The Law of Attraction....


The Law of Attraction seems to be getting very popular lately from New Age movies like "The Secret" and "What the bleep do we know?" advocates claim it is based off QM, however any closer inspection of QM shows no such thing as the Law of Attraction mentioned to even the slightest degree....can anyone explain how the idea is scientifically sound to any degree?

The Law of Attraction basically says that like attracts like, what you think about you attract....
So how come there's so many horny one-track-minded teenagers that are still virgins?
Never heard of the law of attraction being applicable down to the quantum level to be honest - any links?
In terms of real life hooman interaction and such yes, like definitely attracts like. Or to put it more accurately, opposites attract each other for a volitile short term duration, while 'similars' seem to share more lasting, mutually beneficial long term relationships.

Its hard to meet people like yourself though really isnt it, unless your generic; in which case the world is your oyster - go forth and do lots of obvious things.
while 'similars' seem to share a more lasting, mutually beneficial long term relationships.
Damn! That means I gotta spend the rest of my life with an ugly nerd :D
It is only a theoretical concept.
Yes the double-slit experiment.
see the five minute cartoon version here...
REALLY makes you ponder. I'd like to hear ANY rational explanations to it without getting into GOD talk.

So yes, I have pondered. I have had no religious affiliations in the past and WAS atheist, but now I have come to view

This belief allows for a Mass Consciousness thinking, and is already a topic in philosophy (where it really belongs).

THE ANSWER to why there are so many horny teenagers not getting any, is because they are focussed on not getting any. It seems to be governed by belief.



this was my path to "enlightenment". LOL (serious though) as was previously posted in the philosophy thread.

This is not a new theory that is for sure, welcome to the club. I subscribe to the Mass-consciousness version, or else I have some pretty strange imaginary friends.

O.K. It was actually science that led me towards the same conclusion, and more so in recent years. Although the double-slit experiment has been around for ages it was not until I watched this amazing video about it that it really started to sink in. It is apptly named " WHAT THE BLEEP?"

Here it is.

It is followed up by another longer movie, "what the Bleep? down the rabbit hole".

The entire movie is based upon what you suggest. If there is no "Observer" then light, etc (reality), exists only as "probability waves" which is most commonly accepted version of what occurs. According to a poll at a Quantum Mechanics workshop in 1997, the Copenhagen interpretation is the most widely-accepted specific interpretation of quantum mechanics.

wikipedia link above. Note (Laugh): I mentioned this theory to a colleague, and we discussed how the light we left on at home is only generating "possibility waves", and not true light. He said the electric company was still going to charge him for it. lol

Now watch the movie "The Secret". It deals with the theoretical "Law of Attraction". Oprah Winfrey did a five hour special on this movie."The+Secret"+OPRAH

This claims that you attract into your life what you think about i.e. If you spend too much time worrying about how you are going to pay your bills, you are going to attract more worry, etc. More Bills.

The premise although scientifically unsound (at present), does make you think about life, as you are doing now.

"The secret" or "Law of Attraction" (LOA) seems to be an underlying teaching in most religions.

Jesus Christ has supposedly said (Bible references)

-Mt. 17:20
The disciples could not heal because they were unbelieving and because they had so little faith. Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, then you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it Will move. Nothing will be impossible for you

-Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have RECEIVED IT and it WILL be yours

-Ja. 1:6-8
When you ask you must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave in the sea, tossed by the wind.
The doubter will not think he will receive anything from God, he is a double minded man, unstable in all he does.

-Mt. 14:24-31
Jesus told Peter to come on the water towards him, Peter began to walk on the water, then he began to look at the waves and wind and began to sink. He started looking towards what he could see and feel and not on Jesus. Jesus said to him "O ye of little faith, Why did you doubt"?

O.K. I know Blah, Blah, but the theme seems to be that Whatever you BELIEVE to be true, IS.

Winston Churchill, "You create your own universe as you go along."

Buddha, "All that we are is a result of what we have thought"

Alexander Graham Bell, "What this power is I cannot say, all I know is that it exists"

Einstein, "imagination is everything, it is the preview of lifes coming attractions."

W. Clement Stone, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve"

Carl Jung, "What you resist persists"

Rober Bollier," All power is from within, and therefore under our control"

Henry Ford, "whether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right"

Joseph Campbell, "Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls"

Plato,Edison,Tesla,Newton, yadda yadda....

Everything seems to point to "Belief" creating miracles. There are "miracles" alleged in most religions, could this be that the LOA is real?

I have my own successes with the LOA, and each additional success adds to my belief in its power, so yes I am a believer in this LOA.

The belief is that every thought, feeling, dream is physical in the universe. If you visualize an elephant in your living room (example in movie), it will not instantly appear, who would want to live in a world where thoughts instantly manifested themselves. If you thought of a meteor crashing through your roof, you would not want this to manifest itself immediately.

Here is a clip from someone who has had incredible success as a singer/actor, and it cuts away to an interview where he claims he believes strongly in this.

So I say again, you are not alone in this thinking.

Kind of like being on a huge holodeck.

I'll go you one better.

Now IF you choose to look very deep into it and you believe those precepts, then perhaps Consciousness, Energy, and Matter are all the same. Maybe the Universe began when consciousness learned to express itself in the form of matter. This would mean there is a God (surprise), and that God is the Sum of all consciousness. I have found theories identical to this in the teachings of SETH.

try: (for starters)

So. This is all just theoretical, and we all have our own beliefs and disbeliefs, but some of the above links were convincing enough for me to step back and go. Whoooooaaaaa !!!! If you look at how transparent matter really is from an atomic standpoint, we are all just energy, everything is energy.

This Theory would explain everything. It would also hurt physics as a whole if it could be proved (far from that), because it would mean that if everyone believed they could walk through walls, then it would become possible.

The key word is Belief. If you truly believed you could fly then you could. (in theory), unless accompanied by someone with equally strong beliefs that you couldn't. The hard part would be for someone like us to truly believe they could fly.

So now I've got religion. Wow!

until someone explains to me the real implications of the double slit experiment. (here is the 5 minute cartoon version again.

Explain it?
^None of the above proves the Law of attraction ("like attracts like") they may prove that manifestation is true, meaning that your thoughts influence reality, and that you can manifest any desire...
The "Will Smith" link I actually created and posted on UTUBE. There is no proof if that is what you are seeking.

I outlined what I have found that influenced me enough to try the LOA. Many believers in it are just adding icing. They are humans with set beliefs, and by visualizing for 5 minutes a day they expect their beliefs to change.

If you want support for belief in LOA, I suggest going to utube and typing in LOA. IT IS A RELIGION and has no basis in science at this time, as we have no instruments to measure these cause/effect/variables.

The THEORY is a present fad, because of the recent movie "The Secret", and the attention it is recieving globally. Also, "What the bleep, down the Rabbit Hole". It is a theory as old as we can trace it though. See Emerald Tablet Wikipedia.
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The "Will Smith" link I actually created and posted on UTUBE. There is no proof if that is what you are seeking.

I outlined what I have found that influenced me enough to try the LOA. Many believers in it are just adding icing. They are humans with set beliefs, and by visualizing for 5 minutes a day they expect their beliefs to change.

If you want support for belief in LOA, I suggest going to utube and typing in LOA. IT IS A RELIGION and has no basis in science at this time, as we have no instruments to measure these cause/effect/variables.

The THEORY is a present fad, because of the recent movie "The Secret", and the attention it is recieving globally. Also, "What the bleep, down the Rabbit Hole". It is a theory as old as we can trace it though. See Emerald Tablet Wikipedia.
Thanks, I personally know from experience that you can manifest desires, I don't know if this happens through the Law of Attraction though......
Damn! That means I gotta spend the rest of my life with an ugly nerd :D

haha, same here pretty much - theyd need to be aloof with a hint of pretentiousness in my case also :D

I'll post in this thread abit latter when i get chance to reply to the rest.