It has
Potential Energy if its positioning is right
It does
NOT have potential metaphysical energy
Apart from nothing metaphysical exist in the real physical world it boggles my neurones
having capacity to develop into something in the future
ie sometimes which does not exist now but might exist later
something that is outside the physical
ie does not exist in the physical world
ability to perform work
ie does not have a physical presence
Potential Metaphysical Energy
with 3 strikes against it has any chance of
something which
exist in the real world and can
do something
Alice in Wonderland is looking more like the biography of a believable Alice
Potential is my favorite word. After reading analyses of Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order, the concept and definitions of the word potential are logical theory, in All worlds, because it can be (and is) used in the physical world as a specific expressed measurable value and in the meta-physical world as a variable latent ability which may or may not become expressed as a measurable value.
An example:
Water Definition.
Water is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. The name water typically refers to the liquid state of the compound. The solid phase is ice and gas phase is called steam.Mar 19, 2016.
OK, now pull the molecule apart, until the atoms no longer touch. ....Is it still water ?....No.
But, potentially all three atoms retain the ability to form water, no matter where they are located in the universe.
In comes Probability. The farther the atoms are separated from each other, the less probability exist of their combined expression of their potentials to form water in reality.
In comes Patterns.
If the atoms are moving in a direction of intersecting paths, the state of probability changes to the Implicate. The mathematical expectation of a specific event, that these atoms will arrive at the same time and place and will join to form water. (determinism)
This is how we could predict Higgs.
Given this scenario, among all the variables was a single common denominator, the latent
potential for hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form water.
As a concept, one can say that "all things are preceded by Potential, a timeless latent ability to become expressed in reality from implicates formed by a mathematically causal imperative."
It is a common denominator , a universal potential.
It requires only mathematical consistency which allows for the implicate to become expressed in the explicate world and it must also have been mathematically implied that the BB would happen. The Potential (in this case energy) for that event existed before the event.
I find *every* definitions of the concept and use of *potential* fascinating when viewed from that perspective.[/quote]