the law and med


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I dont know if anyone will answer this (actually i dont know if anyone will have the legal training TO answer it) but i will ask anyway

As i said in the other thread i was watching sicko and something confunded me

Here doctors have a LEGAL obligation to assist anyone at anytime (on duty or not). Its part of the requirements for having a medical licence the only ones who are exempt from this are interns. Now sicko shows pts being pushed out of cabs to homeless shelters without even a basic Neuro exam. Now refusing to treat someone (wether they could pay or not) is a crime here, the only way they could get out of it is if they passed the pt off to another health care proffessional. If they dont thats medical malpractice. Now im not 100% sure on this but going by those laws if a pt died because they were sent away would be medically negligent homocide.

If this is so then how do they get away with it?
Some hospitals in America don't deal with certain typpes of senior citizen problems like Alzhiemers or senality for examples. Those hospitals will send those types of people to other places where they deal with them. If there's a physical problem the hospital will deal with that specfic problem then find a place outside their hospital for them to stay after they have helped that patient with their physical problem. Hospitals aren't nursing care facilities so they aren't required to house those types of individuals.
cosmic your missing the point. I just watched sicko and i WATCHED a women who couldnt pass a neuro assesment because of a head injury dumped into an unsterile eviroment. This isnt a transfer to nursing home facilites (i KNOW nursing homes, spent most of my placements transfering pts between nursing home and hospital). Im talking about someone with an acute need being dumped in the street.
That is illegal however there are some hospitals that do illegal things like that. Hopefuly there aren't to many!
have you herd of any law suites coming out of it?

I mean 2 hosptials were named on international TV, the women was interviewed by the procicuter. Was anyone held to account?
I'm certain something happened to the hospital that was found to have done such a thing but without names, dates and locations it is very difficult to find those answers.
my quest isnt to get justice for that pt, as i said they had a procicuter interview her as soon as it happened (thought YOU might be interest in knowing what hospitals and by exstention doctors are that cruel)

My quest as you put it is to bring your contry back towards the left
Its up to you to take that or leave it
my quest isnt to get justice for that pt, as i said they had a procicuter interview her as soon as it happened (thought YOU might be interest in knowing what hospitals and by exstention doctors are that cruel)

My quest as you put it is to bring your contry back towards the left
Its up to you to take that or leave it

It is going that way and has been for decades! That example you gave about the old woman well that isn't the normal way most hospitals work. As I have said there are laws that protect people however those people need others to make sure that they are cared for.
im glad because that was just mean.

As for the rest of the country you think your left?

When someone has to work till the day they die because they cant aford to quit, when people have to work more than one job to suvive then your NOT in a left sociaty. You are so far to the right as to be off the chart.

You are the ONLY industriled country not to have a universal health care system. Hell with only a small rise in GDP cuba will overtake you easerly because even THEY have a better system

Your political system needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, your legal system could do with a work up, even the consitution needs to be re written.

You think your left wing? go live in france, now THAT is a country worth admiring, your country is just one big leach eating its own people
When someone has to work till the day they die because they cant aford to quit, when people have to work more than one job to suvive then your NOT in a left sociaty. You are so far to the right as to be off the chart.

In America there are government programs that have been established to help those who retire at the age of 64. Those people get Social Security checks from the government monthly for the rest of their lives and if they die their spouse gets it until he/she dies. As I have already mentioned Medicare takes care of retired citizens for almost nothing, 50.00 US a month. Most people invest their money during their lifetimes in stocks, bonds, CD"s etc. in order to get something whenever they retire besides social security checks. Many people invest in houses and when they retire they sell those homes for a good profit to younger people and they use the profit from the sale to enhance their retirement funds.
here we live in our houses untill we die if we want or alot of people sell them and buy really expencive motor homes to travel the country. oh and i have actually READ what your country conciders to be medicare, our ANIMALS get better care
for your infomation our elderly pay NOTHING for there health care and $3 per script for there drugs

the rest us (well those not on health care cards) pay nothing for OUR health care and $30 for our scripts
here we live in our houses untill we die if we want or alot of people sell them and buy really expencive motor homes to travel the country. oh and i have actually READ what your country conciders to be medicare, our ANIMALS get better care

Well I happen to be retired and am recieving medicare with a HMO. What ever the HMO doesn't cover the medicare will. They work in tandam. The HMO is a non profit company so that is doesn't look for profits. I'm very pleased with the way medicare has handled myself and my hospital bills as well. I understand there will be others who think it isn't that good BUT if you don't know what it is how can you even discuss it? You are only going by what others say not by facts.
cosmic your missing the point. I just watched sicko and i WATCHED a women who couldnt pass a neuro assesment because of a head injury dumped into an unsterile eviroment. This isnt a transfer to nursing home facilites (i KNOW nursing homes, spent most of my placements transfering pts between nursing home and hospital). Im talking about someone with an acute need being dumped in the street.
My wife spent most of her career working as a social worker in a hospital. The quality of medical care in America has been dropping precipitously for about 25 years, ever since the government began taking over the health care sector. (This is the "leftism" you advocate: let the government bureaucrats have control of everything because they're all so smart and noble.) As a result of the bureaucratization of medicine, hospitals are now run by accountants and attorneys rather than doctors. Every medical decision is made by a person who is not a medical professional. A lot of this is understandable defensiveness. The government rules for medical care are so complicated that it takes an army of lawyers to make sure they aren't violated, and the regulations are so coercive that it takes an army of accountants to make sure that the entire industry doesn't go bankrupt. Doctors and hospitals can be sued by patients for practically any reason, and the "leftist" government court system allows it because "the little man" needs their assistance. As a result, malpractice insurance is one of the largest expenses in a doctor's operating budget. Hospitals need huge staffs of attorneys to protect themselves against malpractice suits. This is the socialist worker's paradise that the leftists built for us. Nobody has any rights any more, the government controls everything. Our educational system is just as bad for the same reason. Schools have more administrators than teachers, because of government regulation. Children have more rights than adults, because they need "protection."

Affirmative discrimination is another reason for many problems in hospitals. In south Los Angeles they built a new hospital 40 years ago named after Martin Luther King. Since it was in a region with a majority of African-American citizens, they mandated that the majority of the doctors be African-Americans. The problem was that they couldn't find that many good African-American doctors. (I can go into this too. Our universities were required to produce African-American graduates, even if they hadn't learned anything, and some of those graduates were MDs.) Just last year or maybe in 2006, MLK General Hospital was shut down because patients were getting such poor medical care it was literally a crime. This again is the result of the leftist movement to allow the government to take over the education and medical industries, in addition to attempting to make up for two hundred years of racism by instituting reverse racism.
Your political system needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, your legal system could do with a work up, even the consitution needs to be re written.
Azzy, I'm sure you'd be the first (well maybe second after Sam) to insist that Americans have no right to tell Iraqis how they should run their country. Well then please shut your yap and stop telling us how to run ours. Okay? Have you even lived here to learn what it is that we like about it so much that we'll put up with the faults?
Your country is just one big leach eating its own people
That is the type of insult that is a violation of the rules and should not be made by a moderator. You can't go around making inflammatory statements about entire nations.

Australia and Australians have done plenty of nasty shit. Your treatment of your aboriginal people was just about as horrible as ours, and your policies toward immigrants with dark skins, until recently, was arguably worse than ours.

Your history is very similar to ours. You moved in and took over the land of a Mesolithic people who were culturally incapable of understanding the full import of what you were doing and in any case were technologically incapable of resisting. Civilization had never been built on this land so its natural resources had never been exploited--topsoil, minerals, forests, even game--all there for the taking. Immigrant population density was low so you had wide open spaces with lots of opportunity for everybody (of European ancestry). You built a patriarchal society like ours and treated your women arguably worse than we did, but until recently unquestionably nowhere near as fairly as your heroes the post-WWII French.

Life is easy in that environment and you don't have to develop much of a sense of social responsibility. We started about 100 years before you so we ran into the problems caused by these attitudes and we're still struggling to overcome them. One of the things we tried was "leftism" at a time when people needed more control over their lives rather than less, and it's turned them into sheep.

You've been able to learn by watching our mistakes and so you've managed to avoid making some of them. You're adopting leftism at a time when your country still has a massive surplus of wealth and energy, so it's working for you. But it's just good luck. Don't brag about it. Come back in fifty years and tell us how well it's working then. Leftist societies have a tendency to produce a "negative surplus." Once you use up the unexploited wealth left by the Abos, life might not be so sweet.

In the meantime lay off the insults, okay? Americans have an irrational love for Australia because you remind us of America when it was younger. You're like the British and the Israelis. We would throw our entire national effort into helping you if you needed it and not stop to ask if it's a good idea. We also love Angus Young. Don't blow it.