The KJV was written by homosexuals.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Homosexuality has been around as long as humans have existed. It is found in the earliest of cultures throughout the world and was, therefore, socially accepted in these cultures. Interestingly, homosexuality was not considered to be "sex." "Sex" was used only for procreation. Homosexuality was considered to be more of an acceptable social activity. Homosexuality is believed to have developed out of the ancient patriarchy who as early as 8,000 BCE began erecting towers to be worshipped as phallic symbols.

Although homosexuality continued to thrive in most cultures, the growth of christianity began to condemn it. The Inquisition set out to destroy anyone who might have practiced homosexuality, while the very church fathers continued to practice homosexuality behind the doors of The Vatican even before celibacy was the rule of the day. Anthropologically speaking, as in earlier cultures, homosexuality wasn't considered to be "sexual" activity, therefore, it wasn't sinful among the fraternity of the church... so it continued for millenia.

In the early 1600s, King James set out to translate the bible. Now it's known as an scholarly fact that King James was one of the most hedonist homosexuals of history!


King James and the History of Homosexuality, by Michael B. Young.
The "rumors" of King James' proclivities seem to be pretty well-known.

It's funny to see fundamentalists defend his honor against these "baseless" charges, as if he were some sort of religious icon. Kings in any day usually have skeletons in the closet, sometimes nearly literally. It's ridiculous to think that these egotistical, self-absorbed proprietors of the Divine Rule of Kings, ( in a day when few people, other than those with money or nobility, had any rights) could actually be relied upon as trustworthy servants of God and upright moral examples to their Christian underlings.

But then, since they have invested so much worthless time propping up the God-breathed status of the KJV and promoting it as the only true, Godly translation of the Bible, I guess it's in their best interests to do so.
Nice to have a thread with a homosexual topic that hasn't been started by Woody.

For a change...
Lawdog said:
So what if it was? That doesnt make it undesirable, silly.

M*W: No, I agree with what you're saying, even though the KJV has some 3,000 or more errors in it. I don't believe in any translation of the bible. I only posted this for those die-hard homophobic christians. It doesn't really matter to me, but they should know this bit of history.
Socrates was very likely a homosexual, as well as many other greatly gifted people. (I really do not think Leonardo was though, thats propaganda).

As Catholic the Church instructs a deep love for all souls, even Hitler, Stalin, matter how twisted. Burning at the stake is only a last remedy. :p

So do you reject the translations or the bible or both?
[sarcasm] It was written by Homosexuals? OMGZ!!!!!! We must now BURN THEM ALL!!!!!! [/sarcasm]
Lawdog said:
Socrates was very likely a homosexual, as well as many other greatly gifted people. (I really do not think Leonardo was though, thats propaganda).

As Catholic the Church instructs a deep love for all souls, even Hitler, Stalin, matter how twisted. Burning at the stake is only a last remedy. :p

So do you reject the translations or the bible or both?

M*W: I reject the teachings of the bible (not the translations), because I do not believe Jesus existed nor made any statements about anything that should be believed.
Provita said:
[sarcasm] It was written by Homosexuals? OMGZ!!!!!! We must now BURN THEM ALL!!!!!! [/sarcasm]

M*W: So much for sarcasm! Although the translations were written by homosexuals, that still doesn't lend credulance to their writings. Those lovely guys were still the subjects of the king, and bade his version of the translation. I just wanted all KJV believers to know the background of its translators.
Lawdog said:
Why do you say that Jesus did not exist?
because there is no evidence for any person in the gospels, including jesus ever existing.
unless you can enlighten the world by producing some.

but this is of topic.
so start a new thread if you wish to try and produce evidence, for a jesus ever existing.