The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines


Registered Senior Member
Hi to all of yeah! It's 4pm Thursday, here in Bulacan, Philippines, Asia. I desire to share with you my dwarf story.

The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines (6-2 '83 to 5-10 '09):VIOLET lights

From 1992 until May, 2009, I had faithfully recorded in my diary, my daily (midnights to the time before I would wake up) experiences regarding LUIS, Armand and Angel.

I had uploaded some important parts of my second book (which I am still editing) and I desire to share it with you. I deeply understand that skeptics and agnostics or even atheists I do respect, would find the writing weird and quirky, if not tales, fictions, fantasy and Harry Potter-like novels. I leave it to your discretion to comprehend the deepest secrets of the entire universe with the VIOLET lights I was envoloped with.

89 Pages - The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel in Osaka, Japan and Philippines, June 2, 1983 to May, 2009: Quarter of a Century Violet Lights

89 Pages Excerpts of Judge Floro's 2nd Book

5 pages Introduction and excerpts of the 89 pages Diary of LUIS' Kingdom

404 Pages First Book of Judge Floro, 2006, Pdf

404 pages Judge Floro's 1st Published Book

ISBN 9789716916195 "World-famous Mystic Armand, LUIS and Angel, the Three Dwarves MEET THE JUDGE,Psychic and Healing Martyr or Filipino Justice".

Anthropology Paper: Influence beyond borders: Experience and Knowledge[/url]

This University of the Philippines Paper was submitted as part of the course.

LUIS (January 7, 1960), Armand (January 31), age 40, and Angel, age 32, are the Philippines mystic and healing dwarves ("duendes"). As "King of kings" of elementals in the entire universe, LUIS solely possesses the ultimate and supreme "violet light" and other powers which no spirit guide ever had or acquired. These 3 holy angels of God appeared for the first time to Robert V. Floro, the 5th and youngest brother of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. at 7:10 p.m., on June 2, 1983, at the backyard of the ancestral house and lot of Judge Floro, during the wake (ceremony) of Florentino C. Floro, Sr. The 3 dwarves whispered to Robert, promising him a lifetime covenant, as his guardian angels: "Obet, we are LUIS, Armand and Angel, we will never forsake you!"

LUIS, Armand and Angel were born in Osaka, Japan, as the eldest, second and third children of seamster and seamstress, dressmakers, tailors, garment workers, dwarves king Ben, age 70, and queen Luisa, age 65. The other children are Larry, Luisa and the youngest, Maria, who all reside in Osaka, Japan. Their cousins are Benjamin (Benny) and Estelita.

LUIS, Armand and Angel finished elementary education at Osaka Japan Elementary School. They never studied thereafter since they are the richest in the entire universe, living at the Osaka Kingdom in extreme wealth.
LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Robert as their sole ward as spirit guides, since they decided that "Robert is a good boy." LUIS, Armand and Angel had chosen Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. as their sole instrument and friend under dalliance or sacred covenant on March 1, 1996, First Friday, at 6:00 a.m. because, he is poor, that is, jobless, has no work or trabajo and occupation.

On or about December, 1983, Judge Floro's mother Milagros Velasquez Floro had experienced many unexplained illnesses, prompting Judge Floro to seek the help of the Philippines' best doctors including Col. Miguel Cornejo, Jr., who availed of advanced and experimental geriatric medicines (like pancreanexin, a $ 20 per ampule extract from pancreas of live sheeps). Because of medical failures, Judge Floro, who was and is a pure scientist and skeptic, had no choice but to consult Filipino faith healers Mang Polding and Mang Andres, of Balanga, Bataan. After using pure water plus prayers, these healers cured Milagros of black dwarf possession.

On or about January, 1984, while waiting for the results of his Bar Exams, Judge Floro had visited more than 40 psychics and healers from Bulacan, Cavite and Bataan. During his travels, Judge Floro had been interested in treasure hunting. LUIS, Armand and Angel had informed Robert that there was a hidden treasure at Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan. Judge Floro, however, challenged Robert to submit proof that these dwarves did exist. Parenthetically, Judge Floro and his classmates were told by their Ateneo de Manila University professor (in education and statistics electives), Fr. Candelaria, S.J., that Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. (the father of Philippine psychology and Chair of the Ateneo psychology department) had regularly fed his dwarf "Dwendeling."

Hidden Treasure, 1984 and Breeding of Fighting Cocks, 1990

On or about November, 1984, Judge Floro again challenged LUIS to produce money so that the former could begin digging the treasure. LUIS told Robert that Judge Floro would obtain the money from fighting cocks per bets. Judge Floro therefore bought fighting cocks. The first cock named "Hagibis" won but Judge Floro earned only P 1,100. The same cock was entered in the Meycauayan Cockpit derby where it was badly injured, with both legs cut down on the arena. But due to LUIS' violet lights, the other cock run so terrified, as if it had seen ghosts, and the entire gambling crowd got surprised by the miracle.

Judge Floro thereafter went to the Paranaque Cockpit and won 13 straight bets, during a derby. With the money, Judge Floro bought an incubator and he bred fighting cocks. LUIS had flashed the violet lights so that Robert could select the golden hen (from Danny Escalona's Antipolo, Rizal farm) which could produce the best fighting cocks. Under the name "Grey and Blue", Judge Floro made Philippine cockfighting history, by entering 6 to 7 months stags in derbies, who became champions. His six 6 months stags won straight at the Marilao Cockpit arena, while his 7 months stag won under "Kumander Fatola" at Obando Cockpit Arena derby. Judge Floro's cocks stunned the Bulacan cockpits afficionados with stag wins in derbies from 1984 until March, 1990. Judge Floro's bull stags (10 months old cocks) became champions in many Bulacan derbies including at the opening of the Edwin Coliseum in San Jose Del Monte.

Meanwhile, after winning some P 21,000 in bets, Judge Floro bought a water pump and dug about 17 meters, thereafter, having obtained the treasure's key and had touched the upper part of the treasure chest. But LUIS did not allow Judge Floro to get the treasure. Thus, during a First Friday on November, 1984, with a full moon as witness, Judge Floro used incense with holy water and asked LUIS to instead show him the treasure at the wink of an eye or split second. LUIS, however refused, but Judge Floro bargained, appealing that LUIS instead permit his instrument see the lights, IN TIME. Judge Floro had fervently begged LUIS, to instead bestow upon his instrument the gift of seeing face to face LUIS, Armand and Angel, IN TIME. LUIS granted Judge Floro's bargains and promised every Christmas, since 1984, that Judge Floro would one day see the lights and these 3 holy angels would appear to him IN TIME.

Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University, 1984 mental and parapsychological tests

Filled with anxiety, Judge Floro put LUIS to a final test amid all these signs. In 1984, he brought Robert to Fr. Jaime Bulatao, S.J. At the Ateneo de Manila University psychology department, Fr. "Bu" conducted several mental and paranormal tests upon Robert. First, Fr. Bu asked Robert to point the exact place where Fr. Bu's Dwendeling, a lady dwarf, resides. Robert had seen and pointed to dwendeling. After Fr. Bu failed to see LUIS and Armand, he asked the permission of LUIS and Armand to allow Robert to write their dwarves' names. But Robert (as mild retarded, born on January 26, 1966, and was studying at the Cupertino School for Special Children), could not possibly write the names. Amazing, however: like an expert caligrapher, Robert did write the names of LUIS and Armand in extreme artistic fashion; this stunning evidence of the highest character had forced Judge Floro to be greedy of the treasure. After the tests, Judge Floro pleaded to Fr. Bu regarding the results of the tests. Fr. Bu denied Judge Floro's request and said: "It is subjectively objectively true!" as reply to Judge Floro's question of whether LUIS, Armand and Angel are real and do exist.

Eye grades, and pulse/heart rates

On April, 2009, Judge Floro's eye grades had plummeted to a world record of:

O.D. = -.25 - .25 astigmatism (myopia)
O.S. = -.75 - .50 astigmatism (myopia)

Eye experts or optometrist would confirm that there is no existing medical case where the progressive lens had been like Judge Floro's. In 2009, his right eye is almost so clear as a baby's since a person with -.25 myopia is not recommended to wear lens or eyeglasses. When the April 7 2006 Court decision of his separation from judicial service due to dwarf consultation was released, his eye grades were the same as in 1992 = -.175/-.125.

The same world record was created when Judge Floro's eye grades plummeted from -.325/-.250 (1965 to 1992) to -.175/-.125. (1992).

Judge Floro's heart rate skyrocketed to 120 during sundays in 1992, and averaged at 100 at times. Heart rate (HR) is a measure of the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females.

Because of these unexplained medical records, Judge Floro sought the medical assistance of University of Santo Tomas Hospital's medical arts buildings' best eye doctors Dr. Eusebio and Dr. Cosme Naval, including St. Luke's Hospital's Dr. Gatchalian and PMA President Dr. Homobono Calleja, Jr. At first, the eye doctors diagnosed Judge Floro with early stage of the blinding disease glaucoma due to elevated intra-ocular pressure of 21. Hence, Judge Floro used Betoptic eye drops until 1995. But in 1993, all these doctors changed their diagnosis to clear and pink of health.

Visions and Travels to LUIS' Kingdom

March 22, Sunday, 2009

LUIS brought Judge Floro to his Kingdom, allowing him to travel to some parts of his very real world and higher dimension.
LUIS allowed Judge Floro to view their mountain - a triangle, sort of green upland area; LUIS, thereafter had shown him about forty-nine 7 feet violet tanks (which look like industrial oxygen tanks);
Judge Floro, thereafter, had been bestowed the ultra fast vision of the Image of The Nazarene - it is slightly bigger than life size, but His dress is WHITE instead of Red, and His crown of thorns is yellow-brown, rather than the dark brown of the Quiapo, Manila's Nazareno; and finally, Judge Floro had seen the coffin and picture in the wake of a Catholic Archbishop with the end name of Pullido....

Mystic Levitation, Flight, 2,000 pieces of red moneys

LUIS has allowed Judge Floro to travel almost daily when asleep until he would wake up. LUIS very slowly taught Judge Floro how to fly, since, without flying he could not possibly travel, especially into his Kingdom.

LUIS has flashed hundreds of violet lights daily. On March 29, at Plaridel, Bulacan Catholic Church, Judge Floro had seen the violet light flashed near the Image of Mary, during the Mass.

LUIS brought Judge Floro to a different Baguio of his Kingdom - Judge Floro rode LUIS' flying saucer. Then, Judge Floro saw a very long, small and narrow stairs made of pure gold leading to their river. Then, he saw the river, in the shape of rectangle and some 3 sands were put into it; suddenly the river became a wet sand bed; Robert said the same is foundation for a new house they are building.

On March 29, Sunday, Judge Floro had clearly seen that LUIS gave him 2,000 pieces of RED money rectangular in shape and 10 times bigger than earth's money; then, 2 pieces fell off his bed and could not be found.

April 2-3, 2009 Wednesday, Thursday

It was the first time in 2009, and since 1992, that LUIS flashed the bursting VIOLET flash as Judge Floro closed his eyes to begin sleeping, on April 2. He discerned that these lights are needed not only for SWERTE or pure luck, as Robert said, but to prepare him for LUIS' higher ends and plans, like -
LUIS had again taught Judge Floro to FLY: this time he traveled into a dark but beautiful alley-road ... First he flew low, but when he used his hands, he could ascend or leap higher even on top of a building ... he had seen a group of about 15 men who wore green clothes and were performing some acts or drama for a holiday celebration ... thereafter, he flew over some people ... Judge Floro said "Phenomenal! Record in world history that the pull of gravity had been utterly destroyed by my power!" - He had been flying since early January in 2009 ... travelling to LUIS' Kingdom part by part.

April 3-4 - First Friday & First Saturday

Starting the early morning of Friday until the last hours of Saturday at 10 pm, while Judge Floro ate supper with 3 San Miguel Lite beers, LUIS has flashed his VIOLET lights
so visible to him and in front of him, with greatest number of times, ever, since 1992; then LUIS brought, traveled Judge Floro to his Kingdom; he saw a very beautiful big brown bird which suddenly ate a very beautiful small green-blue bird; then LUIS brought him into a rectangle closed room without any door or window; the sides are brown danarra-plywood-like with a big conference table, where, yellow dressed kings under LUIS were seated, with the one in the middle, appearing so fierce; Judge Floro discerned that they were deliberating upon the CURSE and the fate of Judge Floro's Wiknews and Wikipedia enemies, including all his detractors, enemies, nemesis, the Philippine judiciary, Ateneo Law School Classes 1980 to 1985, etc. amid the forthcomming Good Friday, and June 2, 2009, the 26th year from the first night that LUIS appeared to his brother Robert; then, when he was awake on Saturday about 10 a.m. he saw LUIS' flying saucer-UFO, white yellow, glowing brightly, about 1/4 of inch.

April 5, Palm Sunday

LUIS traveled Judge Floro into his "Island" part of his Kingdom; LUIS had shown him their horse or equestrian arena, where 3 harness riders were ready to race; and then he saw outside, the very beautiful track where there are plants, and suddenly, he was brought to the ISLAND where he saw a very big bird Maria Kapra (here in the Philippines, this bird is just small, there it is about 7 times bigger), which was so NOISY, to be sure, announcing his presence as Angel of Death and visitor of LUIS' Kingdom; and the noise was so profound amid the SERENE and dark but lighted Island; then, the noisy bird landed upon a big tree which had upon it resting, a blue-white owl; then a very beautiful and large blue-white owl appeared, flying, but suddenly stopped at the air, staring at Judge Floro, as sign of reverence; it was an impossible sight, since, earth owls would sleep at days and fly by nights, as the other owl was on the tree; there is nothing impossible in LUIS' Kingdom.

April 6, Monday
Judge Floro had seen a very beautiful, clean and so serene, daytime, cool, view: description: the street road is so white, so clean, without any drainage, no gutters and the view was a panoramic, undescribable mountain, forest plain view.

April 16, Tuesday

This morning, for the first time in his life since LUIS appeared in June 2, 1983, Judge Floro was allowed and again tutored, taught to FLY over 2 buildings - unlike before, where he flew outside his Kingdom; in one building called "Switzerland," he could fly so high but the little children-angels caught his feet, playing with them; then, in another chapel like building, he could hardly fly, as he did only about 2 feet off the ground or floors.

April 19, Sunday

LUIS allowed Judge Floro to travel into his Kingdom in 3 parts:

a) He saw a hill with bermuda grass trimmed ...

b) He was riding LUIS' speed motor boat and he did'nt know how to control the steering wheel (manubela) - which color is hard to describe but it is like the color of an expensive brown-red-maroon-orange-red shiny glossy golf handle or golf clubs, loft or lie or sports car's steering drive wheel handle; then at the very clean green river, he saw in front of him, a very sophisticated but beautiful boat, which is made of - out of this world glass-plastic transluscent white, where it is covered also by same material, and one could see inside bright and with cone-like many or about 7 bended or circular water stripes or tubes where water flows continuously as design; then he steered the boat to the corner of a street so clean with water;

c) He rode LUIS' high tech super speed boat, and saw his very long line of most colorfully painted furnitures ... miles of them ... he thought that they were stores, line by line with many furnitures ... and each furniture has colorful parts, more colorful than Mr. Donut's rainbow Giggles.

Last week of April, 2009

LUIS allowed Judge Floro to fly so high over and above buildings, such that he could not see what is under him, so, dark,
thus its height; then LUIS brought him to the top of a steep, narrow road or alley, and LUIS allowed him to glide down in levitation
about 2 feet off the ground into the bottom of the alley; then he saw a yellow orange tall school building about 4 stories tall; and then,
LUIS and Armand appeared to him, as 2 very poor little kids or boys, about 7 inches tall, their backs facing Judge Floro;
and he saw the cloudy white as if sweat 3 centimeters at the tip or end of their hairs; Robert told him that LUIS said, that white
is part of their extreme powers, bonito, the dwarf hat.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

LUIS brought Judge Floro to many places in their kingdom; he was able to be in front of a serene, cool but not cold, and so
panoramic and picturesque hill or mountain; and he saw the far but visible greens with the sunlights striking some
parts of the greens. Then, LUIS placed him in the middle of an arena, where he was surrounded by a circular, cemented, narrow and small oval, and
LUIS' rocket or space ship rotated around him, these dwarves playing with fireworks, as if celebrating May, the month of Mary.
Floro the Movie

Hi to all of yeah, it's Sunday here in the Philippines, 5 pm.


July 9

Since I was born on Nov 5 1953, today, July 9 is the most important day of my life ever. This proves that a) after 150 years of the world spectacles at Lourdes repeated in 1917 Fatima, Portugal to 3 children amid the 3 dire secrets, LUIS, Armand and Angel are mere servants and members of Mary's Army w/ the Luminous Cross and Eucharist amid the twin Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The magic of twitters

allows me to faithfully inscribe and share to the world my visions, travels and the APPARITION.

"July 9 Thursday 9am as pure skeptic my luck was pushed to limits. I was bestowed vision of heaven, a place of light, green pasture, repose, of distinct layers/levels (John 14:2): just "heaven" 2nd as "paradise" & 3rd as "the city". I traveled inside 19th century house & trembled w/ fear. I saw a different sky, so vast, horizon, no stars, no clouds but not dark. I then missed by half the first vision of a divine being, multi-colored more than a prism or electromagnetic spectrum, indescribable. Then, like a fast slide show in the internet, I saw successive visions 10 times more intense, clearer and more real than IMAX or Samsung LED TV and I only recall the biggest CROSS ever w/ Christ's linen to pull him down Good Friday. I heard faint audible angelic HARP, kring kring kring. I saw most beautiful Our Lady of Lourdes w/ blue girdle, who 150 years ago on Feb 11 1858 appeared to St. Marie-Bernarde Soubirous. I saw the splendor of white-yellow lights & several beings who covered the vision. I was not able to see the last for I was blinded by the light."

Verily I am never a new Messiah, since I was born merely GIFTED as St. Paul teaches in Corinthians: some were given gifts of the Holy Spirit, like speaking tongues, prophecy, healing, driving demons or exorcism bilocation, other have jobs as doctors or bus conductors collectors drivers, sewers, teacher, professors IT expert, but St. Paul said, all these lead to the same thing, for the greater glory of GOD, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam and Ad Jesus Per Mariam. Dwarves.jpg

Wow, LUIS, Armand and Angel vs the 3 idiot-savants

FLORO the Movie

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The issue

Consider this
Upload yours and let us see if you are hit with the Big Bang Views


a) How many member of e-forums are celebrities or at the very least have their names or brains as articles in Wikipedia?
b) Supposing any member here or even all would post their original movies and documentaries whether of their weddings, circumcision, accidents, graduations in YouTube. How many hits or views would you gather.

there are 33,000 views in just one video and the contents deal with testimonies of healed patients amid vast tests by Channel 2 Abs-Cbn who in the prime time $ 4,000 per 30 seconds 1999 commercials, on my healing.


Judge Florentino Floro, Philippines' Martyr-Patron Saint of Psychotic-Crab Mentality Justices

May 23, 2008; at Capitol View, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines - Judge Saint Florentino Floro, Filipino Martyr-Patron Saint of Psychotic-Crab Mentality Justices: the Living CURSE of the 68 months July 20, 1999 Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo, Indefinite Preventive Suspension, upon the entire Philippine Judiciary, Ateneo Law School Classes '80 to '85, Wikipedia-Wikinews Editors-Administrators, and all the enemies, detractors, persecutors and nemesis of Canonized Saint Florentino Floro with holy angels LUIS, Armand and Angel

Our Noah's Ark
The last prophecy letter by Michael777

Tony Lance vs Judge Floro: FIGHT!
Big Bertha Thing proton
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs

Big Bertha Thing spider
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs

Big Bertha Thing coil
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs


Of course, no movie, no theatre without dinner and since I am Judge of RTC Malabon here

And well, well, well, there is no better pancit in the world, except in my turf, Pancit Malabon, and you must buy it there, I think in Concepcion, and my staff in Br. 73 RTC Malabon had fed us with the real stuff from January to July, 1999, during my short stint there. But you can make your own, but I doubt if you can find the authentic and fresh ingredients like smoked fish, etc. Try!


Judge Florentino Floro, Moral Farce: Rule of Law - Corruption in Philippine Judiciary


August 30 Sunday
Pre-dawn I rode LUIS' motor-driven Karetela (horse-carriage, with his 2 dwarf friends and driver) along a dark winding tunnel-road towards a horizon of mountain ranges decorated with a continuous very long thick light-violet rope lights with the Waning yellow giant Crescent Moon on the left standing on a yellow pedestal. LUIS showed me his 7 papayas (oversized, 4 feet long, fruit of the plant Carica papaya) while an old dwarf ate a rare pinkish red avocado (Persea americana, palta, aguacate, butter pear or alligator pear, in the flowering plant family Lauraceae). LUIS operated his theatre-movie showing in the morning sky screen a dancing just wed couples before amazing colorful views images and horizon clearer than IMAX or LED Samsung.

I share with you my 138 pages account of my scientific travels in the kingdom -
Osaka Japan

UFOs are just as ordinary as ice cream.

Since last year I had seen 4 and had ridden on a bamboo spaceship.

This year I had seen other UFOs and rocket-space-ships of LUIS.

Maybe this Japanese must read excerpts of my 2nd book to be edited.

Japan's new first lady says rode in a spaceship

TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan's next prime minister might be nicknamed "the alien," but it's his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world.

"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.

"It was a very beautiful place and it was really green."

Yukio Hatoyama is due to be voted in as premier on September 16 following his party's crushing election victory over the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party Sunday.

Miyuki, 66, described the extraterrestrial experience, which she said took place some 20 years ago, in a book entitled "Very Strange Things I've Encountered."

When she awoke, Japan's next first lady wrote, she told her now ex-husband that she had just been to Venus. He advised her that it was probably just a dream.

"My current husband has a different way of thinking," she wrote. "He would surely say 'Oh, that's great'."

Yukio Hatoyama, 62, the rich grandson of a former prime minister, was once nicknamed "the alien" for his prominent eyes.*5wSgQ

BTW, those of you who are followers of the 3 mystic dwarfs, just IGNORE those who are just so envy or dying of jealousy for not being included in the most privileged FEW who were chosen not to dream but to be in the land of fruits and nut, or rather, in the real NeverLand of the 7th plane which hath not been reached by pedo MJ, where UFOs space-rocket ships and planes abound amid gold strawberries and ancient kitchen utensils.

And don't read or go along those who have same tongues, those who wear the same feather dusters, those who eat the same peanuts and chocolates, they just scatter fecal infections and SFlu.

Remember, in the real world of the 7th plane, you can also have free tickets to the lower world and plane of the dead who roam around not as Zombies but as resurrected bodies who await the final conflict.

Remember that LUIS Armand and Angel were born at Osaka Japan.

Hi to all of you who love spirituality and the 3 mystic dwarfs; it is now 3:30 pm here in beautiful Philippines. Best of luck and please go away from tiring routines of daily life's pains.

The spaceship of LUIS, made of bamboo that I was bestowed to ride amid my great FEAR and failure or FAIL to ride the other 3, never had had an atmospheric reentry, since it is made of pure light, timeless, space-less.

Here in our planet, all human persons and animals including pedophiles, maniacs, exhibitionists, perverts, sinners and freaks, even scientists and skeptics, LIKE MYSELF since 1983, will have to vanish to earth dust IN TIME, because mass, matter or our bodies will remain corrupt and will decay in a point of time called death. So, what remains is our soul and spirit. This spirit is allowed to travel only if a spirit guide like LUIS or some aliens out there would bestow upon the privileged few like Japan's Miyuki, and myself, the predestined chance to be in a STATE which is timeless and space-less. So, no energy, no matter, no mass, no material things are involved.

This is one of the deepest secrets of the universe. And I am glad to have shared with you something more immense and more detailed than Miyuki had written 20 years ago.

Tersely, the rank of the spirit guide determines the travels and the plane, and since LUIS is the King of kings of the entire universe elementals or spirit guides, then, he solely possesses the ultimate VIOLET lights.

The Guardian says -

Japan's first lady: 'Venus is a beautiful place'
Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of the new PM, on UFOs and meeting Tom Cruise in a previous life

Miyuki Hatoyama has cultivated a third role – that of pedlar of new age bunkum. she regales the media with tales of interplanetary travel and, er, solar breakfasts. In a book entitled Very Strange Things I've Encountered, his wife has claimed that she was abducted by aliens as she slept one night 20 years ago, then whisked off to the final frontier. "While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," she wrote, adding: "It was a very beautiful place, and it was very green." she says that when she recounted her Venusian encounter to her first husband, he suggested it had probably been a dream. But her second, the 62-year-old Hatoyama, is more accommodating: "He has a different way of thinking and would surely say, 'Oh, that's great.'" In a TV interview earlier this year,she claimed she had met Tom Cruise in a previous life, in what must have been an unnerving meeting of Scientology and new age spiritualism. "I have a dream that I still believe will come true, which is to make a film in Hollywood," she said. "The lead actor is Tom Cruise, of course. Why? Because he was Japanese in a previous life." Cruise, whose closest professional brush with Japanese culture was a leading role in the ludicrous 2003 film Last Samurai, "would recognise me when I see him and say: 'Long time, no see!'" Michelle Obama may not be quite so effusive.

I repeat, in my daily travels with LUIS who is from Osaka, Japan, I state with certainty that what I had experienced and do or will experience are not dreams (as Sigmund Freund defined and discussed) but virtual reality of my spirit's delivery to the 7th or highest plane of LUIS, the King of kings of elementals.

As Miyuki used the terms or phrase very or extremely beautiful place, I used the word SERENE. And my travels are not astral or lower ones by psychics and yoga experts, but a higher dimension and plane travel to a STATE which is not constricted by time, matter, mass, space and energy, but it is PURE LIGHT, violet-blue and white, inter alia.

I am lucky to have this link of Miyuki and it is no coincidence that she and LUIS are from Japan, specifically from Kobe and Osaka, respectively.

Miyuki Hatoyama (鳩山幸, born 1943 Shanghai, China, while the city was under Japanese occupation during World War II. She was raised in the Japanese city of Kobe) is the wife of Prime Minister-designate of Japan Yukio Hatoyama. Hatoyama, originally an actress by profession, describes herself as "constantly curious" and a "life composer," who pursues a variety of interests, including a stylist, interior designer and cookbook author.

Bamboo Saucer

Gerald Bertram Fairbanks (November 1, 1904, San Francisco – June 21, 1995, Santa Barbara, California) was a producer and director in the Hollywood motion picture and television industry. Fairbanks survived the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and began his career in film as a cameraman on silent movies such as John Barrymore's The Sea Beast (1926). Among other later projects, in 1956, Fairbanks directed Down Liberty Road (aka Freedom Highway) with Angie Dickinson, and in 1967 he produced Bamboo Saucer, a theatrical feature starring Dan Duryea, one of the more engaging sci-fi films on UFOs of that era, written and directed by Frank Telford. Dan Duryea (January 23, 1907, in White Plains, New York – June 7, 1968, in Hollywood, California) was an American actor of film, stage and television. Duryea graduated from Cornell University in 1928.

His sniveling, deliberately taunting demeanor and snarling flat, nasal tones set him apart from other slimeball villains of the 40s and 50s. Heady stuff that.
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