The Latest Offense--Bible Code


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
There's either a new edition of the Bible Code book out, or else a sequel. At any rate, the whores have gone too far. I was in a bookstore (B&N) the other day and saw the cardboard standee--"The Bible Code! It starts on 9/11!" And, of course, the cover of the book has the wonderful children's jumble of Hebrew characters showing, allegedly, "Twin", "Towers", and "Airplane".

Now, I expect all manner of indecency about 9/11/2001, but this is just a little too much.

Bible Code II: The Countdown (cover photo,

Tiassa :cool:
someone has to get some more money from the stupid
3000 ppl is nothing
why isn't there WW2 foretold
Originally posted by tiassa
There's either a new edition of the Bible Code book out, or else a sequel. At any rate, the whores have gone too far. I was in a bookstore (B&N) the other day and saw the cardboard standee--"The Bible Code! It starts on 9/11!" And, of course, the cover of the book has the wonderful children's jumble of Hebrew characters showing, allegedly, "Twin", "Towers", and "Airplane".

Now, I expect all manner of indecency about 9/11/2001, but this is just a little too much.

Bible Code II: The Countdown (cover photo,

Tiassa :cool:
The bible code was started at the advent of computer programs that would allow such things to be decripted from scripture. When someone uses a manmade invention to interpret the scripture, it's time to become wary. The holy spirit is imparted to believers as a means to understand the hidden meanings of scripture. The search for faith and understanding comes from within. Not some plasticized, electronicized piece of junk that does make errors.

Given any text a code may be developed to 'translate' the text into any other text of the same number of characters. Essentialy it is a simple transposition cypher. A 'code' may be developed to say anything you like.

Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
Y'know, if this was found PRIOR to 9/11/01, I'd be impressed.

But it wasn't, so I'm not.

Why does a book need a prophecy to impress the world? There have been many by nosterdamus as well. If there is a code, why it always end up prophecising something after it happens. Silly indeed.
I saw the author of The Bible Code in an interview, and the guy gave an example of a supposed pro[hecy found by counting through the letters and such. Then the reporter conducting the interview gave his own meaning by counting a different way, clearly showing that you can make whatever the hell you want out of it.
The bible code is trash.

Any text of comparable length has just as many "hidden messages" of the same type. If you go searching for "airplane" and "twin towers" in Moby Dick, you'll find them about as often as you find references to them in the bible.
But ain't it just sad?

Ain't it just sad, though? How can the author expect to be taken seriously when his marketing department thinks they're part of FOX News? People will believe what they believe, and there's not a whole lot we can do about it in the long run, but is there no limit to the indignity people will cast upon the world in order to make a buck? When I think of the amount of effort that goes into sham marketing, I wonder what is so fundamentally wrong with these people that they cannot devote their efforts to something more legitimate, useful, or otherwise intelligent.

How much money has gone into promoting something like The Bible Code? How much mental effort and physical labor has gone to get those millions of copies into Barnes & Noble and other stores across the US and around the world? Seriously, we could get by without this waste of people's time; we could benefit from a lack of this book's detriment. Yet this is the best they can do? Recommendation (and it's rare for me to go this far): Shoot the author, lock the agent and publishers in prison 'til Hell freezes over, and send the investment capital to Africa to pay for water and electrical infrastructure. If they can't market an allegedly legitimate scientific/religious revelation to the world, then they're not legitimate. At some point I have to put my foot down. I've always defended the right of free expression, but there's something about intentional malice that really bristles. You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater. Why should you be allowed to delude people at such a level as to negatively affect the basis for action and conscience in exchange for money? The amount of damage this kind of distracting crap does to the world warrants serious consideration. After all, I'll defend The Turner Diaries, or The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and so forth, but books like Celestine Prophecy and Bible Code and a few other psychospiritual fad tomes whose titles mercifully escape me--come on, that's tampering where tampering should not be acceptable. I don't know how these fuckers sleep at night, and frankly it would frighten me to know.

Think about this: We have lobbyists arguing over the use of firearms, over abortion, over equal rights among humans, ad nauseam. One of the most compelling factors in peoples' alignment to one side or the other of these issues is their religious outlook. Even atheists are affected in their actions by their regard toward whatever they might come to call the ultimate condition, because whether or not there is a God, even atheists occasionally wonder about the point of it all. Now we've got someone tampering with considerations of that point, and asserting ridiculous crap, and all for money.

And here's another twist: I'd probably defend the book itself if I was a little more familiar with its content. But the marketing--it's beyond soulless. It's hateful. I mean, think of how many consciences will be affected by taking a best-seller seriously.

And it matters not a whit to the people pushing it, just as long as other people buy it.

This editorial has been brought to you by a Lack of :m:

Tiassa :cool:
People will do all kinds of things to make a dollar. For many, the easier it is, the better.

Why research and write a good book when you can just make something up and sell it to the gullible?

As long as the demand is there, people will continue to publish this kind of rubbish. And the demand will be there as long as people remain uneducated in critical thinking.
The lights are out, after all

Why research and write a good book when you can just make something up and sell it to the gullible?
Indeed. But why charm and romance a beautiful woman when you can just con a retarded person into sleeping with you? What does it matter? After all, the lights are out ;)

Tiassa :cool:
Oh yes. I agree with James here. People WILL do anything to make a dollar. This is the cause of the ruined image of tantric yoga.

Now, seriously, nine out of ten Americans think Tantric Yoga has to do with exotic sexual positions and "techniques for unending sex". It's really sad. It all came out of people who foresaw a way to make big bucks out of it and twisted the philosophy of tantric yoga completely into an unrecognizable form.

Let me get this straight. Tantric Yoga has to do with total control over yourself to reach higher consciousness. It has nothing to do with exotic positions.

Did I ramble a bit there? Sorry. This is a thorn in my side that has been setting me off lately.