The Last Supper by da Vinci


Valued Senior Member

This is in my opinion the best work with Jesus. Just a few thoughts on it however. First is if you see to the right of Jesus the man in the green shirt almost appears to have a second head. They look strongly alike if you zoom in, one happy, one appearing to speak out to the apostles. In fact, look at Jesus. He appears to be speaking to green shirt directly. Ghost head is pointing up, and is looking with a smile. Jesus is going to Heaven, double head is happy, but first he is speaking out. Why?

Look down the table and zoom into the hand of wight beard whispering in the Mary Magdelens ear. He is holding a knife in a awkward position, pointed directly at the man at the end of the table with a devilish look to him. If you can zoom into the two men at our far left, tell me they dont resemble Satan, and Temptation. Satan has a good deal of food at his end. Trace his eye sight, it is pointed straight to green shirt double head. Green shirt is looking down at the table towards Satan.

The man in the dark green robe is holding his hands up as to say I don't know anything. Then you have the man in the peach robe who I call Temptation with his hand on Andrew's shoulder, and his finger tips resting on Peters shoulder, almost creeping. The dark man who is either Barmeleothew or Phillip (father and son) is holding money in his hand. What do we think Peter who is the man with white beard is whispering to Young Mary? What does green shirt know to be living a double life? Is this Judas? And has Jesus told Judas to betray him for some unforeseen reason? Zoom in between green shirt and Jesus. They bare family resemblance, period. Father and son, mom is in the orange cape. Ghost head looks like he is wearing a prosthetic nose.

Conclusion, the devil got a seat at the last table because Jesus brought him in, keep you enemies close, through the false apostle Temptation in the peach robe. Peter is whispering something to Mary who has the hand of Jesus, and he is holding a knife lined up directly to the man at the end of the table. Jesus knows his betrayer, the two men at the end of the table. Father of Jesus, green shirt, ghost head, Mom, Peter, the man in all blue, all know the truth. Green shirt lived a double life, Judas, by order of Jesus.

Jesus knew that he would be betrayed. He had the option to run, and be a slave to his church, or he could expose the traitors, and the Jews who are not ultimately in the future. This would mean giving up his own life so his most trusted disciple dad could execute judgment on those guilty. He did this by selling out the location of Jesus to the traitors in a face to face meeting. They lead him to the devil at the end of the table, and Temptation. Before he was caught and tried he gave Young Mary a child, and mother Mary and father Judas went on to have more children, including uncle James. The old man at the end of the table by my estimate is John the baptist, not beheaded, clearly.

If there is only 11 Apostles at the table, then Matthew is left out as a fraud, and author of one of the gospels. If ghost head is not ghost head, then he should not be smiling in the face of Jesus with such sad news, I truly see Judas Thaddeus, and Iscariot as one man, and father of Jesus, grandson to Joseph. God did not incarnate Jesus into the womb of Mary without seed like it says in Matthew. Joseph met Mary after she was pregnant. Jude, who traveling with his grandfather, and his brother James stopped in Bethlehem, and Jude met Mary. They stayed in town for a while and Jude wound up getting Mary pregnant. Jude being a follower of the God believed his son to be the coming Christ. So he made quick preparations. He would go to Egypt to pave way for his son and wife who would travel with Joseph and friends two years later to avoid authorities in the flight to Egypt. With Romans hot on their trail Joseph handed off the child, and mother to Jude along with James, and possibly the Zebedee's, and took the flight South along the eastern shore of the Red Sea.

The flight headed by grandfather Joseph posing as husband of Mary, mother of the immaculate born Jesus, or as they said would have left from Nazereth when the child turned two. They would have moved north east to that lake. From there they would move east into Syria, and go south along the Israel, Syrian border all the way to where Jude would be waiting at the Gulf Aqaba. He hands the son to the father, and he leads the Romans south and is eventually caught and put to death. Joseph is not present in the later years of Jesus.