the living universe


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i have to write an exit project for school and i was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on what i have so would be greatly appreciated ;)

There are many strange theories about our universe concocted by science nerds that have nothing better to do. One is that one single string holds the universe and all other universes together. Another is that we are nothing, and therefore we don’t truly exist. Yet another is that we are nothing but a dream of some other being. Another that seems completely out there when you first hear about it is that our universe is living. That theory doesn’t seem to make any sense what so ever. How could our universe be living? However, the more I thought about this, the more sense it made. Interesting questions started coming to mind. How would the universe function as a cell? Is the universe shaped like a cell or is everything in the universe just a jumbled mess? How was the universe “born,” and what happened if it “died?” What would be the purpose of black holes and would this prove anything about extraterrestrial life? Once these questions, and a few others, are answered, this theory cannot be easily dismissed. Maybe, in fact, our universe is living and this isn’t a completely fabricated idea.
If our universe were in fact living that would mean it had to be born at some point in time. Every organism starts out as a single cell. Before any of us were born we were all a single cell. The Big Bang Theory states that our universe “exploded” from a single cell. Why would this single cell all of a sudden explode after thousands of years of being just one cell? That would be like saying that all of a sudden an amoeba is going to explode and become a universe. However, using common sense, we know this would be extremely improbable. If our universe is living then it would have been born just like all other organisms and that would explain the single cell. Also, space isn’t infinite. It has boundaries, just like every living organism has boundaries within itself. Living organisms have boundaries, just as space does. A living organism needs to expand and grow. If we take humans for this instance, we are always growing or changing in some way. We never stay the same. If we never changed we wouldn’t be able to tell a 20 year old from an 80 year old. We have found, through research that our universe has been constantly expanding rapidly. Scientist Floyd E. Bloom said this about our expanding universe, ''Rarely could we expect a dramatic breakthrough in one of these grand, fundamental questions. Yet this year, early but hard evidence has shown that the universe is flying apart at ever-greater rates.'' Evidence of this is in exploding stars, or supernovas. When a star explodes the light is so bright it can be seen from the other side of the universe. Months after this, the star fades away. By mapping out the distance and speed of exploding stars, researches have been able to prove the universe is expanding. The universe also has the freedom and spontaneity to grow in unexpected ways. These would be the equivalent to growth spurts. For instance, from ages 12-18 for humans is one of the most dramatic changes in our lives. There is no way to tell how we will turn out, what we will look like, nor can anyone tell us to have natural blonde hair and natural hazel eyes and we can respond in the manner to give them that choice. If the universe expanded slightly faster or slower, even by a trillionth of a second, all the matter in the cosmos would have either collapsed back into a black hole or spread out so fast it would evaporate. Are we basing our whole existence on a hope that the cosmos aren’t a trillionth of a second off at any time or is there something more to it?
All living organisms need to be able to reproduce. Cosmos are able to reproduce through the help of black holes. Our universe would have come from the mother universe, which will be discussed more in depth later. Since our universe came from a black hole from our mother universe, that would mean that black holes are the “seeds” of new universes. Just like any organism, the stronger will survive. Each universe has its own characteristics and if one cannot reproduce once all that type of universe has collapsed, or died, that particular universe will become extinct. If we are nothing more than a chance of luck, where did the cosmos come from? Would it have been just a coincidence of perfect timing, perfect atmosphere, and a perfect cell?
Unfortunately, just as every organism is born, every organism will die. Nothing can live forever. A universe dies just as a man dies: it comes to a point where most of its energies have passed into an invisible realm. The cosmos are maintained by an unbroken flow of energy. The universe is what would be called “zero point energy.” That means that if we were to put the entire universe in a vacuum there would still be energy. If our universe were not living, what would be the need of so much energy? Also, why would there still be energy in a vacuum? Living organisms are the only things that if put in a vacuum would still show signs of having energy.
When someone looks up at the sky at night they tend to see darkness, the moon, a disarray of stars, and occasionally another planet or two. There seems to be no order what so ever. This is a completely incorrect statement. The arrangement of our stars is very organized. If the Big Bang just exploded stars, planets, moons, etc. all over the place why would there be such organization? This is just like a person. If someone was to look at a diagram of what a person looks like from the inside they wouldn’t find the heart in their leg, their liver in their head, or their brain in their hand. We are created in a way so that we function correctly and allows us to live.
The question comes up many times, “If we are in a living universe, why wouldn’t we know it by now?” It should be easy to tell if we’re in a living universe. To explain this use the example of bacteria in our bodies. It’s irrational to think the bacteria knows they are living in a human being and that they’re purpose is to protect us or to hurt us. Science classes make it seem that they have feelings and they know they’re job is to serve and protect or kill and destroy. In reality, this is highly unlikely. All the bacteria does is move around and do what’s in its nature. With the help of other bacteria, white blood cells, red blood cells, and other single-celled and some multi-celled organisms’ humans can be humans. Humans go around and do what’s in their nature. If our cells and bacteria don’t know they’re helping us, why should we be expected to know we’re helping something bigger?
When our universe was born from smaller than a pinpoint, what did it emerge from? It had to come from somewhere. This is referred to as the idea of the Mother Universe. Our universe is referred to as a “daughter” universe of the Mother Universe. The Mother Universe holds a countless number of daughter universes while they mature through time. They were born from the black holes within the Mother Universe. It is a super space, which means it has multiple dimensions, and it has more dimensions than our universe would have. Its daughter universes could have different number of dimensions as long as it does not contain more than the Mother. Compared to a human, a human can have different characteristics of each parent. If the child’s mother has green eyes and the father has blue eyes the child could either have green eyes or blue eyes, it could not have brown eyes. The Mother is too big for us to be able to comprehend and its present everywhere and it’s in everything, and we are part of it. It has compassion for its universes, but allows all other organisms of its universes create their own joy and suffering. Biblically speaking, when Jesus was asked, “When will the kingdom come?” he responded, “It will not come by waiting for it –Rather the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the Earth, and men do not see it.”
Consciousness is basic to life. Without consciousness an organism could not be considered living. Physicist Freeman Dyson says this about consciousness at a quantum level, “Matter in quantum mechanics is not an inert substance but an active agent, constantly making choices between alternative possibilities. . . . It appears that mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices, is to some extent inherent in every electron.” He is not trying to say that atoms have the same consciousness as humans, but rather that atoms have reflective capacity appropriate to its form and function. Also, consciousness is present at the most basic forms of molecules. Molecules are able to have complex interactions in the same way all other organisms do. One researcher of this states, “We were surprised that such simple proteins can act as if they had a mind of their own.” Even single-celled amoeba can show that they are capable of complex thoughts and ideas. For example, when slime mold gets hungry, it can send signals out to other slime mold and they gather together, without any leader, organize themselves, and move across the ground until they get to a good eating ground. If consciousness can be found in atoms, molecules, and single-celled organisms, why should we be surprised that consciousness is a property of our universe? After all, everything in the universe is made up of atoms. And if our universe is not living how logical is it to say that nothing pushed on nothing to create everything? Dean Radin, director of the Consciousness Research Laboratory at the University of Nevada, did over 800 studies and 60 investigations on whether or not consciousness is present throughout the universe. At the end of his studies he concluded that consciousness “operates between minds and through space.” The two types of experiments he worked with are called “sending” and receiving.”
The “receiving” part of the two experiments was also called remote viewing. He would take a person and lock them in a bare room with nothing other than a pencil, paper, and tape recorder. He would lock the door and then he would draw a random envelope out of a pot of over 100 different locations from a locked safe. After traveling to the destination the person in the locked room would either have to write down or draw the location of where he was, with no prior knowledge what so ever. Was he in a boat on the bay? In a car on the freeway? In a grove of redwood trees? In a movie theater? In the room next door? Almost everyone involved in the experiment could correctly interpret where he was. Unless everyone whom he did his experiments on was an extremely good guesser, this shows that our thoughts can travel through a conscious space.
The “sending” part of the two experiments involved a randomly selected computer with four buttons on top of it. The person’s task was to intuitively pick which of the four buttons was selected and press that button. In controlled conditions, over 7,000 results were tallied. The results were significantly above what chance would have been. One person involved with these experiments said, “These grueling experiments convinced me that we do have an intuitive connection with the universe. The most important insight that I take away from these and other experiments is that we all have an intuitive faculty. An empathic connection with the universe is nothing special; it is built into the workings of the cosmos. Participating in these experiments showed me that our being does not stop at the edge of our skin but extends into and is inseparable from the universe.”
The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted theory of the creation of the universe. However, there are many problems with this theory. In this theory, no one can explain where the single atom of our universe came from. The Static Universe fits the data of the Big Bang Theory better than the Expanding Universe, but the same people who accept the Big Band Theory believe in an expanding universe. There are too many large scale structures (“walls” and voids) to have been created 10-20 billion years ago when the Big Bang would have happened. Also, no one can explain where everything came from. It’s impossible to just create matter out of nowhere. In the Big Bang Theory, the universe is not alive, but it is dead. If the universe is dead what would be the point of existence? There would be none. Everything anyone thinks their living for would be false. Since there is no point in existence, there would be no religion. So are we all just wandering around believing in false gods to make ourselves feel better? We spend every Sunday sitting in a building praying for no reason what so ever? There would be no ethical or moral consequences to actions beyond the immediate and physical ones from police officials, parents, i.e. After death we would be nothing but part of the ground. There would be no heaven or hell for our actions on Earth.
I think you are doing a good job so far. I also have done my research into these cases and I think that life is the result of a very specific type of information processing and exchange. My view of the hardware side of the universe is that it is a huge device for creating, processing and exchanging information. We as human beings interact with the sorrounding reality the same way (through gathering, processing and communicating information) , and we also have quite a wide array of available means to do it.