The Main Reason Why You Haven't Seen a UFO


Registered Senior Member
This is mainly in regards to UFOs. Now for those who do not believe in them, this is still something to at least think about, on a socialogical level or whatever you want to call it.

Why are UFOs so hard to find? Well exactly how often do people pay attention to the skies? In our daily lives, we’re practically shrouded from the skies or have our attention diverted from them. Here we work in our little cubicles or other job where a roof is over our head for a good 8 hours a day. And now at least an hour more just to get to and from that job where our eyes are on the road driving. Sure, our perception is good when driving but we only really look straight ahead and left to right, not up unless it’s trying to spot a traffic camera or what color the light at the intersection is. And then once we get home, we want to relax so we sit in front of the television, read, spend an enormous amount of time in front of our computer or some other task which involves us being in our home, driving in our car, a store, or some other building.

People of the past, and all these so-called whacky people that see UFOs tend to live out in the boonies, may be a farmer, or some other job that has them being outdoors a lot to actually see something in the sky. But the skeptics or those that may want to believe, here they’re doing all their research with their faces glued to books, the internet, working many hours a day, with hardly any time spent on the most obvious place we should be looking: the skies.

So the next time you wonder why UFOs aren’t seen often by us city-folk and why you haven’t seen one in your many years here on earth, just take a look at your daily routine and realize how much time you have a roof or something else above your head obscuring your view. And then the times when you’re actually outside taking a nice walk or something and observing the scenery left to right, but rarely up. Good luck ever being able to find something out of the ordinary in the skies with not even a half hours time per day spent looking up.

It’s kind of crazy how much time we spend with something over our head, blocking our view. Ooo, conspiracy! <plays X-files theme, lol>

- N
Interesting, the city of Pheonix, Arizona has a lot of roofs and people, but still the UFO was seen.
You do raise a good point about how much time is spent under a roof, and not being observent.
Of course, we don't need to be looking up at the sky, as pretty much every inch is watched by civilian air traffic controllers on Radar. We seldom hear about these civilians covering up UFO contacts, because they aren't part of the Military Industrial Conspiracy.

I do however, spend a fair amount of time outside walking my dogs, and see lots of aircraft, living near an airport, their contrails, and of course, the usual amount of stars planets, and shooting stars, all of which get misreported as UFOs.
Of course, we don't need to be looking up at the sky, as pretty much every inch is watched by civilian air traffic controllers on Radar.

This is probably why they are more likely to see UFO's, and they do. It is also no surprise, considering how relatively rare UFO sighting are, that Astronauts also see UFO's in space.
what a seemingly obvious, yet overlooked reality.

it is true what you say, but theres still UFO sightings in metropolis areas as well as the boonies.

Of course, we don't need to be looking up at the sky, as pretty much every inch is watched by civilian air traffic controllers on Radar

i find that statement rather irrelevant based on the fact that we humans do NOT have technology nearly as advanced as the UFO's technology is, therefore i do NOT consider our means of measurement/detection as valid in detecting UFOs, which may very well be invisible to many things/people/machines.

basically i am under the assumption that any UFO sighting is deliberate on the alien's part.

the main reason you havent seen a UFo ? i would say because you are not ready to, and they know it. of course if u dont believe in them theres even less chance you will see one.

ask yourself truly if you want them to show up. then watch the skies!

i have to admit i was a bit scared of the notion of actually seeing an alien. whereas i am very fascinated by the phenomenom, i was still a little skethcy about HOW i would react if one were to appear. and i feel like i would be a little scared nonetheless. i am trying to shed that fear slowly but surely !

UFO, i can handle that ! (still waiting heh)


take care all
Ive also thought about how I would react if one appeared. I think, "id do this, I'd do that" but I know if it ever happened, I'll probably be too shocked to say anything.
i know exactly what you mean mikey!

what i seem to try is to picture them, picture what they might look like, based on descriptions and pictures. i dont know how visual of a person you are, but i start to see an image, so i zoom into it, namely to the face. this is where you will feel some chills, even if you are just imagining it.

the scary part, to me, seems to be looking into their eyes.

but i dont get mad or frustated that i feel this way; when i want to feel secure and open to them.

"all in due time"
A very visual person Zonabi. Yes, I also think the same, looking into their eyes, mustering courage to say something to them. It would be so disappointing, if they just treated me like another abductee - a mere specimen of humanity. As I would want to talk to them, express myself to them, tell them how much I wanted to see them, and try and learn much more about them; their history; philosophy; their sciences; their spirituality; the universe.

LoL, I guess I would be saying, "take me to your leader" :D I really wish this happens some day, it would really make my life much more meaningful and satify my thrist for knowledge.
But the skeptics or those that may want to believe, here they’re doing all their research with their faces glued to books, the internet, working many hours a day, with hardly any time spent on the most obvious place we should be looking: the skies.

I don't agree. You'll find that many skeptics who are interested in the sciences spend many an hour outside viewing the skies. It is the fanatical believer who is holed up in mom and dads basement all day and night cruising the UFO websites.

The amateur telescope industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. There are thousands of amateur astronomers peering the skies night after night all over the world and they have yet to see anything remotely related to ETI.
Zonabi and Mikey, I have a slightly different opinion when it comes to a face to face confrontation with ETI. For me, that ETI would have to answer one question to my complete satisfaction or that ETI would be smilin out the wrong side of something. I WILL NOT entertain, carry on a conversation or otherwise have communitcation with any ETI's that are here on earth unless I am completely unambiguously satisfied with the answer to my ONE question.
im thinking, th question is

"what is the meaning of life?"

or something along those lines.

i know what you mean fieryice, you would take a precautionary mindset if ever confronted with ETI

askin them that question could give you a little insight on the type of person they are... thats if they tell an honest answer... fiery do u have some kind of trick question that can reveal their true intentions?! i must know please pm me w/ it hehe

not an unreasonable precaution, there are some strange stories circling their existance and their ways... a way it makes me mad because if the govts (selfish people) werent so scared to let the public know whats going on, then maybe we wouldnt be so scared of the idea of ETi, perhaps we would have a better understanding of their physical appearance as well as how they are, how they act, etc.

instead false stories and rumors accumilate, debunkery gone berzerk twists the truths and lies into a big ball of _shit_

<resist lash @ govt>
I don't agree. You'll find that many skeptics who are interested in the sciences spend many an hour outside viewing the skies.

Well I'm curious then. How often do you, and everyone else here, skeptic or not, spend time looking towards the skies each day? I'd think that most scientists would be holed up in a building most of their day in research, testing, and such. And even for those that are outside, whether they're a marine biologist, archaelogist, or some other outdoorsy profession (when not under water, in a forest, in a cave, or under a tent), they'd probably be too focused on their work at hand anyhow.

The amateur telescope industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. There are thousands of amateur astronomers peering the skies night after night all over the world and they have yet to see anything remotely related to ETI.

Yeah, true there.

Does anyone have any statistics on the ratio to day and nightly UFO sightings? That may take a good chunk of numbers out if most sightings are in the daytime. And of those nightly sightings, what percentage is spotted by amateur astronomers?

And remember, I labelled all this talk as most likely the "main" reason why we may have not seen a UFO, not "the" reason. There can be some that watch the skies 24/7 but may be in a bad location that UFOs don't care about. Then there's those that may never watch the skies but all of a sudden get lucky and see one. I brought this up just for us to think about because it is kind of interesting when you think about how holed up we are in our daily lives. So I'm not really interested in being proved right or wrong or the exceptions to the rule. Just think about it because it's somewhat of an obvious thing to those that wonder why they've never seen a UFO.

- N

I spend a great deal of time looking at the skies at night, regardless of whether I have my scopes or binoculars out. So do a great many other people, professional and amateur. The odds of these group of people seeing a UFO is much greater and much more plausible than someone out in the fields on any given night.

And of those nightly sightings, what percentage is spotted by amateur astronomers?


"The" reason why we have not seen UFO's (ET) is because there are none to see.
Q, you should not believe everything you read in 'Bad Astronomy.' Unsupported personal opinions are often represented as fact. Your statement is very false.
Do not try to paint UFO observers as uneducated. It is you that needs needs some
enlightenment. Here is an example of a sighting by qualified observers:
"1967: Montevideo, Uraguay. Professor Reyes Febles, chief of the Antares observatory - in the course of an observation lasting one hour fifty minutes - took 19 photographs of an unidentified craft. He first saw the object while looking through his telescope, with the intention of photographing the sun. He was soon able to make out that the unknown craft was oval-shaped with two bays at each end, steely in appearance, and spewing 'some gas towards the sun.' Professor Febles took some photos before a number of objects, of various colours, shot out from its left side. About 17 minutes later, these reappeared and entered the main craft through its right side. The craft then hovered at a height of 4,000 feet, before flying into a cloud. It ultimately '..disappeared into space at high speed.' (UFOsTSH)"
Here is a list of over 300 reports by professional and amatuer astronomers, some by
famous individuals:

I had just noticed this thread.