The 'Logos' symbolized the 'Word'--the 'Word' was the 'Sun.'


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I would like to bring-up some points for discussion about the 'Logos.' Its origin is Hellenistic. The 'Logos' was central to Greek philosophy before the common era. When christianity was in its earliest stages, Jesus became known as the 'Word' or the 'Logos.' Keep in mind that Hellenistic thought of the 'Logos' preceded christianity. It was only later after christianity had sprung up around Mesopotamia that Jesus was symbolized by the 'Logos' or the 'Word,' more specifically, the 'Word' made flesh. Actually, there was no real flesh involved in this metaphor. That's what makes it a metaphor.

The most central philosophy of the 'Logos' was that the 'Logos' symbolized the sun. The sun represented the creator of all life. The nature of the 'Logos' was studied in Hellenistic society long before christianity came to be, and it was studied in a scientific rather than a metaphorical perspective.

In David Fideler's book, JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, he explains how early christians and new testament myths came about. New testament myths (as well as OT myths) were based primarily on a mathematical formulations. If you notice in the NT, there are references to many numbered things. A mathematician, I am not, so I will not attempt to explain anything mathematical. What I will say is that the nature of gods were represented by numberss.

Take for example, "the 153 fish in the unbroken net." This was seen as a geometrical problem of the early gnostic christians.

The "miraculous feeding of the five-thousand" is also a geometrical problem.

The study of cosmology helps us to understand our relationship with the universe.

All religion originated with sun worship or the 'Logos.' With the advent of christianity, the 'Logos' became known as the 'Word made flesh,' or 'Jesus,' sun/son of god.

There are many references in the bible regarding specific numbers. These stories are not literal events, but cosmological ones that can only be explained through astro-theology. That is when the answers become clear. All religion is based on myth. There is nothing to be taken literally in the bible. As long as people believe the bible is an historical and literal text, the longer they will be fooled by it, and the longer they will stay in their comfortable rut.

To find the source of all religion enlightens one. The source of all religion is mythology... man-made mythology... man-made religion, and all religion eventually finds it's source back to sun worship.

Was Saul really Saul or was he Sol, the name for the sun?

Was Paul really Paul or was he Apollo, an important deity of that time?

Was Peter really Peter or was he JuPiter, one of the planets?

Was Heli Jesus' step grandfather or was it another name for Helios, the Sun?

Was Mark really Mars or was it another name for Mary?

Was Luke really Luke or was it another name for Lucifer, the healer?

Was John the Baptist really a baptist or did he represent the Sign of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer?

Jesus called his followers to be 'fishers of men' or did Jesus represent the Sign of Pisces?

Was Virgin Mary really Jesus' mother or did she represent the Sign of Virgo?
Was Saul really Saul or was he Sol, the name for the sun?

Was Paul really Paul or was he Apollo, an important deity of that time?

Was Peter really Peter or was he JuPiter, one of the planets?

Was Heli Jesus' step grandfather or was it another name for Helios, the Sun?

Was Mark really Mars or was it another name for Mary?

Was Luke really Luke or was it another name for Lucifer, the healer?

Was John the Baptist really a baptist or did he represent the Sign of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer?

Jesus called his followers to be 'fishers of men' or did Jesus represent the Sign of Pisces?

Was Virgin Mary really Jesus' mother or did she represent the Sign of Virgo?

I'm not disagreeing, just merely curious.
How come there are three references to the sun? Apollo was the Greek and Roman sun god.
Why would Mark be referred to as Mars, the god of war? Was Mark a warrior or soldier?
Why would Peter be referred to as Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods?

As mentioned, not trying to discount anything, but just wondering why these figures would be representing the names they do. For example, I could see why John the baptist would be referred to as Aquarius, since he deals with baptizing people in the water.
I have nothing I can add to your post. It seems to me to be irrelevant though nonetheless interesting. Has the song remained the same over the ages?
I have nothing I can add to your post. It seems to me to be irrelevant though nonetheless interesting. Has the song remained the same over the ages?

M*W: I shall answer your question first, before I address Mikenostic's reply.

The 'song' as you call it, has remained the same since the beginning of time. It's only the interpretation that has changed as the original premise traveled through ancient Mesopotamia.

However, it is a 'song' as you describe. It's lyrical. There is reality to it's message.

To answer your question, there is reality to be found with the truth. It's only mythology. The original god of the universe was the sun. The later god of the universe became the 'sun/son of god.'

All religion was based upon this premise. The bible can be interpreted in this light (pun intended)! The sun... light from light... true god from true god... heat... energy... passion... love... is what created us! There is nothing else to worship but the source of our origin. We call it our 'parents,' but is is oh, so much more than that simple belief!

There is nothing else to worship but the source of our origin. We call it our 'parents,' but is is oh, so much more than that simple belief!

Simplify for this old dog. It is so much more than that simple belief. You have me by the ears. Go on...
Wasn't this topic already being discussed before? The ancient Greeks had many meanings for logos if I remember right.
definitely the NT is filled with Greek mathematical symbolism, all of which was well in use before Christianity. Take Jesus Greek name "Iesous" each letter has a number value that adds up and corresponds to a geometric paradigm. The 153 fish is a powerful ratio that was in use almost 1000 years BCE. Archemedies wrote often about 153 - it was called Ichthys Pisces I think now it's called the Jesus Fish.

Quite funny really...

Anyway, yeah, back in the day as we evolved from being monkey to being Monkeys that call themselves humans we used to worship mother earth and the sun - little did they know how right they were, in a sense, now most Monkey's worship a God of some sort. Probably in our DNA???