The Language of Islamophobia


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
The Language of Islamophobia

Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
Chair, Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism (FAIR)

There is a proverb “The pen is mightier than the sword” which expresses well the idea of the power, if not the sacredness, of the word, and perhaps there was an echo of this idea in President Bush’s recent statement that the “war against terrorism” had begun with a “stroke of the pen.” There was a television programme recently about the ten hardest men in Britain, and I assumed it was going to be another of those offerings glorifying brute strength or glamourising vicious gangsters. Well yes, there were some tough nuts in there, pretty well all of them hard men in television serials, but the hardest ones were judged to be not those who used their fists but those who used words, and rated top of this class, the prizefighter, was Jeremy Paxman, the presenter of Newsnight on BBC2.

So we understand the immense power of words. But with that power comes a truly awesome responsibility. In speaking of the language of Islamophobia, it would be a very simple matter to give examples over the last two weeks of the abuse of that power, what William Dalrymple castigates in a recent article in The Independent as the “ludicrously unbalanced, inaccurate and one-sided” images of Islam perpetrated by what he calls the “scribes of the new racism” even in our quality broadsheets. This is not, of course, a new phenomenon. In 1997 The Runnymede Report had described Islamophobia as marked by “brazen hostility, bordering on contempt, for the most cherished principles of Islamic life and thought, reaching an apoplexy of hate in the modern Western media who represent Islam as intolerant of diversity, monolithic and war-mongering.” As Dalrymple says, “such prejudices against Muslims – and the spread of idiotic stereotypes of Muslim behaviour and beliefs – have been developing at a frightening rate in the last decade” and “Anti-Muslim racism now seems in many ways to be replacing anti-Semitism as the principal Western expression of bigotry against “the other”.

What is so much more encouraging is the fact that politicians and writers of this quality, insight, intelligence and humanity are increasingly speaking out against this pernicious, corrosive and virulent form of bigotry and it would be a simple matter too to refer to a great many articles I have seen like Dalrymple’s which are truly civilised and humane and do not bandy about words like “civilisation” and “humanity” as mere rhetorical incantations or militant banners to promote the poisonous and ignorant doctrine of the clash of civilisations.

Let Western civilisation always hold fast to one of its founding principles in the Platonic vision which places reason and dialogue above rhetoric and emotional manipulation. And all those voices in political life and the media who have upheld this vision deserve our profound thanks, for what they are writing and saying is completely in accordance with the universal spirit of Islam and the many sayings of the Prophet (saws) which teach us to use words as well as actions in such a way that we become, in his words, “a refuge for humankind, their lives and their properties.” – a refuge for all of humankind, not for any single group or vested interest. Said the Prophet, “The true Muslim does not defame or abuse others” and “the perfect Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe.”

Read the rest of this very thoughtful article here: the world/language_of_islamophobia.htm

Nobody has a problem with people being Muslims. The problem is that many Muslim leaders have stated they want the west to become Islamic states, ruled by Islamic law.

As an atheist I personally don’t want to be ruled over by any religious dogma especially one that wants to interfere so much in my personal life.

So Islamophobia is all about the fear of another culture taking over our lives and forcing their will on us. You will undoubtedly argue that Islam is tolerant, but it is unlikely to allow the kind of freedoms I and many others want.
Igor Trip said:
Nobody has a problem with people being Muslims. The problem is that many Muslim leaders have stated they want the west to become Islamic states, ruled by Islamic law.
That could be countered with the fact that many Muslim countries are being forced to adhere to and adopt the Western way of life and legal system. As a current example, we can look at Bush and his trying to instigate a democracy in Iraq, whether the people want it or not.

As an atheist I personally don’t want to be ruled over by any religious dogma especially one that wants to interfere so much in my personal life.
You're joking right? What country do you live in that does not have some form of religious dogma as it's backbone? Tell me because I want to live there. Just about all countries on this planet have religious doctrines in their legal system that interferes with people's personal lives. As a quick example, look at the rights that the States have supposedly given to Gays. Gays aren't allowed to marry and the laws governing this is based on religious doctrines. I would think that was a major interference in a person's personal life, wouldn't you?

So Islamophobia is all about the fear of another culture taking over our lives and forcing their will on us. You will undoubtedly argue that Islam is tolerant, but it is unlikely to allow the kind of freedoms I and many others want.
Islam is as tolerant of the West and other legal and political systems as the West and their systems are tolerant of Islam and their systems. Islam is not a culture. It is a religion. I guess that it has its own culture, as do all religions, but it is not solely a culture. Your current system of Government is probably not allowing you to have the freedoms that you and many others may want. Actually, they are probably preventing other cultures and religions from having the freedoms that they may want. I can refer you to France and their banning of the hijab as a prime example. No system of Government or religion will ever allow the people the freedoms that the people want.
Igor Trip said:

Nobody has a problem with people being Muslims. The problem is that many Muslim leaders have stated they want the west to become Islamic states, ruled by Islamic law.

Can you please provide '' credible'' evidence supporting your statement ?

As an atheist I personally don’t want to be ruled over by any religious dogma especially one that wants to interfere so much in my personal life.

Fair Enough ! Islam gave us the choice to be free:

''There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.'' (The Noble Quran 2:256)

So Islamophobia is all about the fear of another culture taking over our lives and forcing their will on us. You will undoubtedly argue that Islam is tolerant, but it is unlikely to allow the kind of freedoms I and many others want.

So you object to be ruled by Islam but yet your governments is sending its armies bombing our lands and killing thousands upon thousands of muslims to FORCE them to accept YOUR way of life , do you think this is fair ??
Proud_Muslim said:
Fair Enough ! Islam gave us the choice to be free:

''There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.'' (The Noble Quran 2:256)
PM look at that quote again..try and be objective. It pretty much says if you don't believe in god then you are evil.
Proud_Muslim said:
thank you for providing examples which confirms the original article about Islamophobia.
Yes I provided perfect examples of why islam is threatening.
I think the real problem is the excessive emphasis of modern day Islamic scholars on 'Jihad' - a term which has more meaning to it than just the killing of the enemies of Islam.
I think all major religions, like christianity and judaism, are tolerant. Islam is no exception. However, due to the high illiteracy rate in Muslim countries and the prevalent religious dogma, Islam is now being portrayed a violence loving religion. However, it doesn't change the truth.
The only way out is education. Unfortunately, education in Muslim countries means Islamic education only. They make Islam a compulsory subject at schools and colleges, thereby provoking hate from freedom loving students. Teachers tell you that if you memorize the whole Quran, you'd definitely end up in Jannah (heaven). Science is treated as a feared beast, that can kill if not controlled properly. This is the reason all Muslim countries have to import almost all kinds of electronic equipment and other things of daily use related to modern science!
I think that unless these Muslim countries stop forcing their religion on their young generation, they won't stop producing potential terrorists. The inferiority complex due to the backwardness in science and technology, coupled with the notion that Jihad means killing any non-Muslim, creates a terrorist out of an innocent Muslim youth.

Its truly sad that these young people are misguided by some psychos claiming to be the protectors of their religion. It must stop, or else Muslims will forever be treated like beasts by the developed and educated world!
path said:
PM look at that quote again..try and be objective. It pretty much says if you don't believe in god then you are evil.

No, it says if you dont believe in God then you are associating yourself with the forces of Evil ( like the case with most of the posters here ).
That's right.

We're all actually spooky jinn, typing away at out keyboards, trying to lure you into sin!
Bells said:
You're joking right? What country do you live in that does not have some form of religious dogma as it's backbone?
I don't understand what you mean? "backbone"?
Proud_Muslim said:
No, it says if you dont believe in God then you are associating yourself with the forces of Evil ( like the case with most of the posters here ).
Are you really so stupid that you can't see it?
Rappaccini said:
That's right.
We're all actually spooky jinn, typing away at out keyboards, trying to lure you into sin!

No, you are possessed by one !! you live like an evil and you will die like an evil unless you believe and save yourself.
Bells said:
As a current example, we can look at Bush and his trying to instigate a democracy in Iraq, whether the people want it or not.
These people are enjoying their Bush-given freedom:


Hot babes under the veil. And proud muslim men enjoying Allah's artistic creations. Muslims are just as horny as everyone else. ;)
As if the Iraqis were not allowed to do so under Saddam ?? I cant believe how fool some people are ??? :p
Who created this phenomenon of Islamophobia? I think it is a direct result of Islamic Terrorists (mujahadin, or whatever you want to call them). Terror=Phobia. They want westerners to be so scared of Muslims that they leave Saudi Arabia, and other predominately muslim countries. So, it seems misplaced to fight Islamophobia among westerners, why not fight it at it's source?