Download a graphical interface
(easiest part)
from the www.freechess.com homepage under "download a graphical interface."
After you have your interface or whatever, sign in as a guest. It's pretty simple. It gives you a guest handle. I think.
type in the send bar
"t 1 I need help"
or simply "tell 1 I need help"
You are then able to talk in channel "one."
Okay. So.
Ask them any questions you need.
And that's it.
Download a graphical interface
(easiest part)
from the www.freechess.com homepage under "download a graphical interface."
After you have your interface or whatever, sign in as a guest. It's pretty simple. It gives you a guest handle. I think.
type in the send bar
"t 1 I need help"
or simply "tell 1 I need help"
You are then able to talk in channel "one."
Okay. So.
Ask them any questions you need.
And that's it.