The Law


Registered Senior Member
I would like to present a short informational pamphlet to all those who wish to know the following.

Laws are there to prevent crimes being committed. The Law may state it is illegal to carry a pellet gun into a bank, for example, but that law is only there to stop the bank being robbed: the law is there to prevent the crime!! The crime is not to walk into a bank with a pellet gun on ones person, for example. If one actually robs a bank using a pellet gun then a crime has been committed. However if one enters a bank with such a gun, but leaves without using it, then in a court of Law the person should not be prosecuted if witnesses are found who testify the person was leaving the bank with the gun, and no robbery had taken place. However if the same person was found entering the bank with the gun, then there is no way of knowing whether or not they were going to use it in a robbery. The crime itself is not carrying the gun, it is to rob the bank. I am no Law expert but I'm quite sure Motive is one of the most important things: intent is more important than actions.
Says Billy
The crime itself is not carrying the gun, it is to rob the bank. I am no Law expert but I'm quite sure Motive is one of the most important things: intent is more important than actions

Tell that to the kiddies, blacks and Mexicans getting jailed simply for having one and they'd spit on you.

Legislation stipulates lisencure. Motive does not have as much pull as does the district polices' notions on your having a gun in the first place.

Not to mention Unlce Sam, or this being post-9/11.....Big Brother.
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