only the Abrahmic religions that cause conflict or does te problem go much teeper than that?
duendy said:
oghhhhh, v ery bold assertion there. where's yer proof about what you say?

there are many similarities... like... when i wake up... i'm very slow, i must start all processes before i can do stuff... and... when i wake up my computer... it's also slow first. computers need to be restarted sometimes, it's the same thing as when humans go to sleep. computers eat like humans do... they eat electricity.

really... i can't see why you can't see the similarities. computers are a part of "nature", since humans, who created them, are a part of nature.
c7ityi_ said:
there are many similarities... like... when i wake up... i'm very slow, i must start all processes before i can do stuff... and... when i wake up my computer... it's also slow first. computers need to be restarted sometimes, it's the same thing as when humans go to sleep. computers eat like humans do... they eat electricity.

really... i can't see why you can't see the similarities. computers are a part of "nature", since humans, who created them, are a part of nature.

no. tha is not proof by any meaning of the term. you have to do better than that